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Not happy with 2000AD merchandise ...

Started by longmanshort, 29 September, 2003, 06:38:06 PM

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>well i'm not happy with the range of t-shirts & long sleeved tops.

Yeah, we know many of our readers and creators come from the land of ice and snow, hence the wide range of fleeces and hats in the shop (not to mention the Tharg hoody).

Hopefully when our designers have a chance to work on some new t-shirt designs, we'll look at doing a longsleeve or two.


What I want is polo-neck shirts, preferably with stiched designs, since then I could wear them to work.



I have long given up on buy such things, because normally:

Current fashions dictate XL is just about able to fit an Action Man.

XXL is made to fit fat bastardos, not mere slips like me ;)

after a couple of washs promo stuff shrinks or just hangs like a pair of cheap Union Jack boxers on a lads tour of Benidorm.

promo stuff looks stupid on a 42 year old ( anit that the truth!)


DDT did a job on me



>What I want is polo-neck shirts, preferably with stiched designs, since then I could wear them to work.

Do you mean like the black polos that can be seen worn by me, Dom etc at events?


I would definitely buy a polo shirt or two, especially in black.

Just remember to have stocks of my size, officially known as "hulking great butch fish king," or simply "fat bastard."

That's XXL.

- Trout


Do you mean like the black polos that can be seen worn by me, Dom etc at events?

Yes, that kind of thing. I don't have one (yet) since there was one around in my size (S) when I asked Dom-1 about them. I don't know if they've been reordered since then.



Hmmm, it may not be too difficult to do more polos, as they'd use the same embroidery as the beanies and fleeces.

Okay, just to gauge interest, how many of you lot would be interested in embroidered polo shirts? Also, everyone happy with black as the colour?

W. R. Logan

>Beach Towel.

Try again>

La Placa Rifa,>W. R. Logan.>



I love my Rogue biochip beanie, and would love it on a polo shirt.

The Dredd badge would work, obviously, but it's too recognisable, IMO, and I might not get one.
But the Mean dial would be great.

Other possibilities: Tharg's dial; a Psi badge; the Alpha SD badge (which was cool on a fleece); someone's gurning face, like Ukko, Nemesis or Ro-Jaws; or a full pic of someone small, like Grobbendonk.

Given it's just a wee pic, the fun possibilities are endless - and are far more wide than just the 2K logo.
- Trout


I'm not convinced that subtle is the way to go with T-shirts or Polo-shirts.  I like my Superman T-shirt with the big 'S' logo on the front and would quite like a Green-Lantern T-shirt with the ring emblem as a big logo.  I think these work cause they are big and in-your-face-and-bold, plus the 'S' is pretty bloomin iconic and the ring emblem is just a bit different.  So maybe a T-shirt with the 3 GI Dog-Tags (like the welcome icon on the webpage frontpage) would be nice.

Failing that, just give me a Dredd Beach Towel.  Pls.



I have that GL shirt and only wear it indoors.

It's just too much.

I prefer subtle and never, never buy big, in-your-face comics t-shirts, etc.

- Trout


Logan - Where did you get that beautie?

And Trout; Yes to the SD badge, but big and bold on a t-shirt.  And it doesn't have to always be a bloomin black t-shirt or we all end up looking like teenage rock fans.


Devons Daddy

i have full set of in your face t shirts all dredd ones. got them on ebay.
out here you can get away with it.

 a polo t shirt though now thats a great idea.
something a bit specail can be worn anywhere. especailly  on the golf course. and is slightly rebellious.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!