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what did you do before

Started by Floyd-the-k, 08 April, 2004, 05:31:54 AM

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Oh.. IPC comics (Action, Valiant, Vulcan, Roy of the Rovers etc), Warlord, Commando, Marvel UK Weeklies.

Never really got in Battle at the time tho (I know, I know) as I always thought of it as a Warlord rip off. I was of course wrong but as a 9 year old I didn't think so!


yes, spud guns were fantastic. Do they still make them?

Devons Daddy

YES they still make them.

i gave every child one at my sons recent birthday party.
it was the second most fun part of the entire event.
i was surprised that that none of the children or parents had ever seen them before.

they are  made of plastic now as the metal ones are avaible but not for sale in singapore,

we did have a linked 8 player XBOX halo contest  as one of the games as well. but the spud gun shoot out created far more excitment.

amazing that such a simple toy can stand the test of time.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


Rufus,I always yearned for a raleigh chopper but,alas, never got one.Dad reckoned the roads were too dangerous but I always thought he was just too tight to get me one.A kid up the road had a chopper and his dad had extended the forks making it a proper chopper. You've no idea how much I hated that kid! Recently however I did buy a Grifter (remember them?) off a local juve for the princely sum of ten quid.Don't know if it'll ever be collectable but for a tenner who cares,its worth it just for the nostalgia hit! Airfix soldiers were a big fave too.I had shitloads of those and all the tanks,bases and other stuff to go with them.Wish I'd still got them.My kids love to play with soldiers but the only ones you seem to come across nowadays are the cheapo chinese ones that are all out of scale with the vehicles.
Yours,rose tintedly,Jim.


Hey Uzi, I  found a nearly new Grifter today! I've got  both mine an' me lil brudder's  Raleigh C's all cleaned up to! Now it's getting warmer an ol'codger like meself can ride in style to work!
Saw a new chopper yesterday, they've changed the seat and there's no gear shifter...neutered in it's prime.....
 : ( Rufus


I know dude,it's a crime against style! One of the main reasons for having a chopper was the cool gearshift. Apparently they moved it to stop kids giving themselves an impromptu DIY neutering. I'm guessing they altered the seat to stop kids giving their mates a backie,bloody spoilsports! Mind you, I took my Grifter up the road the other day (to the utter disgust of my kids) and nearly  gave myself a de-bollocking when the damn thing kept jumping out of gear.Mmm.... now how do I adjust that toggle chain again.......


Slipped gears/crushed nuts...and they wonder why the birthrate plunged post70s.....
That bike crippled a generation.

House of Usher

Ah, nostalgia! The '70s was a fantastic decade in which to be a kid. I really enjoyed all the reminiscences of spud guns. Never seen a metal one, though - in my day they were plastic. I had a pea-shooter briefly, but they were a bit old-fashioned even then.

Before 2000ad I watched Dr. Who, Blakes 7, Hannah Barbera cartoons and The Good Life. Played with Airfix soldiers, Action Man and Matchbox cars. I was really keen on dinosaurs, which meant picture books and films with Raquel Welsh or Doug McClure, not toys or models. I was 8 years old when Flesh Book II (dinosaurs) got me interested in 2000ad.

Max Kon


A matal Spud Gun!!! lucky sod.

The only spud gun I had was a free plastic bit of tat given away with a long forgottem comic.

Anyways, before 2000ad I collected a british comic called Fireball (anyone else remember that one??).

I even joined the Fireball club in which you got a cheap plastic pendant and, I think, a code book (but you got code books with everything in those hazy sunny days of the seventies).

Ahh the memories....

House of Usher

The only spud gun I had was a free plastic bit of tat given away with a long forgottem comic.

I got mine free with Tornado !