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1388 - Mind the ordinance, Marlon!

Started by DavidXBrunt, 06 May, 2004, 12:05:08 AM

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Nah, its my funking useless funking postman losing it for a few days again... least the meg came through, so we're not in a complete Thrill-desert.


finally got mine a mere 5 days later than usual...

fwiw, the most pressing thing i could say about the prog and meg is that the former's Dredd was awful, and the latter's cover was shocking.

oh, and Savage was really good

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...


The 'double yellows' line is explained by the writing on the side outside the Volgan base in part two. Subtle.

Max Kon


Cover: was awful. Absolutely rank.

Droid Life: I genuinely look forward to this as mucha s the rest of the prog.

Dredd: I thought it was so-so. And the art grated my sleep-deprived eyes.

Savage: I quite liked the alternate history stuff. The supposed homophobe line is far too obtuse for me to pick up. You'd have to be looking pretty damn hard for subtext to spot that, and I don't think he was even alluding to any kind of negative homosexual rape anyway. I thought he meant something along the lines of cutting his nose off with a rusty hacksaw. The slightly naff dialogue? Well, it is Mills...

A.H.A.B: The highlight of the prog. Cornelius is so evil you know the future's looking bright.

Low Life: As long as the villain of the piece isn't revealed to be the guy who did in Aimee's mother it's looking all good. And Henry Flint is a king.

Chopper: Something of a let down after last week's fantastic opener. But still far better than average.

All in all, a great prog. I can't remember the last time I was looking forward to EVERY story.


what i cant get my head round is WHY they wrote your name on the inside on the Savage strip? is a desk jockey newsagent supposed to identify that its your copy when you ask for it????

we're a small community, very trusting, i'm expected to go through the pile myself.  what pisses me of is, if you look close enough you'll see it's actually scored out, like the suddenly realised they could write the price on the newspaper that's put aside each day, coz everyone throws out newspapers once they're done with them.  it's not like the cover was that dark that they couldn't write it somewhere.  it would have been perfectly readable on the red sky...i've seen them put it all sorts of weird places...but let's just pretend for a moment that i didn't get the i suppose to flick through the pages...?  i bloody well wish i had bought this myself (my dad got it for me), i would have gone mental...

And it's Miss Scott.  bloody arses can't even get that right...

oh, it'll soon be a subscribers life for me...


Any suggestions for what I should call Droid Life for 1388?

I'm not in Accounting
On the Payroll?








Cover: Pretty good

Droid Life: chortle. Not, tellyourfriendsaboutit funny, but funny

Dredd: As Krusti says, the satire is a bit blunt

Savage: I must be unobtuse, I spotted the homosexual rape threat with "he has such a pretty face". That little Christian managed to be annoyingly Christian and impotent in a couple of panels.
Having  said that, I am enjoying it still, hope it runs and runs

A.H.A.B: Looking good. That Cornelius is pretty evil.  

Low Life: Fantastic, the best thing out.  "As long as the villain of the piece isn't revealed to be the guy who did in Aimee's mother", heck I hadn`t thought about that. Here`s hoping not..

Chopper: I feel like he`s run out of steam. We`ll see

Input: well, I`m still writing letters, so who knows. Is anyone else?

Good prog all up.

I think `not on the payroll` would be a good title for Droid Life