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Messages - Colin YNWA

General / Re: Lawgiver Mark I Photos Wanted
05 December, 2008, 04:01:57 PM
Another theory I always liked is that the most of the bullets in the magazines are actually general issue (or whatever) but for say a heatseeker when its loaded into the barrel or bit it gets fired from a chip or some such gets attached that actually 'converts' a regular bullet into a heatseeker.

You can stretch this to incrediary - a small chemical package that reacts with the normal explosive in a regular bullet say. Hi-ex a charge is attached from the end of the gun.

Armour piercing and rubber are harder to explain as I'd guess they'd require a different physical bullet BUT they could then be in the other magazine?
Other Reviews / Re: Tribal Memories
02 December, 2008, 10:51:07 AM
Quote from: "Art"I liked it at the time, and liked it even more when I re-read it, but I think it's just fine as it is as a 4 issue self contained story. Some things just should be short, and without sequels.

Yeah nine times out of ten I'd completely agree with that there is a real danger in expanding on things unless it really warrents it just because it was good. BUUUTTTTTT in this case while reading it I was constantly thinking I'd love to know more about this aspect or that aspect. Off the top of my head (and having forgotten characters names after just 2 days!)

How the main bloke got on with Masaii (spelling) - it had the potential to be a real twist on the odd couple and modern man as fish out of water scenarios.

The fact that surely some of the new memory deprieved humans would seek to hunt Masaii and co down.

The natives new found struggle for freedom had potential for a great story in itself. Particularly if interlaced with more memories (possibly see above) being unearthed that enabled some modern humans to share the experience of being enslaved.

Now if I was Pete Milligan or had a fraction of his talent I'm sure I could spin one of those ideas or probably even better ones that I'm oblivious to into a story that would really justify its own existance rather than being a sequel for sequels sake.

Mind that said I'm sure this was considered at the time and I would love to know why he choose not to continue writing in this world?
Books & Comics / Re: Marvel Secret Invasion
02 December, 2008, 08:05:13 AM
Too be honest really haven't thought much of Secret Invasion - paper thin concept dragged out to breaking point BUT the Captain Britain issues were really good and tell a better story in its four issues than the main time and Avengers do in how ever many that's been.
Other Reviews / Tribal Memories
01 December, 2008, 05:53:42 PM
Slowly but surely going through my progs in groups of 100 reading the good bits. This weekend amongst many more obvious classics (Zenith Book II weakest of the bunch but still absolutely brillant) I came up to Tribal Memories 580s

I always remember liking this story but my God I hadn't remembered how good it was. So much packed into 4 short episodes. Great characters, great ideas, wonderful art. An absolute classic.

Such a shame that for whatever reason (I must dig out Thrillpower Overload and see if it has anything to say on the matter) the characters weren't used again. Sometimes its fair to say these things are left alone BUT there seems so much more scope to play with in the world Milligan and 'Riot' created here. Such great potential for future stories.

Next time someone bumps into Pete Milligan ask him to sack Marvel and DC for a while and get back into this wonderful world from his past... well you never know.

(Oh and still hated Soft Bodies - don't know why I assume that one will get better and its just that I'm missing stuff!)
Books & Comics / Re: Batman RIP? (Spoilers)
28 November, 2008, 06:04:36 PM
Oh yeah Watchmen does kinda blow my point out the water BUTTTTTtttttt tghe movie hasn't even come out and if there ever was a work that proves to be an exception Watchmen seems to be it!
Books & Comics / Re: Batman RIP? (Spoilers)
28 November, 2008, 03:51:00 PM
I''d guess this is perfectly logical move, from a business scene. Comicbook movies don't really seem to have much of an impact on comic sales. Not long term at least. So DC follows up a very successful movie with another big hit that has reaped great sales. I imagine it'll do wonders as well when it comes out in trade as people in book shops who've seen the movie think. Oh right yeah I read about this in the papers, I'll pick that up.

On top of that they now have some spin off books like Battle for the Cowl. That while I doubt will do the numbers RIP has will certainly bring in more cash that the books involved say Nightwing and Robin do. They also have Gaiman writing the book for a couple of issues seemingly reflecting on Batman of old or some such. That ones a sure fire hit too boot.

Captain America kept a heck of a lot of momentum it gained from the Death stunt. So much so you almost think if it wasn't for the movie coming out they'd not bother bringing Steve Rogers back, whenever they decide to do that. IF and this is the big if they get a solid, performing team on Batman in the wake of RIP sales will stay up there for a while. There's plenty of time between now and any next movie thats planned to have [spoiler][spoiler]Bruce Wayne back[/spoiler]and with the publicity boost that storyline brings.

From the sounds of it I think what they're doing does sound a little more imaginative than just [spoiler]killing of Bruce[/spoiler] as by the sounds like what they've done instead is [spoiler]rock him to his foundations and undermine his motives for being Bats[/spoiler]so while you have a Batman book very possibly boosted in sales due to this stunt somewhere else maybe, be it the main book, Detective, or some other title they'll reap in a nice little earner telling the tale of how [spoiler]Bruce finds his inner Batman again[/spoiler].

Basically if played right keeping Batman and co high in sells for the next couple of years.
Film & TV / Re: which dvd i shall buy for X'mas?
27 November, 2008, 12:36:16 PM
And I should explain that....

My comment was actually a reply to a question someone else asked in the 'General' area with a list of TV shows says asking which one would people suggest getting. One of the shows on his list was the Sopranos and so I said that as well as pointing out that I didn't think the thread should be there.

I'm guessing when the thread was moved that the origianl post wasn't copied across HENCE my opening comment on this thread all seems a bit random and strange. Regardless of what people may think of my posts normally - should they even notice them, this one seems a bit weird cos it was actually a reply to someone elses question!
General / Re: What would you tolerate in a Dredd film?
27 November, 2008, 08:08:44 AM
On another point people have debated whether Dredd is a beef cake type or more lean and musclur or somewhere inbetween. This for me is were you'd need to move away slightly from the Ezquerra school of Dredd. I think Ezquerra is brillant but he does draw his Dredd as a big big man. I mean to get a true later day Ezquerra Dredd you're looking at you're Rock type actor (Yuck!) which for me doesn't work.

The other problem you have is Dredd an old fella and looks it. It'd be difficult to get someone who looks as old and grizelled as Dredd does these days who'd still be able to handle the phyiscal side. Obviously make-up could solve some of that but in my mind you'd want Clint like he looks now BUT with the physical strenght of Clint in the 70s... so what I'm saying I guess is I don't know who should play him... soooo I'd better stop there!
Film & TV / Re: which dvd i shall buy for X'mas?
27 November, 2008, 08:00:34 AM
Not sure this thread is in the right place BUT since you asked the question The Sopranos without a shadow of a doubt. Best TV show ever.
General / 2000ad's Golden Age?
23 November, 2008, 09:35:11 AM
Not sure if I'm right in saying this BUT I think percieved wisdom has it that 2000ad's golden age was sometime around the 200s and 300s?

Regardless I'm curious to hear what other people think was 2000ad best period, of say around 100 issues.

I'm currently slowly but surely making my way through 2000ad 100 issues at a time (inbetween reading a host of other things) and having got to 500-600 I'm relatively confident that this will be my choose of the greatest time in 2000ad's history (the next 100 issues when read might put this to the test so I might come to regret saying that.)

During this period though the first wave of amazing talent had been shallowed up by the American's Tharg went out and found a whole new generation of genius and unleashed them on the world. Zenith started, Bad Company started, Slaine was back to form, Rogue Trooper was good for the first time ever (was never a fan of Finley-Day), Anderson was great, ABC Warriors returned better than ever, Nemesis was back to a high, Dredd was brillant (with the exception of OZ which I was never a fan of), Strontium Dog had some real highes and set the scene for it (then) conclusion is great style. This just touches the highlights of the era and there is alot of great stuff inbetween. As with every era there were bits of filler and the early 500s were awash with Future Shocks, but many of these were great. The new generation really took advantage of the more teen focus of 2000ad while having the benefit of having read the early stuff and being blessed by its anarchic past.

Genius comics all round. Oh of note having said this I've never read the issues between 1000 - 1500 so have no idea how good this period was and have heard (from this board) very good things.

So yeah what do people think was 2000ad's Golden Age (around 100ish) issues?
Film & TV / Re: Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe New Series
23 November, 2008, 09:20:26 AM
Finally got around to seeing this. Brillant as ever.
Film & TV / Re: Quiznos of Solace - Spoilers ahoy
22 November, 2008, 09:05:30 AM
Finally seen this and have to say I really enjoyed it.

I'm a massive fan of traditional Bond films and was delaying seeing this based on all the reviews saying it wasn't a Bond film at all. I have to say for me this was much more of a Bond film than Casino Royale, all be it a proto-Bond. It was as though they were laying the foundations of all the Bond tropes. Best example being the 'super villian' base in this case being the big old hotel in the desert not actually a secret base - yet. The exotic location actually be a slighty grubby Puerto Rica. The scene at the Opera was so very Bond (just remind yourself of the Spy Who Loved Me) and of course the glorius nod of the head to Goldfinger and the re-introduction the Minister. Loved it.

Oh and there were some fantastic action sequences.

Then the final touch of genius was ending the film with the traditional opening to the film Bond walking on from left turning and shooting. For me it was consiously saying. Look here's the building blocks of a Bond film taking shape and by the end of the film the origin is complete and this has been an extended opening sequence to a traditional Bond film. I suspect leaving the door open for the next film to have a few more finished traditional elements in it.

Oh and well done to the makers for realising you can tell a meaningful, full story, with great characters in less than 3 hours. I'd love to see more BIG films of between 1 1/2 and 2 hours.

Great movie and fantastic protype Bond film.
General / Re: What would you tolerate in a Dredd film?
19 November, 2008, 08:34:21 AM
One thing I've said before that I'd like to see in a new Dredd film would be Dredd not to actually be the main character. Rather I'd like to seem him as a shadowy presence, occasions appearing in ablaze of violence. The idea I have in mind is the way Dredd was used in the original 'America' story. Making Mega City and its citizen's the 'stars' of the piece.

Quite how this would work if a franchise was being planned is debatable but as I single piece of cinema this is the way I'd like to see it done.

As for the other points raised. I agree the use of 'future speak' normally just seems hackneyed and should be avoided where possible. Defo keep away from Death and PSi Division. I'm not fussed about who'd play Dredd, especially given my premise, you could get an unknown to play the part. I'd prefer face never to be visible as it has become such a great enigma it seems a shame to throw it away, but accept in a movie should it be a more traditional take on things with Dredd (assuming live action) front and centre this is incredibly unlikely to happen. I do prefer no kissing please as I believe the stoic nature of the Judges is central to the concept.

On a thread else were someone point out that rather than a movie a series of animated shorts similar to Clone Wars might work better and I fully subscribe to that idea as I think you would be able to retain more of the traditional Dredd elements this way.
Film & TV / Re: Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe New Series
18 November, 2008, 04:28:30 PM
Yeah very much looking forward to it and its is BBC4 10.30 (past my bedtime so I'll have to record it - what, what so I'm a tired old man, so what!)
Film & TV / Re: I'm the goddamn Spirit!!!
14 November, 2008, 03:08:53 PM
Oh and one last thing. Isn't that Kevin from the Wonder Years Dad as Dolan, I assume. I'm kinda cool with that... at least that could work. I'm off to imdb to check...