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Messages - Dandontdare

General / Re: April Art Competition: VOTING ...
05 May, 2008, 07:28:38 PM
1. johnnystress
2. Queen Firey-Bou
3. wooly
29 April, 2008, 09:27:33 PM
The original Roman story from Tornado was great as far as I remember.
Could never really take it seriously after the whole alien abduction thing.
That crustacean guy (name eludes me) was a bit jarr jar Binks if you know what I mean.
Still lots of cool Belardinelli aliens so worth it for that!
28 April, 2008, 08:20:33 PM
you mean the warrior in search of his soul? Once a roman centurian yadda yadda
Prog / Re: Prog 1584 - Under Siege!...
26 April, 2008, 11:07:28 PM
seems churlish to complain about early progs, but my Monday prog was always the shining highlight of the cruddiest day of the week, whereas a saturday prog means just another hour to be late for all the rest of the stuff you need to do on a saturday!
Ooh, what a lovely vat of bile you've tapped! I actually liked Dark Knight 2, but hated the whole cataclysm/no mans land stuff.
you inspired me to start my own post - "what's the most disappointing comic purchase you've made?"
Which book has given you you the least bangs for your buck?
General / Re: April Art Compo - Mega City On...
28 April, 2008, 08:10:21 PM
sorry, distracted by nostalgia and an old post there.. to the artwork. I'm blown away by the quality in this place! Johnnystress  zoom window slice of life is particularlay fine
General / Re: April Art Compo - Mega City On...
28 April, 2008, 08:04:59 PM
Ha! Loved that game. That damn 'Edwin the Confessor' card! We used to alternate it with the Rogue Trooper game.
Film & TV / Re: Life After People
26 May, 2008, 05:15:59 PM
These filmamkers nicked my idea!
On long boring train/bus journeys I often play this exact-same mind-game with the passing sceenery, imaging how it would develop if all the people vanished, which bits whould get overgrown first, whcih buildings would collapse and how I'd get about and manage if I happended to live in this particular post-apocalypse movie. good way of passing the time.
Off Topic / Re: ebay scammers!
13 May, 2008, 11:28:08 PM
this thread has been a worrying eye-opener. I've only recently got hooked up at home with this 'ere new fangled interweb thingy and though I've had a browse, I haven't yet bought or sold on e-bay.
I'm proper scared off now - sounds like a complete lottery!
Off Topic / Re: Random questions
22 May, 2008, 07:12:20 PM
I mentioned the Ernie Wise - mobile phone thing to someone today and they informed me that Reg 'on the buses' varney was the first person in the UK ever to use a cashpoint!
What is it with technological breakthroughs and British comedians? If I find out that Les Dawson played the first game of space invaders, I'll let you know..
Off Topic / Re: Random questions
21 May, 2008, 10:43:39 PM
ah, so with a liittle repositioning you could enjoy eternal sunset, eternal twilight or any other moment of your choosing!
Off Topic / Re: Random questions
21 May, 2008, 10:08:43 PM
a few thoughts on the thread so far;
"...and then i dug it out with a multi-tool" - and they let you out on your own Matthewvic?
I understand the first person (in the UK at any rate) to use a mobile phone was Ernie Wise for some bizarre reason.No idea who he called.
As for backwards records .. what do you get if you play a country/western record backwards?
You get your woman back, your job back, your dog back....
My question - if you flew over the international date line constantly at the exact speed the earth turned, would time stand still and then instantly jump to the same time tomorrow every 24 hours?