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Messages - jackstarr

Help! / Re: When am I able to create a profile?
05 July, 2012, 11:03:01 AM
Emperor - thanks very much for adjusting my settings!

I promise I won't cause havoc in the rest of the threads  ;)

Thanks again
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
03 July, 2012, 07:12:13 PM
I'm on PC but haven't done the co-op thing yet...would be happy to try co-op with you if it works!
Help! / Re: When am I able to create a profile?
03 July, 2012, 06:57:14 PM
...and I'm back as me again.

It's a shame there's not a "newbies prog review" thread, that can be ignored by other members if they like, but gives a chance for new or casual members to post their thoughts on the latest prog.  That'd also be a good way for mods to  get a feel for the reponsibility factor of members, as spirits tend to run high with likes and dislikes!
Help! / Re: When am I able to create a profile?
03 July, 2012, 06:36:28 AM
I understand why it's been done (sc**o-proof), but doesn't this restrict the prog feedback from more casual readers?   No wonder it always seems to be the same few faces posting in the review thread!  I assumed that Tharg's minions kept an quiet eye on the thread to get an idea of what seemed to be going down well with the readers (not everyone wants to write in directly) but this deters new or casual readers from registering their thoughts.
Help! / Re: When am I able to create a profile?
02 July, 2012, 07:05:07 PM
It's quite odd - has it always been like this?

I'm a rather sporadic poster, I tend to make one post a year on average (I tend to lurk without logging in)...and thought I'd posted in prog threads before now.

Or maybe I have multiple profiles, and don't remember any usernames for older profiles - I'm sure I've been a member here for a decade or so...

Games / Re: Skyrim
02 July, 2012, 05:43:56 PM
The Dawnguard DLC is exclusive to Xbox for a minimum 30 days, so those of us on other systems shouldn't have too long to wait...but from what I hear, adds (among other things) crossbows and a werewolf perk tree.   You get to choose whether to become a monstrous vampire lord or join the Dawnguard vampire-hunters.

Anyone here playing on PC with mods?  I've always used mods with the older Elder Scrolls games, but Skyrim is the first game that's prompted me to create and release my own - despite being one of the better games in the series!  Makes me want to tweak it closer to perfection.

'Call of Cthulu' is only published by Bethesda's publishing division, and is not developed by them - that'll be why it's not up to par.  I generally tend to ignore those published by Bethesda Softworks and just get the games developed by Bethesda Game Studios.

General / Re: Should I get 2000ad or the meg...
27 March, 2006, 07:34:01 AM
Quick thought - any big events in the last year I need to know about?
General / Re: Should I get 2000ad or the meg...
27 March, 2006, 07:32:19 AM
Wow, thanks for the quick response!

The price cut in the meg is a surprise - I think I'll try 'em both!  Problem is, if I decide I want both of them I can't really stretch to subscribing to both at the moment - and I spend so much time moving countries that I need to subscribe to get any at all!
General / Should I get 2000ad or the meg?
27 March, 2006, 07:05:08 AM
I stopped reading both 2000ad and the Meg this time last year (just at the start of the dredd/cyborg story) partly due to financial reasons, partly because I had no time to read, and partly because I'm in and out of the country and have months without reading, then a crazy catch-up time.  

Have I been missing much?

I think it's time I picked up an issue - but which is the stronger at the mo - tooth or the meg?