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Messages - Colin YNWA

Other Reviews / Ten-Seconders
13 August, 2010, 10:09:14 AM
I really enjoyed the second 'Ten-seconders' story and was really looking forward to reading this one as its a great idea. Alas I was a little underwelmed by this first outing.

The problem I had was I never actually felt I believed in the Gods. I never got a grip of what they were and was never convinced that they were the terrors they are meant to be. Ok ok so they'd devastated the entire global and all but when they are encountered in person to make the story in any way workable they just don't seem as powerful as they portrayed as during the set up. To a degree the world doesn't hang together and thus I'm pulled out working out exactly what the Gods are and how they work.

Another thing of note is the curious change of Mark Harriosn's art mid-way through an episode to a more fully painted style that reverted back to his more inked work later. Does anybody know why this came about?

Having said all that it was far from a bad story, the basic set up I love and the characters worked well enough. A case of close but not quite.
Other Reviews / Slaine - Carnival
13 August, 2010, 09:38:43 AM
Well 2006 has made a stuttering start, both terms of my reading with holiday and other stuff getting in the way and in terms of quality... well compared to the heights of 2005 that is. I mean Synnamon came back, whats all that about?

Anyway I really enjoyed 'Carnival'... well kinda. I wasn't a big fan of 'Books of Invasion' there were bits were it worked for me and bits that I glazed over, or more was blinded by its light, but not what I'd hoped it would be. 'Carnival' however was fun but I really don't think Clint Langley's art is right for this strip and I think that's taken away from my enjoyment of the latest Slaine stories. I know he has his fans and I can see why, the work he produces is incredible at times breathtaking stuff and thats what makes it just not right for Slaine.

'Carnival' is a great little story but its a story about a Celtic warrior and a freak show run by Ukko. The trouble is that the art is so majestic that all the freaks look like magnificent beasts of wonder and magic. Demi Gods amongst men. Not Shaggy beast and freaks in a show run by Ukko. They should look fantastic, sure but well like freaks, a bit grim and disturbing. I find Clint Langley's work to shiney. I enjoyed the story but could not help but think how much more evocative it would have been if it'd been draw by Mike McMahon (to use the easy example) or any number of other artists.

Reading Slaine looking like this makes me think I'm trapped inside a world of Games Workshop posters and lead figures not a hard Celtic environment.

Too Shiney
Welcome to the board / Re: Howdy
13 August, 2010, 09:22:41 AM
Dante was brillant then and is brillant now. Is brillant with Simon Fraser and is brillant with John Burns... You'll have you some fun catching up with it (and the rest opf the stuff you've missed). Enjoy.

Welcome aboard and have fun.

Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
12 August, 2010, 08:52:45 PM
Quote from: Jared Katooie on 12 August, 2010, 08:25:46 PM
Finished Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut and am now reading another famous novel - The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler.

Arh Kurt Vonnegut is my favourite author. Hope you enjoyed it. My personal favourite of his is 'Deadeye Dick' if you've not read it?
Prog / Re: Prog 1697 - Card Sharks!
12 August, 2010, 06:46:41 PM
Well back home after a break and have the Prog at last.

All hell broke loose in last weeks Prog (or was about to) and so this weeks carries on much as expected. While fun it loses a little for all the action. Dredd I felt was an ending by the numbers. Solid ok stuff but a bit of a disappointment after last weeks great episode. 'Red Seas' looked great but isn't as much fun, though the battle was portrayed well and there was a real sense of the movement on the ship. Good fun. 'Sinister Dexter' lost a little in the blaze of combat. Still a riot but not the exceptional stuff we've had up to now. 'Savage'... I'm repeating myself here was good action fun. The end was a nice little cliffhanger mind.

So with all this high octane stuff 'Strontium Dog' really stood out as the calm, well at the end of the storm really (being an in order reader). The great character moments really put into the spotlight by all the explosions elsewhere in the Prog. Wonderful stuff.

Good Prog.
General / Re: Tour of Duty: The Backlash
11 August, 2010, 08:37:17 PM
Listed in the shop now. Radiator was pretty much bang on.
Quote from: flip-r mk2 on 11 August, 2010, 07:05:07 PM
Can't remember much about the run,apart from a 2parter with Cam Kennedy art.


Issues 477 and 478 are great. They are written by John Wagner on his todd as I recall just after the Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle run finished in Batman and moved to 'Shadow of the Bat'. The thing I always remember about these is the weird model covers.
Absolutely love the Alan Grant (briefly John Wagner) + Norm Breyfogle Detective, then Batman, then briefly Shadow of the Bat run its one of my favourites and I re-read it all a year or so ago and it really holds up. Its all good stuff but the Detective issues were they had a free hand are my favourites.

There's a good article about those here

and a little more here

As for Norm being blacklisted there's an interesting article about it from Bleeding Cool, made all the more intriguing if you read through the comments where Norm himself gives his take on matters. Well worth a read.

Of more importance while these haven't been collected they are relatively easy to pick up off eBay or the like for very little and I can't recommend them highly enough. My favourite Batman pre Morrison by a mile.
Creative Common / The Gingerdead Man
11 August, 2010, 06:47:50 AM
What absolute class. Fantastic.
Quote from: TordelBack on 11 August, 2010, 12:57:13 AM
Morrison and Paquette on Batman the Franchise. This I could buy.  Would every batcave look the same, like Starbucks?  

Well as long has thney have those Bat Cinnoman Rolls who cares!
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello
11 August, 2010, 06:39:54 AM
If you love Nemesis, and who can blame ya, try the rest you'll have a blast with it.

Welcome aboard and have fun.
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello
11 August, 2010, 06:38:48 AM
Welcome aboard and have fun
Creative Common /
10 August, 2010, 08:11:49 PM
Not sure if people are aware of this but a new website call Buzz Comic is launching. I'll let them explain a little more about themselves

QuoteBuzzComic is a 'YouTube' for the Comics Community, allowing Free and Low-Cost Upload of your Comics & Artwork.

Get your Work Online, Get it Seen, Get a Following, Get Feedback and Grow Your Talent in a Community of Like-Minded Individuals.

Learn & Improve your drawing using our Online Tutorials with Professional Comic & Graphic Novel Artists.

There are some video tutorials from Bryan Talbot and Waren Preece amongst others so I'd guess they would be of value if nowt else?

[Emp edit: Adding link]
General / Re: Which Editor "saved" 2000AD?
10 August, 2010, 08:05:40 PM
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 10 August, 2010, 07:54:20 PM
Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 10 August, 2010, 07:09:47 PM
It went through a tricky spell, whether it needed saving is open to debate

No, it really, really isn't! Now, admittedly, I had the benefit of being in contact with several regular freelancers during the mid-90s but, as the Corinthian notes, no-one really expected the comic to reach the year 2000. When he was Assistant Editor, Andy Diggle is alleged to have said that he expected to be the last editor of 2000AD when he finally inherited the Tharg mask. That's how gloomy the editorial team were about the comic's prospects.

To be honest I didn't any of know that (or am I choosing to forget? was the picture painted as this grim in 'Thrill-Power Overload'?) and was referring more to the quality of the content of the comic. Still stand corrected and better informed. Cheers Jim.
A little more about 'Batman Inc' from CBR here

Yellow oval debate, on your mark, get set... GO