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Boarder of the month!

Started by Dudley, 04 February, 2004, 05:41:23 PM

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Matt Timson

ooooOOOoooh- get you!  Cutting!  I think Molcher's come on leaps and bounds as it goes- and definately improved more than I have in the last year.

Other than that, you are totally wrong, of course.

[pete makes 'the list']


But I've met people through the board, and now know them socially.

What do you mean Dudley?

Do you regret this yet?

Do you see now why good intentions are pointless?

Why won't anyone else vote for me?

Questions, questions...

- Trout

Queen Firey-Bou

but i know them all? theyre all my best buddies ...but the message board is socially isnt it ? you mean theres some other way of knowing people?

I'm the only girl in the village you know, i have my own special half pint glass and everything.


"i have my own special half pint glass and everything"

She climbs inside and everyone points and laughs.

- Trout

Matt Timson

Cuh!  You know what- I was going to vote for you after all, Dud- but it turns out we've emailed each other.

I reckon we'll have to dump this thread among the smouldering ruins of your 'moderated threads' idea...



Ah, so you DO want to be him!

You love him, you do. :P


Hey, I have an idea.

Let's talk about cakes.

I like chocolate eclairs.

Anyone else got a favourite cake?

- Trout


errr... im going to be contreversial and vote for...


Yup, And this is due to the fact that the boy has come a long way in the last few months, from making daft n inappropriate jokes (hum hum) to making some darn fine points (and giving us the spelling game!)

Well done that lad! (or is that too patronising for ye?)


I'm quite partial to lemon cake. I'm not mad on eclairs, I don't really go for cream cakes. But they're OK.

Generally Contrary


Ugh. I'm afraid I don't like donuts, Herr General.

But Pete - that's intruiging.

Lemon cake? That would be nice with a cup of tea, if the lemon taste isn't too sharp.

- Trout

Matt Timson

"Dear artistic Geniuz,

I think that yor stuff iz really grate and I hate being a reporter and I wish I was as good as you.  Lets be bset frendz forevur and you can show me why yor so grate and I can lern to be better and stuff.

Yor number one fan,

Michael J. Molcher.  I'm extremly tall you know."

So you see, Pete- Molcher's only what I've made him.  A great man.  Just not as great as me.  That's a direct paste from one of the many emails he sends me.  Daily*.

He's away for a week, right?

*some of this might be stretching the truth a bit while quite a bit more of it may, in fact, be total bollocks.


yes, it goes well with tea.
The flavour's a bit delicate to make it a suitable accompaniment to coffee, though. I think you'd need a more robust cake, such as ginger.

Matt Timson



Ah, yes.

But I'm not too keen on coffee.

I keep meaning to make proper shortbread again. If I ever get round to it I'll send you some.

It's fish flavoured and entirely safe to eat.

- Trout