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Some suggestions about this board

Started by Systematic, 05 April, 2004, 07:37:51 PM

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As a newbie to the site I'm enjoying it, but the board seems a little old fashioned. Never seen a board quite like this. LOL. Any chance it can be updated.

Board needs:

Emoticons - great for adding some colour and feeling to the board.

Quote function - if you want to quote a specific post, use quote.

Edit - for altering mistakes etc.

Link - simply type or cut and paste the link on screen.

Also, when you post, some weird box appears in the left corner. Why does that happen? I like the content here and it seems a real friendly place, but 2k review site has a more modern message board. Think something like that would be great here.


(Just to say, having read my post, I'm not in anyway trying to have a go at you just expressing my feelings about your comments. Glad you made them, glad you're a member of the board, here's my thoughts)

Well, I'd say it doesn't NEED any of those things. It might be nice, depending on your point of view, to have some of them but it doesn't actually need them.

There are ways to quote from someone (cut'n'pasting works as well as any), there are ways to do links, (might take a bit of getting used to though).

Admittedly it's monochromatic, but so was Charlies War. You're not suggesting the Meg reprints should have colourful smiley faces plastered all over it are you? Actually that would be great. Imagince if Charly always had a big yellow smiley head no matter what was going on...

And editing would be nice, but hey mistakes happen.

I could be wrong but I think the board is the way it is for simplicities sake. I was relativeley unfamiliar with the tech when I joined but it seems to work. Like 2k at its best it's a makedobutputyourheartintoit affair. And I like it.



A major revamp is under way, under the auspices of Webmaster Wake.

An edit function has been discussed, but IIRC there are no plans for it.

Emoticons? Pah!

- Trout

Jared Katooie

Whether its out of necessity or not the board is fairly basic and I think thats good.

Emoticons - great for adding some colour and feeling to the board.

Quote function - Easy enough to do with cut 'n paste methods.

Edit - Mistakes are fun!

Link - The options there and it's easy enough to use.

Dont forget, the board supports simple HTML which is a big plus in my book.

What we really need are icons that are a teensy bit bigger.


I have to say I find the way that the likes of Yahoo Messenger turn things like :-) into gurning yellow faces disturbing and slightly sinister. Also I think it detracts from the charm of them.

Quotes/Edits/Links: what Jared said.

Welcome to the board! it's a friendly place when we're not tearing each other limb from limb ;)


Did you know Christ was a werewolf?

Jared Katooie

Shut up pete...>


Actually I think the worst aspect of the message board and the one that needs the most urgent attention is the way that the threading prevents you making posts on what, to a casual user, seems to be an almost random basis. But I'm reliably informed that's unlikely to change without a major revamp. Also I suspect any really large changes to the way the message board works would mean we'd lose all our old messages, something we definitely don't want!



Something's been bothering me all day about our new addition.

Then I realised.

Systematic, are you named after a Five Star song?*

- Trout

* My sister bought their records, not me!


Wasn't that "System-addict"

Or so I'm told...

By my sister...

Who brought the records...

At the time...
"Trust we"


No disrespect to Gavin, but I find the 2000ADreview discussion board very over-organised and offputting, and much prefer this board, which is much more free-flowing.


A major revamp is under way, under the auspices of Webmaster Wake.

The revamp won't affect the way the board works however.

The main reason why the board is likely to stay as it is, is because to change it would take time, and for that time I would want to be paid.

I'm no longer paid for as many hours per week for my work on the website as I used to be, so I already have a backlog of things I would like to upload and organise (e.g. Revolver credit details, and many more of the US reprints).

I ought to address the problems newbies have with messages failing to post for no immediately apparent reason (for Help click Help). I made a minor change a while back to allow the first message in a thread to have 99 direct replies rather than 9. What I might be able to do without too much bother is to make any messages which can't be threaded properly hang off the initial message instead of returning an error.

I may also add an optional extra layer to the message board, based on the message categories, but it isn't a priority.

Emoticons - could be added but I'm only going to do this if someone can produce 2000AD specific emoticons. ukdane had a try but they weren't good enough to convey both emotion and 2000adness at a size no bigger than the icons (32x32 pixels)

Quote function - if you want to quote a specific post, use cut and paste. I then put <i> and </i> signs around the quoted text.

Edit - too much effot to add

Link - use the optional link URL and Title box. If you want to have links inside the message, use html

When you post, some weird box appears - this is the confirmation box giving you the thumbs up. I use it all over the site to avoid reloading the main page all the time. Improved thumbs up and thumbs down images gratefully received.



Jared Katooie

Actually now thaat I think of it, the confirmation box has started coming up whenever you sign in, is there any way we could go back to the old way?

Also whenever I log in and return to the board I have to select the messages to view them again. Is there any way this could be automatic?

Just minor niggles really. Only really apply if you visit while at college.... ;)
