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Graphics Card

Started by Mr D, 24 April, 2004, 03:39:11 AM

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Mr D

Has anyone got a decent/half decent graphics card that they'll sell me (or trade for some choice games or DVDs - or even possibly both)?

I'm currently using a standard built-in-crappy card of some description that has never been heard of, and it runs NOTHING. I have to rely on Software mode, or the crummy version that I get if I use this thing.

All I want is to be able to run relatively modern games at a reasonable speed. The rest of my PC is beasty, so it's really frustrating when Morrowind is jerky...

Mr D


Or even point me in the direction of something good?


Uh, you tried ebay yet? you might find somthing there.


If you want a decent gaming card, you're basically looking at either an ATI Radeon or an NVidia GEForce.

I'm using a 128MB Radeon 9600, which never seems to have any trouble chucking the polygons about. You can pick one up for around ?85, or if you're feeling particularly flush, go for the faster Radeon 9600 Pro for around a ton.

Link:" target="_blank">'Bast-approved tech-merchant. They do mail order.

Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Mr D

Cheers Noisy! I'll have a nose around, try and save my pennies a wee bit...