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Messages - BPP

It struck me that the 2000ad readers I know are also the people who - largely due to the longevity of their time reading comics - know most about European and American comics. And the American readers I know are also the ones who can talk about European and wider comics material. People like the current generation of TCJ staffers (eg the Comic Books Are Burning in Hell / Thick Lines podcasts).

It just struck me as a deeply odd view of people who actively read 2000ad before this collection came out. I actually wondered if I was mis-reading it or it was misreported.
This weird (to me) line from an interview with The Best of 2000ad editor, Owen Johnson, made me think of this amazing thread. I really don't understand what he's saying here

'I know there's been very little cross-over between our core 2000 AD long-term readers and the Best of 2000 AD readership who are primarily broader in their tastes and read global comics omnivorously'.

Prog / Re: Prog 2381: A grizzly fate
11 May, 2024, 01:43:48 AM
Isn't Williams just setting up Dredd as motivated to do something by the endless body count of those near to him? The old testament before the new...
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
06 May, 2024, 09:29:06 AM
Or maybe he just means the convention. Hummmmm....
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
06 May, 2024, 09:25:33 AM
Simon Fraser on FB has said he's doing Lawless? Did I miss news on this?

Love SF's work but also sad to see Phil Winslade go if true.
Funny, Quick Look at your post history shows you perfectly happy to critique the professional output of thousands of creatives. From 2000ad logo designers, to the makers of torchwood and Star Trek and on...

You even have one expansive set of posts talking about how Tharg slagged of many of his own works and so readers should be allowed to do the same.

Which is of course entirely reasonable.
lol, sure he's not.

Although that would mean multiple 2000ad creators have lied to me on multiple occasions over many years.
Sorry Funt but your 'as translated by' isn't going to wash. You're still using a format on here to attribute offensive remarks directly to me. Translation still makes me the source. If you want to remove them from the box and say this is what you think I'm thinking then that's fine. Wrong but fine.
Ah, there he is, Ken piling in on his readership. Always a delight.

Plenty of great female talent out there in the industry - Katie Skelly, Joelle Jones and Zoe Thorogood to name three I'd welcome into the Prog anytime. But obviously some people here relish throwing '-ism' accusations around.

And Funt can you remove the false quotation box, I find that a particularly bad faith display and beneath you.
Quote from: M.I.K. on 03 May, 2024, 07:14:01 AM
Quote from: BPP on 03 May, 2024, 06:44:16 AMHi Funt, it's absolutely nothing to do with comicsgate. Whilst I do think identity politics is the enemy of class struggle I don't think I have to be inappropriately politically labelled just because I look at a list of creators and think 'Christ, nothing for me there'.

You know what I usually do when I don't think something's for me?

I ignore it and move on.

Like you did with me? Cool, cool.
The unified thing is that knowing the work of some of them and looking at the art of others I get huge 'this isn't for me' vibes which is, from my own perspective, a shame as normally I'd support Rebellions endeavours.
Seems an odd way to choose how you spend your income M.I.K. but if you want to do something 'just to spite' me (a person you've had no dealings with ever) then go ahead.
Hi Funt, it's absolutely nothing to do with comicsgate. Whilst I do think identity politics is the enemy of class struggle I don't think I have to be inappropriately politically labelled just because I look at a list of creators and think 'Christ, nothing for me there'.
Sadly the vibes on this are both the can't draw school and the let's pile on Ed Piskor mob so hard pass.

I honestly don't understand rebellions thinking on using these types of creators. These seems little sense that their work has ever connected with rebellions existing base and less evidence the themes they push have a market in the U.K. scene.

General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
12 April, 2024, 02:13:31 PM
I really enjoyed the two wildcat books - absolutely agree hibernia should jump in.