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Star Wars Episode IX

Started by JOE SOAP, 10 July, 2018, 01:50:53 AM

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Colin YNWA

Quote from: Bolt-01 on 23 December, 2019, 03:12:32 PM

I also think that: [spoiler]When Leia lay down and force spoke to Kylo, she became him. It was said in the film that Leia stopped her training when she forsaw that the end of her path lead to the death of her son, so when she spoke to him in the ruin of the Death star she actually merged with him and that is why he changed his character and why they both 'ghosted' at the same time.[/spoiler]

Well now you've said it it seems bloomin' obvious - now where's that things that went over my head thread?


I just got back from seeing it, definitely agree with the 'enjoyable bollocks' appraisal. It was a messy, overloaded film and had plenty of silly moments but I had a good time just soaking it all up! Enjoyed the action and got hit in the feels a couple of times. We all felt very similarly about the film too, which doesn't often happen.

As has been mentioned by others it definitely seemed to me like he was trying to cram two films into one, having to set lots of new stuff up and explain other things away after ep8.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Finally fulfilled my obligation.

I think I remember hearing somewhere that every scene in a movie should have a beginning middle and an end and should have a point. The scenes in this movie definitely had a point, but for the most part were completely devoid of structure. This was a movie shot in bullet points. It's frustrating because this movie could've been the trilogy, there's enough interesting stuff there. Just lift Luke's stuff from The Last Jedi and drop it in somewhere.

[spoiler]What was the super important thing Finn had to tell Rey?[/spoiler]
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 24 December, 2019, 08:02:32 PM
[spoiler]What was the super important thing Finn had to tell Rey?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]He senses the force.[/spoiler]


Absolutely nonsense - chasing "wayfinders" all over the place so you can find the mysterious Sith homeworld? They built one thousand Star Destroyers and fully crewed the whole armada - out of what? Fresh air? Surely someone would have noticed all the materials, the "recruited" soldiers being shipped out to the "Unknown Spaces" (god I loathe that term - it's so lazy)

In addition, unfortunately, I think Daisy Ridley is very uncoordinated and is basically not athletic at all. She must have had plenty of fencing or sword training during the process of shooting the three movies but she still wields that light sabre like someone trying to swat a wasp with a broom.


I remember really looking forward to the Force Awakens and it started of sooo well. The first thirty minutes were fantastic - I literally watched it with a massive smile of my face. Then we got rehash (Star Killer base), complete breaking of the rules of the universe that story is set in (the ludicrous Holdo manoeuver of the Last Jedi), confusing attempts to recycle old characters with no clear purpose and finally with this film, for me, just apathy and boredom.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 24 December, 2019, 08:10:36 PM
Quote from: Mister Pops on 24 December, 2019, 08:02:32 PM
[spoiler]What was the super important thing Finn had to tell Rey?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]He senses the force.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I think it would be that he wanted, to use the common parlance, "to tap that!".[/spoiler]
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 24 December, 2019, 09:59:23 PM
[spoiler]I think it would be that he wanted, to use the common parlance, "to tap that!".[/spoiler]

Not according to the Star Wars peeps.


Finn's [spoiler]pressing secret was made blindingly obvious, and is well signposted from the opening scenes of TFA on to Maz's Castle and beyond. He openly discusses it with Jannah in this one, [/spoiler]so I'm mystified how so many online commentators seem to have missed it, and seem to think Abrams only added it in interviews.

As it, and Jannah's story, are essentially the fulfillment of the [spoiler]Boy with a Broom Principle[/spoiler], it's doubly odd that it went under so many radars.


They couldn't have made Finn's 'Leia moment in the Falcon' more obvious as the awakenings continue.

Funt Solo

I was seven years old when I saw Star Wars at the cinema, and now I got to take my seven year old daughter to see the most recent Star Wars movie. She applauded at one point, and whooped with joy when the cavalry came charging over the hill (that's the metaphorical cavalry, as opposed to the actual cavalry). Walking back up to the house from the car she was humming the theme music.

So, critically, it doesn't hold up well against the 1977 movie - mostly because it's trying to be the same but different - but at the same time it's got some wonderful escapism. All those kids who saw Star Wars and dreamed of making their own version of it: well, some of them get to. They're really expensive, well made fan films. The story began with Star Wars and managed to propel itself into two successful sequels that extended and then completed the story: both of the Empire vs. the Rebellion and also of the dynastic struggle between good and evil - and the idea that redemption could be won for even the most fallen of heroes.

I think the ultimate problem with the prequels is that they have to lead into that (so don't get to tell their own story), and the sequels didn't choose to tell a new story: they just echo the first one like ripples in a pond. It's nice to look at ripples in a pond, though.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 25 December, 2019, 04:48:45 AMI think the ultimate problem with the prequels is that they have to lead into that (so don't get to tell their own story)

Instead of using the same characters from the OT (whose story had already been told) they could've told their own story if they'd gone with a new set of central characters we know nothing about during the era of the political coup.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 24 December, 2019, 10:55:25 PM
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 24 December, 2019, 09:59:23 PM
[spoiler]I think it would be that he wanted, to use the common parlance, "to tap that!".[/spoiler]

Not according to the Star Wars peeps.

Sorry more phone cut me off "[spoiler]tap that force sensitivity that he felt growing".[/spoiler]
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Nobody likes a smart-arse dinosaur!  :lol:

One of the things that surprised me most about ROS was how much I enjoyed the different-space-horses-on-the-hull-of-a-Star-Destroyer bit.  I absolutely hated the look of that in the trailers and as it turned out to be both something original and a kick-ass battle sequence, probably the best one in the sequels for my money.

Watching TFA on telly yesterday, I was really buoyed to see the way ROS builds on scenes and lines that had seemed for all the world to be non-sequiturs and dead-ends, especially in the light of TLJ: it's something I really hadn't expected from Abrams. I'm greatly looking forward to a second look at ROS after this week, not least to work out for how long Luke and Leia knew Rey's story. 

von Boom

Quote from: Sinx on 24 December, 2019, 09:23:47 PM
In addition, unfortunately, I think Daisy Ridley is very uncoordinated and is basically not athletic at all. She must have had plenty of fencing or sword training during the process of shooting the three movies but she still wields that light sabre like someone trying to swat a wasp with a broom.


Probably going to be seeing it next week.


If I can be bothered.

I'm so tired of SW guys.