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Topics - leebrown1990

Classifieds / Need to catch up. Wanted: Prog 1889 onwards
05 September, 2015, 10:09:54 AM
So its that time again when I return to the forums trying to break back into the Prog. After moving around a lot for study work and travel my collection is somewhat fractured but the latest Prog I could find was 1888.

I know a lot of you dispose of your comcis after having read them or clear out/ sell them on a regular basis, so can anyone help me out?

Classifieds / Wanted: Progs 1813- present
02 December, 2013, 11:56:11 AM
As per the title. Stopped reading for a year while I was abroad and now I want back in!

General / Subscription: Prog and/or Meg?
02 December, 2013, 11:53:11 AM
Been working abroad for a year so haven't been reading any 2000AD. The Trifecta finale in 1812 was the last issue from my previous subscription and now I'm looking to renew it.

From what I can see there have been quite a few good series in the Meg this past year, particularly Insurrection. I just wanted you all to chime in; if I was to get a new subscription should I get just the Prog or both? What I read in the past was decent, the odd good series but mostly chaff articles etc.

Plus, if anyone is looking to get rid of issue 1813 to present, let me know! Save me getting them deducted from my sub.

Games / Play D&D via Skype.
04 March, 2012, 10:09:51 PM
I'd made a realted thread a month (or two) back to see if there were any roleplayers on the site but now this is more of an open invitation.

I'm looking to set up a Skype game in the next couple of weeks, anyone interested? It would be AD&D 1E preferably, but this is open to discussion. All welcome, old or new players alike.

Games / Any old school AD&Ders on the Forum?
29 November, 2011, 02:29:22 PM
Not only was 1977 the birth of 2000AD but it was also the year of publishing for, in my mind, the best edition of the highly iconic Dungeons & Dragons RPG.

It was my one of my best friends Kev who got me into both, he'd have been about 6 or so at the time of release of both I think, and his obsession with both started around his early teens I think.

Well they've become 2 of my biggest passions also, so are any of you still rolling the AD&D dice after all these years or looking to get back into it? I was thinking about putting together a skype game if there was enough intrest.

I wouldn't mind trying my hand at the Dredd or Slaine RPG's too, but there's bound to be someone on here more qulaified than me run one of those two.

Classifieds / Wanted: Prog 1740 - Present
22 November, 2011, 10:43:17 AM
I was away travelling for a couple of months during the summer and left with zero funds till my student loan came in so haven't been buying the prog in a while. Now I've got my loan plus a new job so I'm looking to catch back up in time for Prog 2012, Strontium Dog is looking very intresting and I'd been looking forward to Indigo Prime since the reveal in Dead Eyes! Looks to have delivered on the wait from what I can tell.

Anyway, anyone wanting to get rid of/ sell these Progs?

General / Thought Bubble Meet-Up
17 November, 2011, 07:45:42 PM
Haven't been as active on the forums lately, have been following the news etc, but haven't been able to afford the Prog this year... Anyway I'll be at Though Bubble in Leed's this year, and if anyone would like to grab a beer together at the after party that would be great. I'll be lingering round the AD artists and the Zarjaz tables and attending the Ellis and Morrison documentaries if anyone wants to come over and say hi this is me;

Classifieds / Want: Progs 1727-1732.
07 May, 2011, 10:44:24 AM
Well I've been off radar for the last few weeks, and I've missed the last month and a bits worth of Progs. I know I can use the back issues service but I know some of you folk bin your Progs at the end of the year or whenever. So I'm just wondering if any one to let me purchase said Progs.

Well with that awesome Mongoose 1.99 trade deal going on, and my local comic book store offering quite a few 2000AD trades for a fiver, in about the last month or two, I've bough around 20 2000AD trades!!! And after recently buying a bundle of old progs from around 400-1200. The last few months have literally just been a 2000AD binge.

I'be beem getting the Prog about 3 years now, but in the last year it's become pretty much the only comic I pay any attention. And I have to say. It really is the Galaxies Greatest Comic. There is nothing like this anywhere else, I've never seen such qaulity week to week, such beautifully put together trades going at a fraction of their RRP, and with so much talent going under the radar of your average comic reader. I've put quite alot of effort on various sites and forums and in prasing the book in comic stores trying to spread the word, to Yanks and otherwise. But people just don't seem to care.

Well... F**K 'em. These are our comics. I wish I'd been around to read this stuff when it was first coming out. But digging into pretty much every era simultaneously now is a treat in itself.

Trades-wise I've been reading:

The Read Seas: Under the Banner of the King of Death. Edginton is one of the top guys now, and Yeowell's art here is as good as you will ever see from him. The pacing in this book shows you what makes 2000AD great, every page is just crammed full of action, awesome ideas and character moments.

Sinister Dexter vol 1-3: Downlode like Mega City-One just offers so many potential stories and mixing up the comedic one shots with longer more serious stories works well. These guys came along just when the Prog needed them and they're still welcome today in my books.

Storming Heaven: The Frazer Irving Collection: It was inevitable he was going to get
picked up by one of the big 2. And even though I wasn't a huge fan of the stories in here, his art defintley made them worth a read. Even John Smiths A Love like Blood was about as cliched as you can get but was totally enjoyable.

Amerika: Yeah, I've finnaly read it. And I did it in one sitting. I can see why people may have thought the 2nd story was unnecessary, but it holds up as part of the trilogy in my eyes. The story and art are rightfully inconic to AD readers, there in such perfect sync, and after seeing them together again for Tour of Duty I still think Macniel and Wagner is one of the strongest pairings in the industry.
Also this is probably one the most tragically hilarious things I've ever read. Genius.

Shamballa: Beautifully wrote, beautifully illustrated. Some seriously tasty splash pages in here.

Shimura: Robbie Morrison manages to establish two chracter and a whole city taht deserve as much exploration as Dredd & Mega-City One. Macniel kicking ass again.

Mega-City Undercover: Probably one of the greatest AD chracters ever is introduced here, Dirty Frank! Low Life expands the Mega City mythos even further and art from two of AD's modern greats Henry Flint and Jock.

Devlin Waugh Volume 1 & 2: John Smith is bonkers right? The character and the ongoing story of the 2nd trade are certifiably nuts and the art is pretty much gorgeous throughout.

Thirteen: Another story where shit just happens and it happens fast. Somtimes you feel you haven't got your moneys worth when you finish a trade in one sitting, but  this is just such an immensly enjoyable read you won't care.

Also a big thanks to betel UK thanks to whom I've not got all of Zenith. I just need to decide whether to wait till I read it in order as I work my way chronoligcaly throug my bundle of Progs or fish them out and get stuck in straigth away.


Classifieds / Can I buy your future Progs?
17 September, 2010, 02:35:53 PM
Well I've just started university and it seems it may to be costly to keep purchasing the megazine and 2000AD, and my mailbox is too insecure to risk getting a subscription. So I will either drop the megazine (after just starting to get it!) or both.

Now depending on which I drop I am looking to arrnage to buy someones collection of thee Progs I will miss up till August 2011 when my first year will be done.

So basically anyone who likes to buy the Prog and/ or Meg but treats them as disposable, or has regular clear outs is an ideal canditate.

Thanks in advance,
General / The world beyond Mega City One.
09 September, 2010, 03:08:42 PM
I'm a big fan of travelling; recently I visted Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, with hopes of doing mainland China or Japan in the next couple of years. I'm really intrested in Asian culture and I'm really enjoying the Shimura trade, and the Hondo City and Hong Tong stories appearing in the Meg recently.

Anyway I was just wondering what information is avaiable (i.e is there a Judge Dredd encylopdia sort of thing?) or what stories there are there that include Sino City Two, Inodnesia, the Mongolian Exclusion Zone, Bangkok and the Radlands of Ji etc. There seems to be so many potential stories here, but I've never seen anything about them.

On a similar note, what about Indo-City/ Nu-Dehli and the recent Siku interview in the Meg made me quite intrested in the Pan African Judge series, is it any good?


After really enjoying their latest outing, thought I'd work my way through the collections, and see if it pays off when they come back into the Prog.

Well the two things that struck me about these two trades are the number of different artists, and the number of one shots included. The former made for a lack of consitency in the art, but I think the latter had the opposite effect on the ongoing storyline. The way it's collected reminds me of the early days of Dredd, longer storylines to make the big changes, and shorter, or single part stories to further flesh out the world and it's characters. They work to really ease you into what could otherwise have been quite confusing storylines. You learn what you need, just before you need it. And also like Megacity One, Downlode is isntantly shown to be a playground with the potential for all sorts of stories, varying in tone and topic. It's all done very well, so props to Abnett and Rebellion.

Once Simon Davis gets to solely handle the art duties in the main storylines; the world and characters seem to flourish even further. I'd seen some of the art in the past, and really didn't like the original look of Finnigan. I didn't think Davis would mathch the strip, but it really does work. Downlode seems like a much darker place in these early tales, but it's still recognizable as Downlode and I think if I keep on reading this change in art probably matches the development and tone of the ongoing plot.

While there's nothing ground breaking here; some of the art is quite ugly, and the writing a tad repetitive. I can see now why the duo are still around today. They can defintley be seen as an important part of 2000AD's steady climb back to it's current awesomness. And although I probably wouldn't pass it on to a friend who isn't a 2000AD fan, I thorougly enjoyed it myself and I look forward to more. Also a lot of the big players in the current storyline were introduced (and killed) very early on in these trades, so things should be easier to understand when they do come back into the Prog, and that's what I was aiming for  :thumbsup:

General / 2000ad back issues.
25 August, 2010, 02:07:08 PM
Has the 2000ad shop replaced it's back issues of 2000ad and the Meg with digital copies only?

I want to start getting the Meg regularly now; and want to get issues 298-300, before getting 301 from the shop.I'll be upto date with Lilly Mackenzine I think that way.

I'd much rather have it all in print but if need be I may buy just 300 (which should be easy to get a hold of) and then 298,299 digital.

Any answers or recommendations?

Welcome to the board / Hey
20 August, 2010, 03:44:24 AM
Hi all,

I've lurked the forums for a while and thought I may aswell throw in.

I've been reading 2000AD for I think 2-3 years now, I remember the amazing Dead Eyes, along withe Atavar and Ten Seconders setting the tone for the earliest progs I picked up and hooking me instantly.

I'm at the point where I can read pretty much every story and understand what is going on. Besides the recent 86ers which even with a re-read can safely say I had no clue whatsoever about the hell was going on or who any of the characters were. Sinister Dexter gives me some grief too, I am enjoying the latest arc mind.

Anyway after dropping all my Amercican comcis due to money restraints, 2000ad is now the only comics I buy in single issue format, Tour of Duty pretty much cemented it as my favoutite comic ever. So a few months ago I picked up a lot of about 700-800 progs of ebay (from about mid to late 200's to 1000.) I'm working my way through them and loving Robo Hunter, Ace Trucking and Nemisis, and just about everything else too (bar Rogue Tropper  :|)

Now I'm looking to go back even further and pick up the stories in a more managable format. Any recommendation what I should buy first? I defintley want to build up a collection of the Case Files (and equivlants for other characters.)

Thanks in advances guys,

And I'd like to just throw out a random thank you to the guys from ECBT 2000AD, know they frequent here, but doubt they'll see this but what the hell. Anyway, the way the guys talk about new progs in relation to the old really has given me some drive to dive deeper into the back catalogue. Also they make me crease my t*ts off. So cheers,


Edit: May pay to mention I've already picked up the first 3 Nikolai Dante trades. Know it'll get recommended since It's the business  :D