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Started by Devons Daddy, 10 April, 2004, 01:39:11 PM

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Devons Daddy

well done rebellion.

great new t shirts avaible in our future shop.
priced at 12 pounds sterling as well. for a polo t shirt. fair price by uk standards.

i am off to order a decent DREDD one now.
but to note. i spend to much time here and i did not know.

i went to the future shop on the off chance they had somehting which would catch my eye. they did. the exact item of clothing i wanted.
in fac teh very item i said i would buy in a poll many moons ago.

great to see the chaps in charge have got it together. i was very critical of there offering last summer.
so i will put my money where my posts are.
i have ordered an XL dredd polo t shirt and shall get a 2000ad one as soon as an image is posted.
well done all.

 what about a mail shot to let us know.i have the groats you need to tell me what i can spend emm on.

im very pleased with the new range. well done guys.
(and wake for doing the work involved in putting the merchandise up of course)
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


thanks for pointing that out, DD. I was just thinking that they should make some more t-shirts available (one of the old progs I`m reading has an ad for about 20 different shirts on the back). It`s one of those spooky Jungian synchronicity things. Probably.


Good to see they're charging a reasonable amount for the shirts, always thought anything over ?12 for a shirt was taking the piss.

Don't know why Tharg didn't promote the fact that new stuff was available, slap on the wrist for the marketing dept.!! Tisk.


Devons Daddy

 isnt 4.15 postage for standard parcel post a bit high? for only 1 polo t-shirt.

 thats to a UK address not singapore.if i am wrong on that i stand corrected just seems a bit steep. i have ordered non the less. but it does put me off further orders if it is over the top.

any one know how much a polo t-shirt would weigh and how much it would be by post?
if im wrong i stand corrected. but its 25 % of the purchase price extra. the most i ever paid postage on ebay for t-shirt was 1.40 sterling.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


Yeah the postage costs do seem rather high don't they.
When you're used to Ebay prices (ie a couple of quid) for postage it comes as a bit of a shock.


Indeed. They're probably making up for the relatively low shirt cost.

Wonder how much they'll be on sale for at Bristol.

Max Kon

but they'll be wraped in a jiffy bag in a box with polystyrean or somthing exspencive

Queen Firey-Bou

woo hoo ! about time, i'm off for a look..

they shoulda hyped it..
and if thats the postage that could make the differece tween wether i buy or not, 12 is one thing 16 + is another. a t-shirt will only cost ?1.80 to post i reckon.

lets see now....

Queen Firey-Bou

nope, not my cuppa tea sorry rebellion. i wouldnt wear a polo shirt if i was paid to ( lie, ?3 should do it, ta ).

i WANT big bright bold multi coloured OTT artwork sprawled across t-shirts, hoodies, & long sleeved tops. & I want it NOW, other wise i shall continue to shop in the 12 year old boys section of for my clobber ( lie. i only bought a 12 year boys shirt twice ) mostly i buy in charidee shops ( ?1 mens jeans woo hoo )


They look so crap!!! How shoddy does the transfer on the Dreddcon t-shirt look. It's naff. And I can't believe you've not even bothered to iron them before taking the product photos. C'mon, be honest, if you saw this hanging up in a shop looking like this, would you buy it?">


Matt - they aren't the new ones DD's talking about - them's aren't even for sale: Stock zero.

Link:" target="_blank">Polo shirts">
Better set your phaser to stun.


I've had one of the Dreddcon 4 tshirts, and the SD Polo shirt for about 6 months now.

They are great. I like the polo shirt slightly more. BUT when you wash it, the logo causes the shirt to crumple a little.

Anyway. I've been dying to tell you lot about them for ages, but decided that since nothing Official had been announced, I'd better keep trap shut.

Buy one NOW!



Buy one NOW!

And look like a 2000ad-reading darts player? No, ta.;)

Polo shirts are obviously to a lot of people's liking, but they're just not my thing at all.Whatever happened to the plans to re-issue some of the classic t-shirts from the 80s? I'm itching to replace my "Stare into the face of Death" and Torquemada chest-bursting shirts, that have long since been retired to the duster bag.

Queen Firey-Bou

yes, exactamundo WIls, i can by whopping great spider man & hulk t-shirts at tescos, but i don't want this i want 2k comic art, i want a whole outfit made of comic pages, i want a 3 peice power suit in leather covered with exploding sno/tiger, rico& dredd shooting stuff, slain looking hunktastic, i want a lawmaster emblazened across my chest & judge death across my arse, i want cartoon normal clothes, & i want them now !

i do not want a pipe & slippers with a neat logo on.