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Favour from Talented Arty-Types

Started by Banners, 28 April, 2004, 12:54:07 AM

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My fledgling company has been invited to pitch for some business on Thursday and we deperately need a couple of illustrations of a Beano-style cartoon character we're hoping to create for the client.

This is all happening very quickly, and unfortuantely we can't get hold of our usual illustrator (professional, huh?) I know there are a lot of talented artists on here, so if there is anyone who could come to the rescue I would be extremely grateful.

We can't pay at this stage, but I'm honestly not trying to rip anyone's talent or effort off. Should we win the pitch with your help, there would obviously be an opportunity to pay you back, or for some further freelance work.

Please e-mail me for more info if you're interested.

Also, I don't want to 'spam' the board, so e-mail me for my company's URL too if you want to check out my credentials first.

Thanks in advance,


Max Kon


Cool, please drop me an e-mail and I can give more detail off-list.

As well as that, maybe "Beano-style" is too prescriptive at this stage it may be a good idea to open up the stylistic possibilities a bit more...

Thanks again,
