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Messages - Colin YNWA

Suggestions / Re: a writers focus of 2000ad.
05 January, 2009, 01:42:49 PM
There's a second volume which is also well worth checking out. ... pd_sim_b_2
Quote from: "Pete Wells"I bet the next Doctor will be decided by you the public in a phone vote for a reality show called 'Who's Who?' hosted by Norton/Brucey/Davina/Dermot/a wet lettuce.

The show will start with 12 oddball actors who will recreate classic Who scenes and one will get voted off each week. The winner will star in the Christmas special, at the start of which Matt Smith will do his re-genertion thingy, morphing into all of the contestants (in the order they were voted off) before finally becoming the winner.

Judging by the way telly is at the moment, I wouldn't be in the least bit suprised if this were to happen.

This is so horribly close to reality these days its makes me quake.
A bit disappointed it isn't Paterson Joesph kinda pinned my hopes on him and think he would have been superb.

The other major disappointment, as someone else has said above, is the Doctor is now younger than me. Well ok the actor who plays him before people state debating how old he actually is (actually heavens I'm getting carried away. I promise I do know he's a fictional character). That's kinda depressing.

Still don't know the fella as an actor so we'll see in a year and halfs time (man what a wait!) from the interview alone he seemed to have that other worldliness I always think you need in a good Doctor. At least having a young 'unknown' means he might stick around for a while?
Neil Tennant probably would have made a very good Doctor back in the day. Doctor Who and the West End Girls - can you imagine! But having Chris Lowe lurking in the background stoically behind a keyboard might have been off putting?

Nice typo.
I'm really hoping its Patterson Joesph but there's a lot of talk of Chiwetel Ejiofor and also on a site or two Sean Pertwee which has a certain appeal but one which I think will fade very quickly.
Classifieds / Re: MORE EBAY BARGAINS
30 December, 2008, 06:59:26 PM
Well I'm bidding on one pair of these already. Now before I 'knew' who was selling them it felt like buying them off the shelf (I too trust the unworn claims - those tags better be on!) now I see this it feels like I'm buying a man's pants - which is kidda weird!
Film & TV / The Spirit
28 December, 2008, 11:14:48 AM
Anybody seen it yet?

I'm really unhappy with what I've seen as a fan of Will Eisner's Spirit but was wondering if anybody of a similar frameof mind had had a chance to see this yet and ould give me hope that it was an 'God damn good'?
Film & TV / Re: Christmas Doctor Who 2008 * SPOILERS *
28 December, 2008, 11:10:24 AM
Thought it was pretty rubbish. At its heart there was the potential for a good story but a Russel T so often does that gets lost in the need to make thinks BIGGER, BOLDER and MORE DRAMATIC then there is a need for.

That said as my wife pointed out kids would have loved it??? As she did. I figure it might have been a hit for its core audience?
Announcements / Re: Judge Dredd Movie is Green Lit!
22 December, 2008, 05:24:06 PM
Quote from: "paulvonscott""2) make sure Danny Cannon gets nowhere near any sequel."

You know, he was pretty young to be put in charge of that film which had more problems than guy who'd only made one film before.  Now, a mere 13 years later, he's a well respected director.  

What I'm trying to say is, Judge Dredd (1995) wasn't his fault.  Let it go...

In fact while I'm no fan of that 1995 bit of guff there's a bit of me that thinks he'd be a great choice. As said in 1995 he was young and therefore didn't have the confidence to resist all the other people's ideas flying in from all directions. 13 years have gone and I'd dare to venture who better than the man who knows what went wrong last time to make sure it doesn't happen again? He's a big fan and from the stuff I read knows exactly what he'd do differently this time and I like what he says.

Don't for one minute think it will happen as I don't think he'd want to go back (????) but as long as its a remake why not.

Personally and again completely accepting its not going to happen I'd love love love to see the Coen Brothers giving it a go. Man they'd do a great job in my mind. Elsewhere in my dream land Terru Gilliam is directing Nemesis... well I man can dream
Announcements / Re: Judge Dredd Movie is Green Lit!
22 December, 2008, 09:06:37 AM
Quote from: "Godpleton"
Quote from: "ctaylor"Heavens to mergatrode just seen this and this could be so good and yet so bad. We'll wait and see. Still it'll hopefully soften the blow when I see the Spirit which I've all but given up hope on.

Dude, you plan on moping about The Spirit for three years?

Yeah I've been reading the message boards over at Newsarama to get into good old nerdy not letting go shape.

Mope for a few months after the movie promising to never read anything by Frank Miller again.

Just as I'm getting over that and moving on with my life the DVD will come out. Just to reinvigorate my moping.

Then maybe things will settle down for a while and I'll whine about something Marvel have done for a while. Then in about three years time it'll come on regular telly and there's me moping again.

Think I can stretch it. After all its a fanboy tradition to take these things too seriously!
Announcements / Re: Judge Dredd Movie is Green Lit!
21 December, 2008, 07:22:57 PM
Heavens to mergatrode just seen this and this could be so good and yet so bad. We'll wait and see. Still it'll hopefully soften the blow when I see the Spirit which I've all but given up hope on.
General / Re: ... and proud we are of all of them
20 December, 2008, 09:34:15 AM
Without wishing to derail this tread did you also notice that Moss named one of his 'children' Zenith. Given the number of comic references in this show (they had a Buddy Baddley doll on Roy's desk a while back) I took this as a 2000ad reference... I might be reading too much into these things!
Film & TV / Re: The new "Letters to Santa" Muppet special
18 December, 2008, 10:35:13 AM
Have to say I think I'm the only person who has very fond memories of 'Muppets Tonight' (well me and my friend Paul who I used to watch it with)

I think it was fantastic and moments where absolutel genius. I wish they'd bring it out on DVD so people could reaccess, well those that would go anywhere near it!
Very similar topic to be found here


And here's what I said on that one

Well there's the rub isn't in. My LCS actually had the good grace to DROP their prices when the dollar lost value against the pound. People are talking as though a $1.50 pound is some kinda of record level. Its not at all. $2 to the pound has been the exception. So anyway Sheffield Space Centre have only been charging £1.90 for a $2.99 book, dropped from £2.15. Now then up the road at Forbidden Planet when the dollar plunged no price drop so there you've paid £2.15 all the time.

Now then if your honest comic shop like Sheffield Space Centre now has to raise prices by 30p due to the drop in the pound that will take the cost to £2.20. No real problem there. What will of course be very intersting is whether Forbidden Planet hike the price to £2.45 or as one might image £2.50.

Regardless of the economics this tells me Sheffield Space Centre is a shop I can trust and when they put the prices up its a fair kop. Forbidden Planet aren't. At least from my simple reading of matters.

Sooooo what I'm saying is if you shop around you might find somewhere that you can trust and whatever you're paying at least you know its the going rate. Therefore if a book is $3.99 and whatever thats translates to in pounds if its a good book I'll buy it from my LCS. It will mean I think harder about whether a book is worth it - and a number of Marvel comics are being dropped this Saturday when I'm next in the store.

Oh that or switch to internet/postal ordering that seems to save people a bit. I just like supporting my LCS. Trade Waiting is another option. I do that with Daredevil as I think it read better this way and have to say it save money and is kinda cool.
General / Re: The 2008ad Awards - End of Year Poll
15 December, 2008, 12:59:17 PM
Favourite Cover of 2008 (2000ad)
1. 1592
2. 1609
3. 1567

Favourite Artist of 2008
1. Simon Fraser
2. Steve Yeowell
3. Carlos Ezquerra
Favourite Writer of 2008
1. Robbie Morrison
2. Dan Abnett
3. John Wagner

Favourite Judge Dredd Series of 2008
1. Road Stop
2. The Edgar Case

Favourite Continuing Series of 2008
1. Shakara
2. Kingdom
3. Nikolai Dante

Favourite New Series of 2008
1. Ampney Crucius Investigates
2. Stalag 666

2000ad Moment of the year

End of Amerika

Character or Series You'd like to see return in 2009

Never happen but Nemesis