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Prog 1379 -

Started by DavidXBrunt, 01 March, 2004, 05:50:52 AM

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I'm in the mood for dancing, romancing, Oooh I'm giving it all tonight,
I'm in the mood for chancing, I feel like dancing,
Ooooh, so come on and hold me tight,
Dancing (dancing) I'm in the mood babe so let the music play.
Oooh I'm dancing (dancing), I'm in the groove babe,
So get on up and let your body sway.


(Prog 1379)-(Prog 793)=(T/4-Millar)


sorry, my body is otherwise engaged


Well, quite a shocker this week.
Not sure about the cover.
Double Red Seas, Double Red Seas.
Single Valkyries.
End of RS and VC's
Return of Input.

But most shocking of all must be the mobile page. Shame I can't make use of it. At least it looks like TBTB have put some effort into this. Nice!
Oh well, will read and return.


Mr D


Quite fond of the cover. Pretty striking, and the logo isn't obscured or anything.

Droid Life - Fantastic. I really like this, it's becoming one of the things I really look forward to each week.

Dredd - Gets even better. A great story developing here. It develops Rico and (to a certain extent) the new Dolman character. Ad Dredd finally turned up!

Red Seas - Well, quite a satisfying conclusion. Now it's over I can safely say that I thought it was a great story, and I'll miss it!

Valkyries - Not a classic or anything, but it's pretty entertaining. I don't understand people who are saying they can't follow it or it's boring etc. It seems a bit strange. Oh well, to each his own.

The VCs - Well, it's over. Nice conclusion. Not exactly shocking, more a 'hurrah!' moment for me. I don't mind it showing up again, but I'm not holding my breath.

Nice prog, enjoyed it a lot!

Rogue's back next month I see. Is that the only new strip starting next month?


:: Rogue's back next month I see. Is that the only new
:: strip starting next month

Hmm - not really what I want to see when I'm still deciding whether or not to resubscribe... Oh well.


Still trying to work out that equation Dud."> minus"> = T/4 - Millar?
Better set your phaser to stun.


T (probably) stands for "Thrillpower".

So, net interest level of prog 1379 minus the net interest level of Prog 793 = a value of thrillpower over 4, minus the net interest value of Mark Millar.  Since the net value ratings of 1379, 793 and Millar are all known, it should be possible to deduce the value of Thrillpower from the above equation.  Said equation expresses the sentiment "It probably isn't the best prog ever, but it's got a hell of a long way to go before it's at the level of a Prog containing Kola Kommandoes, Dragon Tales AND Mark Millar's Return to Verdus".

Alternatively, it was late, I was tired, it means nothing.


:: Quite fond of the cover. Pretty striking, and the logo
:: isn't obscured or anything.

Yup - I noticed that, and for the first time in ages, I noticed the logo, too. Proper branding on 2000 AD - who'd have thought?

I agree that the Dredd is looking good. Nice to see Vienna isn't a vegetable, and that ol' Joe's actually staying true to his word about actually taking an interest now.

Red Seas ended well enough, and I'd like to see this back on a semi-regular basis. It's nothing outstanding, but good, solid "thrill power". I was also rather happier to see this doubled than Valkyries, which I still haven't managed to read yet. I only hope it's better than the first two episodes...

The VCs ends with a whimper, and, quite frankly, I hope that's the end of it. It really has been totally unremarkable in every way - not bad, but certainly not good either.

Overall, for me, 3/5 (unless, by some miracle, I end up liking Valkyries) - not great, but still better than last week's 2/5.

Mr D

I don't know about you lot, but I loved the image of Dredd being ordered to sit down, then sitting there in semi-silence for an hour or two, holding a teacup and saucer, looking at the clock, squirming, trying to make conversation but failing...



Cover..not bad, nowt startling...6

Dredd..Good story so far..tea with vienna was a bit lame, redeemed when Joe finally showed his face...6

Red Seas..Loved this one from the off and will be sorry to this go...especially when i Know theyve got a Tyranny Rex scheduled for sometime soon..thought Jacks 3 favours bit with the Djinn was a load of ole knackers tho..8

Valkyries..yeah liking this a lot..the scene with the admiral had me saying WTF??..Kara tells her shes discovered a conspiracy and for her trouble gets told to 'grow up girlie and get home'...weird..7

Input..was a bit of a Langly arselick I thought..5

VC's..Ho hum ending to a run of the mill thats it really...5



Pretty groovy prog, all told!

Droid Life is still running on excellence.

Dredd just gets better & better.

The Red Seas was fantastic.

Valkyries was much more readable then previously.

The V.C.s was okay, not as 'conclusive' as I'd expected. Is there to be a Book IV then?

Input: Art-Y8 gets a name check - I'm guessing that letter was written by a messageboarder, so who was it?
Better set your phaser to stun.


Whilst I liked this prog a lot, and am generally rather fond of Steve Yeowell's art, a mention must be given to the howlingly badly-drawn leaping werewolf thingy in red seas.  Look at those feet!  It's like Pluto or something!

The Amstor Computer

Odd - I haven't seen my prog yet, but if there's a letter about ART-Y8, it might well be mine. I got my postcards in the mail today with a note telling me that my letter had been printed.


BB -
Are you Richard Pearce?

OK Prog lifted by Droid Life stepping it up a gear.  This really could run n run, and it's a LOT better than the stuff "Cat Sullivan" is displaying on his/her website.

VC's - weak as a thrice-used teabag.
Dredd - pure second-harvest Darjeeling, tips only.
Red Seas - Green Argentinian mate.
Valkyries - Typhoo decaffeinated.