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The Black Dog Thread

Started by Grugz, 02 January, 2016, 09:54:32 PM

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Funt Solo

Life can be entirely overwhelming at times. I read recently that being overwhelmed and underwhelmed both derive from being whelmed, which, unfortunately, also means being overwhelmed. But, (a few) people have started using whelmed to mean neither over or under but rather in a steady state.

Q: How are you?
A: Whelmed.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

Heh, I am definitely going to use that.

"How was your meal, Sir?"


The possibilities are endless...

Hope you tame that dog again soon, Tjm, we're all rootin' for you.



Thanks guys.  I've taken the day to ride it out.  Still a little flaky but nothing like this morning.

Onwards and upwards.   :-[

As for the 'whelmed' debate, I'll refer you to "10 Things I Hate About You."

"I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"

"I think you can in Europe."


Been away for a long while. things were good but I've been cut off from a med that helped me keep my weight down and moderate my drinking. now I've put on 4 stone again and resumed drinking too much. trying to not drink in November. I still have to take clients out which is a ball ache.
my writing is still keeping from the end times. each time I get a review or a download helps me. ridiculous I know but it's true. pity the reader like the violent stuff of mine which is hard to write (as in takes it out of me). I wrote YA novel as a palette cleanser and I have sold 1 copy.
thanks for listening.
also i still refuse to capitalize (only do so in books and even then under protest)

The Legendary Shark

Why do you refuse to capitalise?


Funt Solo

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 03 November, 2019, 06:49:44 PM
Why do you refuse to capitalise?

Because he's a socialist! B'dum tish! (I'll get me coat...)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


As if my evening wasn't bad enough - watching the Republic of Ireland soccer team consigned to play-off's for the chance to be in the Euro 2020 Soccer championship after a 1-1 Draw to Denmark - I returned home to hear WWIII taking place in the flats above me.

Once again, the psychotic, violent, alcoholic girlfriend of one the the guys up there was engaged in a manic, screaming, physical altercation with one of the other inhabitants of this not-so-happy-little-Eden in which I am currently forced through economic circumstances to reside.

I have no earthly idea what set off the latest barney - it doesn't take all that much between these particular pair of fuckwits, to be honest - and nor do I particularly care. Only a little less than a couple of months ago, this same woman physically assaulted her boyfriend - who also lives in one of the flats here - to the extent that the cuts and bruises she inflicted upon him were readily visible. And this was the SECOND TIME that she had done this. He swore then that he would have nothing further to do with her and that was the end of the relationship as far as he was concerned. And of course, after a few weeks he took her back and she has resorted back to her usual ways (surprise! surprise!).

I have already told him that I want nothing further to do with this creature or the manic, nasty, unhinged freaks that inhabit her singularly horrible world. (And if you saw some of the yolks that she associates with - one of them a cowardly, woman-beating psychotic young thug - then you would readily understand why).

What particularly aggrieves me, is the fact that there is a couple with a two-year old child in the flat beside me in this house who also have to deal with this kind of insanity.

It is obvious to me, that the only reason this man keeps taking this waste of oxygen back into his life, is because he would rather tolerate any sort of abuse than face up to inevitable loneliness.

A part of me thinks that Dredd was right.

"Love? There oughta be a Law against it."

Sorry if I'm rambling, but I heard this is a good place for that kind of thing.


Ugh, what a horrid situation. We've been blessed with a succession of top-notch neighbours since I moved out to the fringes of much-maligned Jobstown (the poor woman next door recently apologised for her wee one's night terrors disturbing us - FFS, like we're the ones suffering there!) but I experienced something similar back in leafy D6 and it was not nice. Powerlessly listening to others destroying themselves and others day-in day-out is an awful business.


A cousin of mine took advantage of having been issued with a sidearm and attempting a 9mm trepanning.

Right now I'm trying to find a reason not to envy him.

Trusting in an employer, taking a risk on explaining what it is like to live with BPD(EU).
Then having a line manager fuck you over?

Sorry folks.


Sorry to hear about your cousin, tjm,  and your own situation.  You assume that people are decent souls like you, but very often they aren't.  Hope you get through this soon
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Tjm86 - apologies if this seems like a pat answer, but are you in a union where you work?  If so, have you explained the situation to them?

If there's any health and well being assistance on offer at work, as well - I'm certainly not saying this will make everything better as if by magic, but it might alleviate work based unhappiness, which, in turn, could make you feel better overall.

I had a hard time at work but I slowly, slowly got there. 

Good luck.


Thanks both.  The union are on the case for me so I'm leaving things alone.  Visit to Occy Health resulted in their insistence that I go back to my GP after I mentioned the melt down of the other night.  After about 2 minutes discussion with my GP it was suggested that an increase in meds might be advisable so now I'm rattling around more than I have been for a while but I guess that is better than the alternative. 

I guess more than owt else I'm just annoyed at the whole situation which could have been completely avoided with a little bit of common sense (on my part as much as anything else!).


So something happened today I never expected nor hoped would happen.

I had an anxiety attack. Nothing new, not had one in a year but still, yet it was the worst i'd ever experienced, to the degree that mid work shift I was physically paralysed by the experience and was made physically unwell by the psychological trauma. Long story short, I ended up admitting myself to Manchester North General due to just how unwell the experience had made me, and after a consultation and 5 hours of waiting it turns out not only do I have depression, anxiety, and imposter syndrome but also PTSD, and will now be on a prescription to deal with such.

So yeah. Not a great festive season thus far.


Hang in there, Hawkmumbler.

The fact that you are talking about it is very positive.

You are not alone. Even when it feels like you are.

This time of year always exacerbates the lows, I think.


Hawk - the whole clan will be thinking well for you. Not the same as a big funt-off hug followed by a couple of hours of talking rubbish, and generally enjoying your fine company, but it's the best I can do for now.