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2k party on tv tonight

Started by Thread Zero, 16 March, 2002, 04:53:49 AM

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Thread Zero

ITV, London Region Only.

12 Tonight -  Night Life.


2000AD Online

Thread Zero

Well the 2k bit was right at the end of the prog, so I had to suffer an item on lesbian porn (honest)!

Hmmm very anyway...the 2k party.
It showed us inside the Ministry of Sound. Some group called Pitchfork or something were playing. Rather loud they seemed. No farmers were there but still...

We saw glimpses of Mark Chapman, Glen Fabry, Terry Pratchett and John Wagner. Some fan got the inside of his jacket signed by John which was rather cool.

The item couldn't decide if the fans were there to celebrate 2k or see Pitchshifter. The woman narrator kept saying "And how did the comic fans get on with the goths?" The item seemed slightly dismissive of 2k and its fans. Shame, but not unexpected I guess.

Anyway, there was no sign of Logan on it so that was one good thing at least:)




So what channel was it....what prog?

Surely not Hotter Sex on Sky 1.



Oops - forgot to read this.

ITV here had Wolf Lake!



>Some fan got the inside of his jacket signed by John which was rather cool.

I seem to recall it was the same chap at the end of the piece muttering about the place being full of goths, thus proving that no one's ever bloody happy - jacket signed by Wagner, and still he complains, mumble, mumble...

Anyone know who that was?


Doesn't sound like we missed much then (the TV prog that is). Of course, how is it possible to like music AND comics? Jesus, must have been made by MORONS (hope you're listening). Ah well, it's coverage I guess, even if it only reaches a few thousand people in some town in england.