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Not happy with 2000AD merchandise ...

Started by longmanshort, 29 September, 2003, 06:38:06 PM

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Now look, my Death mug has only been in the dishwasher twice but already the pattern has faded to buggery! (the second time wasn't my fault ... damn housemates)

Could we possibly have a warning on the shop page in future?

Longman "don't mind me, I'm just angry cuz I dropped my Dredd phone cover!" Short
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


Huh, my Mean mug hasn't even turned up. Got my first subbed progs a week ago, no sign of me gift, though.

Slippery PD

Id suggest that washing mugs that dont have dishwaser proof on them in said machine would make them fade like billy-oh....

Yer "Ive learend this lesson before" slips


 anybody see jackass saturday night, the one where they go on the gumball run. steveo had a huge 2000ad sticker on his back.made me wonder bout the simularity of 2000ad characters and the jackass stars
 party boy......joe pineapples
 wee man........ukko
 preston.........two to tony tubbs
 or do i just have too much time on my hands?


Hmmm, yeah, if the mugs aren't actually dishwasher safe, we probably ought to have a heads-up up somewhere onsite.

I'll get something sorted.


+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++

Queen Firey-Bou

well i'm not happy with the range of t-shirts & long sleeved tops. its cold up here you know & i end up forced to wear pokemon or pointless stripey things to keep warm.

i'll get my coat shall i?


I've run my Mean Mug through the machine a couple of times and it still looks good.  At the risk of getting into a detergent comparison thread; I think we use finish 3-in-1 tablets.

Don't know if that helps.



Finish Tablets? God help us all.

I used to be young, y'know. I liked punk music.

Why am I associating with these people? I hope it's another hallucination...

- Trout


I can't believe I wrote that either.  I'm gonna go hhome and go crazy, after I've bathed the baby, had dinner, and done some ironing; then I'll go crazy and maybe have two beers tonight!

Yeah!! Up the lads!!  Woo Woo Woo

God help us all.



I can't believe I wrote that either.  I'm gonna go hhome and go crazy, after I've bathed the baby, had dinner, and done some ironing; then I'll go crazy and maybe have two beers tonight!

Yeah!! Up the lads!!  Woo Woo Woo!!!

God help us all.


Queen Firey-Bou

i can't believe you wrote that twice you demented fool. I use mild fairy washing up liquid on mine, & keep it at work where no little runt can break it.

my mugs are dishwasher proof you know.
make nice christmas presents too. sigh.

Link:" target="_blank">more cheapscate advertising that;ll get me banned.


I feel pity towards Bou. That's wrong. It's a sign of weakness.


That's better.

- Trout


Aarrgghh!! Just been to unload the dishwasher and what do I find?!?!

The print on my Death mug has now turned an interesting shade of purple.

That housemate is gonna pay, my god, she's gonna pay!!!
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++

Devons Daddy

if your death mug is looking faded.

instead of getting all uptight.
 sit and think about it. queitly place your death mug in close proximatey to your house mates mugs leave the room. allow you death mug to PASS JUDGEMENT UPON YOUR HOUSE MATES MUG. in the morning the other purged of all sin will be a pail image of your full coloured,and strong DEATH MUG.

justice will have been served, all other mugssss willl bee in AWE.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!