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Messages - Colin YNWA

Another vote for McMahon here. Though since you vetoed him in the first post if not the title I'd go for Cam Kennedy every time.
Other Reviews / Re: Medivac 318
23 January, 2009, 09:38:06 AM
Finally got up to Book 3 and while it was fun no even close to being as good as Book 1. Shame because by this stage Dobbyn's art is glorious by this point. I remembered he did a great Gronk story but what else has he drawn?
Other Reviews / Shadows (and Armoured Gideon)
23 January, 2009, 09:35:17 AM
And another one in my trawl through the progs.

Shadows. Completely fantastic. Milligan has always been one of my favourite 2000ad writers so it shouldn't relly have been a surprise. The art was a little dodgy and colouring terrible BUT the story was superb and it ended wonderfully. Great story and a great example, unlike for me Tribal Memories which I've discussed before, of where a story is completely contained and a sequel really wasn't required or desirable. Brillant stuff.

Oh and Armoured Gideon. I enjoyed it but didn't love it in the way I remembered. Still good fun. As I recall the second part has a lot to offer as well.
General / Re: New artist - Old style
22 January, 2009, 04:18:28 PM
I'd put forward Steve Yeowell. You could argue he was really there until Zenith Phase 2 but I'd argue that Zenith Phase 1 has enough of what was to come to count?

Just wish he'd go back to that bolder use of black he used to have. I think his art has suffered ever since he worked in colour. Still great just not as great
Games / Re: Anyone for Mornington Crescent?
20 January, 2009, 04:18:02 PM
Isn't this all getting a bit de-railed (excuse the pun)


Back on track
16 January, 2009, 12:33:44 PM
Yeah it was doubtful anybody really wanted the film to be stopped. But it is good news that its now got the all clear.

Can't wait. I think its probably the only comic book movie ever that my wife is as, if not more, keen to see!

(Well until they do an animated Bone)
Quote from: "W. R. Logan"
QuoteAlso, I always thought that Pat Mills wrote all of the Cursed Earth, but these 2 episodes are credited to Jack Adrian - a new one on me!

the four issues were written by Jack Adrian & John Wagner.

All 4 of the banned issues were written by people other than Pat Mills hmmmm. Would it be inappropriate to start spreading wild and ill informed rumours that its a conspricacy by Pat to get the parts banded to make sure he got all the royalties to the reprints (imagine that royalties to early 2000ad reprints!)
I'm still shopping around for a couple of the issues and have set myself limit of £8 + PP on them. If you're patient I've seen them go for a lot less when I wasn't yet ready to purchase them. I have seen a copy off 77 go for about £14 I think not too long ago but never more than that.
There's a lot being said about these comments out there and a lot of that is distorting things. I personnally don't agree with Willingham's politics but do think he's a good comic book writer and too be honest what I've read of his hasn't made me aware of his political views paricularly. All of that aside Kurt Busiek, a well known liberal thinker has staged a really excellent 'defense' of Willingham on various blogs and forums (to the extent that you hope he's well ahead on his wrok he's must have spent hours doing it!) and he makes the key point for me.

There's a lot of comic books out there by a lot of comic book writers. If one of those writers choices to superheroes in one way then that's cool. There's plenty out there willing and able to write them in another way. He's expressing a personel opinion from a position to alter the comics he writes to help the diversity of the material out there. Where's the fuss. We all have the right to disagree with him and if this results in comics we don't like, then cool we can read the comics we do.

If you have a year or so free there's a heathly (at times) debate about it here
// I have to say for me in most instances Busiek is a sobering voice of reason. At least through the first third or so I found the time to read.

On the Bigby issue Willingham did point out that he felt that was what this CHARACTER would say given his militarist background. He said he doubted any other CHARACTER would but this one. Mind having said that I don't think I would agree with Willingham''s views on Isreal but that doesn't mean he hasn't the right to have that opinion.

Now the big sticking point for me is to 'unashamably' quotes someone like Rush Limbaugh that is a little worrying!
Film & TV / Re: Krull - C5 - 110109
12 January, 2009, 05:19:50 PM
Quote from: "Godpleton"You folks are aware of Lysette Anthony's forays into the wonderful world of soft porn right?

Erh no. This has left me feeling a little funny and light headed. I wonder when my wife is next going to the gym...
Other Reviews / Re: Medivac 318
12 January, 2009, 05:17:15 PM
Quote from: "Bouwel"I honestly have no memories of this beyond an 'ambulance' coming into land with a 'danger below!' sort of warning.

That's the fella. Well worth digging out. For me this period is still 2000ad at its best but also stretching its wings a little as the next generation of cool writers has settled in and is finding its feet and confidence.

I can definately see why Zippy Couriers was an acquired taste and while I enjoy it not sure its a 2000ad story. Mind that's why I like a lot of Hilary Robinson's stuff she gave 2000ad a different and at the time new voice. Shame much of her stuff (not the two mentioned but other stuff she did) was so blighted by if not bad art then unsuitable art.
General / Re: looking for the # of this Dredd comic
12 January, 2009, 03:25:11 PM
Wow that is a glorious page.
Film & TV / Re: Krull - C5 - 110109
12 January, 2009, 02:30:43 PM
How often must poor old Windsor Davies be mistaken for Michael Elphick! That old gem cos there so alike... Yikes!

Still that aside nice to know it that show at least she was hopefully as nice as I remember. All I can add (heavens above is this all I can really add) is don't go thinking Brownwyn from Neighbours the candle I held for her was quickly snuffed once the early 90s (???) filter was removed!
Film & TV / Re: Krull - C5 - 110109
12 January, 2009, 01:30:01 PM
A caught the first few minutes of this before darts got going and have to say the biggest disappointment for me was Lysette Anthony. Now at her peck (at least through the lens of my misty memory) is was a bit of a honey in the 80s. I seem to remember REALLY liking her in some sitcom that involved a couple with one each of their parents living with them (maybe Windsor Davies was one?) ANYWAY she looked so 80s I'm hoping this was just poor lighting in the film or some such as its a terrible thing to have your fantasies ruined!
Other Reviews / Medivac 318
12 January, 2009, 01:22:32 PM
Well my slow but steady reread of the highlights of my 2000ad collection has reached the 600s. A great period which has much to look forward and it would seem some forgotten gems.

I always remember liking Zippy Couriers and its turning out to be a nice fun bit of comics. So I thought I'd re-read Hilary Robinsons Medivac 318 as well, it had pretty pictures after all. Wow I'd forgotten how great the first 'book' of this was. The second 'book' was ok BUT the first was a quiet piece of gold. Fantastic characters and the 2 parts where the nurse is waiting to be picked up from the planet war zone are so atmospheric.

Here's hoping when I get to the third book its more like the first than the second (not that the seconds that bad just not up to the fantastic quality of the first)