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DvD Demo

Started by CraveNoir, 17 September, 2003, 07:57:33 PM

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"The AI is buggy. e.g. a gang of agitated perps running around with pistols out, and completely ignoring me."

You will find that the AI has been tweaked somewhat for the finished game when it comes out (October 17), so the NPCs are more reactive.

"the riot one is bizzare as perps just spawn all over the place. Can't turn your back for a second."

You say that like it's a bad thing.  ;)

"The graphics overall are okay. I was disappointed to see the skybox was... just a skybox."

There is a skybox in there, for the, er, sky and further away buildings, but a great deal of the nearer/mid-distance buildings are full 3D models - try firing a hi-ex at one if you don't believe me.

"I would REALLY like to be able to adjust the saturation level. Like with most games it's fine for console players who can turn the colour down on the TV but PC players are stuck with oversaturatd colours. A gamma slider would be welcome too."

There will be a gamma slider in the finished game, and we'll sling a saturation slider into the first patch we release, just for you.  ;)



"Am I going to have to buy PCZone tomorrow to get the demo? When will GAME have the demo for download? Where else will have the demo online, and when? "

More to the point, when are Rebellion going to have a download of it? This to me would seem to be strange. Arrrr!


Yarrrrr! Might it be something to do with promising exlusive righst to yon computer Computer games rag, for the publicity like? Yarrr!


Arrrr! T'would be the reason for sure, me hearty. T'will be on the high seas of usenet or the like soon enough thinks I. Ayyyyeeee.


"I liked the crucified Med-Judges too - a handy source of med-paks..."

They also spray claret around nicely if you shoot the corpses. I know, easily pleased with random acts of violence, me.

"I do like the 'shouting out a challenge/blowing a few of the gang away/challenging again/arresting them' sequence - it does make you feel like a judge."

Cool, glad to hear that. One of the central aims of the game isn't just to blast through as quickly as possible, but to play through as much like Dredd as possible - the aim is to get the top 'Judge Dredd' ranking at the end of each level through applying the Law as Dredd would. Hmmm, that gives me an idea for a challenge...

"But some of the crimes don't fit what you're seeing the criminals doing :( (Smoking? I didn't see him smoking - shooting me with a gun and being a member of an illegal organisation maybe, but the cigarette slipped me by)."

Strange. Anyone you arrest for smoking in the game should definitely be visibly smoking - the character animation will show them dragging on a tab, and they'll be followed by wisps of smoke. Might be a bug, in which case it'll be sorted when the final version comes out.

"Maybe we should've had a Judge's HUD option that when you had someone targeted it would tell you what their current crime was (It'd make sneaking around more fun too)"

Interesting idea, and something we'll certainly bear in mind for addons/sequels.



Arrrrrrr! But that be against the licensing agreement! What manner of nautical gentleman would do such a dubious thing, yarrrr?


"More to the point, when are Rebellion going to have a download of it? This to me would seem to be strange. Arrrr!"

Exclusive to Zone for a little while, me fine young hearty.


"Ropey AI example - I'm behind a souped-up villian and I shoot him in the head, and he doesn't turn around."

That should be sorted in the finished version.

"Did anyone manage to arrest one of the 'vagrants' with back-packs? Or are they innocent?"

The vagrants are far far too blattered to even recognise you're a Judge, let alone surrender, so no, you don't tend to be able to arrest them.

"Could only get one of the Arcade sections to run though, the zombie one. Their bloody fast these zombies as well, more 28 days later than Dawn of the Dead shufflers."

Ain't they just? In the words of Partridge, best advice is 'move and shoot, move and shoot'.


....yes, yes, but if someone were to post that to the interweb in clear violation of the the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act, thus rendering themselves open to a stern talking too from ELSPA and FAST, then what manner of seagoing swine would they be? Yarrrrrrr!


Arrrrrr! That it be, me hearty, there be some scarrilous harridans out there who care not half a dubloon for licencing agreements. Ye not be finding any of the like on my ship! Hahaaaaarrrrrr"




"Exclusive to Zone for a little while, me fine young hearty."

Arrrr, ye be a fine gentlemen indeed, calling me young sir! Arrr! There be a fine wench awaiting ye in Ye Olde Sea Dog!


I couldn't possibly comment, scurvy whatnot, arrr, etc...


>Strange. Anyone you arrest for smoking in the
>game should definitely be visibly smoking

    OK, I probably missed it - you don't notice details like that when you're in a firefight :) I didn't notice anyone with an unlicensed goldfish either though...



Yarrrr! A simple "He be a pirate!" would have done, commenst about stringing 'em up from mainbvraces/keelhauling scurvey dogs etc... would have been optional, but no, you just didn't want to play along with the lame pirate gag... its a sad day. Ahhrrr....