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Messages - Colin YNWA

Other Reviews / Re: Leatherjack
20 August, 2010, 08:46:22 PM
Quote from: Emperor on 20 August, 2010, 02:53:53 AM
... as the caption text often comes in short chunks with a certain rhythm to it.

That gets it to me there's a real rhythm to his writing. In the subtle way there is with say Kurt Vonnegut - and no I'm not saying John's as good a writer as Mr Vonnegut so I'll spare both him and myself that embarrassment. There is a real flow to both their writing that means even though you are dealing with fairly complex ideas at times reading them is still a breeze.
Books & Comics / Re: Insomnia no longer publishing?
20 August, 2010, 06:27:54 PM
Sad and must be annoying and more to those who had work in the pipeline but at least people aren't having to wrangle over their ownership rights.
Wow well there you go setting the bar insanely high again! That's chuffing incredible.
Film & TV / Re: Alien Knock-Offs...
20 August, 2010, 11:35:53 AM
Quote from: locustsofdeath! on 20 August, 2010, 11:12:22 AM

Oh God I've seen this. Tried to really work up the sexual under-current of 'Alien' and bring it to the forei with frankly bloody hilarious consequences!
General / Re: Best One Off Series
20 August, 2010, 08:29:42 AM
Almost certainly want to add loads more to this as other suggestions come along but the ones that came to me straight away were

Tribal Memories
General / Re: Ron Smith
20 August, 2010, 08:16:46 AM
He's now retired I believe.
Other Reviews / Re: Leatherjack
19 August, 2010, 07:14:05 PM
Quote from: Emperor on 19 August, 2010, 05:47:26 PM
After all I can't see him getting a gig on a mainstream superhero title at the Big Two, although, as I mention above there are corners of even their core universes that would benefit from a bit of Smithing.

This particular bit of your fantastic post has been rattling around my head since I read it. I have no idea whether John Smith has any interest in writing for DC (He has said he drafted Doctor Fate so)he would be blooming glorious if he got hold on some of their characters. Imagine his take on Fourth World (well Fifth World after Final Crisis) the very thought sends me giddy.

I'm so rubbish a wonderful set of post and all I can think of is uhh what if he wrote my favourite this or that. Shame on me!
Oh I don't doubt that for a second. Just the fact that he has (in the context of my previous post) is a shame. (and amongst the many typos I produce in that last post its meant to say likewise famed - heavens to murgatroid)
To be fair as well Uderzo hasn't been shy in putting Asterix's name on all sorts of advertising. The thing is the last full lenght story Asterix book 'Falling Sky'  was a thinly veiled satire of the way American and Japanese comics were invading France, famed for its comics. Its clear he doesn't feel the same about the littlewise famed French food industry!
This makes me feel a bit sad. The last place I expect Maccie Ds to be able to open a 'resturant'!


The French, of course, are angry!
I'VE always wanted Starlord or Tornado (particularly Blackhawk)stuff to appear as a Megazine 'trade', it'd get me to buy the Megazine. Apparently Rebellion only have the rights to the stories that actually made it across to appear in 2000ad when the comcis merged so couldn't do a complete reprint issue by issue I don't think?
News / Re: Earthside 8 has surfaced...
19 August, 2010, 08:00:27 AM
Quote from: Garageman on 19 August, 2010, 01:08:58 AM
Quote from: jamesedwards on 19 August, 2010, 01:05:45 AM
What was the hook behind this, exactly? I can't imagine there was much of a niche to fill that wasn't already being filled by 2000ad.

It was for younger readers because 2000AD was moving more towards young adults.

Funnily enough the kind of thing some people have been advocating here recently.

I'd love to have a nosey at this out of curisity. Good to see Jamie Hewlett trying to get the little 'uns into the Fannies!
General / Re: Ron Smith
19 August, 2010, 07:52:43 AM
Ron Smith created some of the great and most human characters to ever grace Mega City One. I've said it here before but the fact that he was able to put more character and humanity into an orangutan in 'Portrait of a Politican' than most artists can into people says it all.
General / Re: Tattoo revision 2
18 August, 2010, 04:13:03 PM
I know nowt about tattoos but I knows what I likes and I sure likes that. Its a fantastic bit of design and one you can use to test peoples optical abilities. The other option is to go for