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500 Days of Slimmer - and Some Other Crap Too...

Started by Buttonman, 18 November, 2019, 09:40:35 AM

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The first of the month! Back from a week in Tenerife, all inclusive including beer. Not a great help to the diet but I was relatively good. Held back from the sweets including the biggest jar of Nutella you'll ever see. Pump action!

Lose Weight : Parked until the year to go mark on April 1st so we can get a good run at it. Wife has me on this wheat free diet - no bread for a month or chocolate either. Weight seems static but I'm more hungry.

Update Blogs regularly : Went gangbusters on this one with 5 'W' films critiqued as well as as a mighty 18 Definite Articles. Pick of the films, if not the blogs was sexy Dutch nihilism fest   Wij and The Witch starring Finchy from 'The Office'.

Update the Lettersentertainyou thread for each letters publication event : All letters events have been recorded for posterity - a Special edition saw a scrotnig 297 reads! Join the party!

Average 12,500 steps a day : Hovering just under 10k a day on average and that includes a 32,655 step day on January 8th. Will boost this once the days lengthen.

Get 105 Letters Printed : - Letter 100 saw print this month!

Pass ACII : Passed assignment 1 of 'Advanced Claims' - assignment 2 in for marking and assignment 3 underway. Hope to have this subject licked and onto the next this month. I work in claims so this was always going to be the easiest of the 3. Still hard though!

Get on TV Again : Mainly researching Tipping Point at the moment.

Bag 50 Munros in total : Parked until the Summer!

Some progress, but not on all fronts. Learning that there are only so many hours in the day. The exams will see the focus for now and will hopefully be out of the way for the summer.

Happy diet sheets everyone!

Gary James

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 February, 2020, 06:54:20 PM
Lose Weight : Parked until the year to go mark on April 1st so we can get a good run at it.
Is it merely a coincidence that your diet resumes on April Fools' Day? :D

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 February, 2020, 06:54:20 PM
Get on TV Again : Mainly researching Tipping Point at the moment.
Good luck.


Quote from: Gary James on 01 February, 2020, 09:46:13 PM
Quote from: Buttonman on 01 February, 2020, 06:54:20 PM
Lose Weight : Parked until the year to go mark on April 1st so we can get a good run at it.
Is it merely a coincidence that your diet resumes on April Fools' Day? :D

It doesn't start on April 1st, but will be documented from then. As it's my birthday it's a good staging point!


You go girl, we're right behind you... by about a mile  :lol:
DDT did a job on me


Another month goes by! Much poorer - thanks corona virus - but still kicking on despite the crappy weather. Last month's self indulgent progress towards the goals is as follows:

Lose Weight : Been on a no chocolate, bread or Haribo diet since Tenerife and have only shifted about 3lbs. The wife has this book with lots of advice about changing your metabolism. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work with me as I'm on beta blockers for my heart. Going to go back to the fasting mimicking diet this month which worked for me in the past. We are moving house on the 10th so takeaways will need to be avoided.

I also joined a gym! Yes Puregym in Paisley has been my second home this month with <checks app> 21 visits this month. I am not a fitness addict but I am a cheapskate. The annual membership cost me £228 so my plan is to get it down to £1 a visit for the year. Started out OK and got to a 28 minute treadmill 5k after a few visits. Just need to ramp that up without dying!

Update Blogs regularly : A poor month with only one upload to each to keep them ticking over - my reader was most upset. The 'W' blog saw only the terrible Wine Country  . And the definite article enjoyed only the Netflix series The Spy

I did half watch the remake of 'Whisky Galore' and 'Wrong is Right' but haven't gotten round to finishing either.

This has been down to me going to the gym every day and focusing on my exams. Clearly multi tasking is beyond me.

Update the Lettersentertainyou thread for each letters publication event : No letters published in February. Several complaint letters have been sent (and not printed)

Average 12,500 steps a day : Showing at 9111 steps a day but that seems low - made 10k a day for nearly 2 weeks straight with the gym obviously helping. Will go more hikes once this bloody weather clears up.

Get 105 Letters Printed : - Several have been sent. Raffle tickets bought, so to speak.

Pass ACII : Passed  'Advanced Claims' - 2 assignments in a month! Good effort me - didn't knock it out the park marks wise but the win's the thing.

I have now started' Strategic Claims Management' and have read the book. Writing up Assignment One starts today as the wife is away to Arbroath.

Get on TV Again : Still researching Tipping Point at the moment.

Bag 50 Munros in total : Parked until the Summer but likely sherpas have been identified!

So a mixed month but some progress made. Main target is to get the exams done and then I can watch all the rubbish films I want whilst eating calorie free snacks.

Hope those that signed the pledge are sticking to it!

Let us know your failures - it's liberating!

Gary James

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 March, 2020, 12:01:45 AMBeen on a no chocolate, bread or Haribo diet since Tenerife and have only shifted about 3lbs.
Cutting certain foods from your diet is no guarantee that you will see immediate results - don't focus too much on the specific amount of weight, and concentrate more on how you feel overall. It really isn't the foods themselves that can cause problems, but the garnish which is added without a second thought. Snipping back salt intake (which can be more difficult than it sounds) and getting rid of extra sugar in a diet is more important than depriving yourself of anything you like. And all that will accomplish is you getting a craving for what is on the banned list. Everything in moderation.  :)

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 March, 2020, 12:01:45 AMWe are moving house on the 10th so takeaways will need to be avoided.
Sultanas. You can laugh all you want, but if I didn't have a big 1lb bag of the damned things beside me at all times I would be munching on chocolate. All. Day. Long. Works out far cheaper in the long run as well, so it is worth buying a couple of bags a week. There are some, uh... side effects.

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 March, 2020, 12:01:45 AMI did half watch the remake of 'Whisky Galore' and 'Wrong is Right' but haven't gotten round to finishing either.
There's a remake of Wisky Galore?  :o ...why? Actually, I think I'm going to deliberately miss out on that as it'll merely provoke a few thousand words of ranting at the state of modern cinema.

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 March, 2020, 12:01:45 AMBag 50 Munros in total : Parked until the Summer but likely sherpas have been identified!
Any Munro in particular taking your fancy?

If you see any of my workouts outlined, please - given that you have a heart condition - sail straight past them. Don't even read them. As soon as I mention that I'm going out for a run you should zip straight onto the next subject.


Thanks for your notes Gary - all very interesting.

I've always seen diets as an exercise in denial but you make good points. Everything in moderation I guess.

The Whisky Galore remake starred Gregor Fisher and was as crappy as you anticipate.I can see it living on my planner for evermore, unwatched.

I know my limits with exercise - Munros are fine - lots of time for a breather. It's the high impact stuff I'm best avoiding. Currently getting my 5k treadmill time down to 25 mins - little and often!


Good points. I find that merely measuring my food intake (using Myfitnesspal) is enough to change my behaviour for the better. It identifies just how much I get through on unnecessary snacks.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Well that's that ruined! God laughs when men make plans. Bit of a holding pattern this month but that will change from now - well tomorrow! 1 year today until I hit the half century.

Lose Weight : Moved house last month and have yet to unpack the scales. I think I'll be static - lack of takeaways and Greggs offset by more wine and comfort eating. Gym shut and lack of steps not helping either. Will make changes from tomorrow!

Update Blogs regularly : Backburner. Concentrated on exams and the overtime. Have been watching old TV shows like 'Sports Night' and 'Britain's Got The Pop Factor'. I'm putting that down to comfort in a time of crisis rather than being lazy.

Update the Lettersentertainyou thread : Success! One letters page saw one review completed and wasn't it a cracker?

Average 12,500 steps a day : The lockdown has kept me at the 5-6000 range for much of the month. The average will suffer after cresting 10k for 13 days in a row.

Get 105 Letters Printed : - Sat at 101 - I imagine letters won't be a priority for a homeworking Tharg even when they should be for National morale!

Pass ACII : Submitted all 3 assignments for 'Strategic Claims Management' a month ago and results are awaited. Should be here by next entry. Already looking at 'Marketing Insurance Products and Services'.

Get on TV Again : Strangely no one is recruiting!

Bag 50 Munros in total : Had a farewell trip to the non Munro status 'The Cobbler' - didn't summit due to snow and laziness.!


DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 02 April, 2020, 04:33:48 PM
Any excuse...

Failing on resolutions is one thing, but creating a global pandemic...

Funt Solo

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 April, 2020, 03:06:43 PM
Bag 50 Munros in total : Had a farewell trip to the non Munro status 'The Cobbler' - didn't summit due to snow and laziness.!

I'm not saying anything, but there's this story: The climber who bagged all 282 Munros in one winter. Just, y'know...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Bah! Did you ever start a pointless, self-indulgent thread and then have your weak plans of glory scuppered by a global pandemic? Me too.

Lose Weight : No chances Frances. Resolved to do a 6 month boot camp once I am freed from this bondage. And the lock down. No gym and the snacking, drinking and takeaways are off the scale. Managed to convince myself it's for the good of the nation, so that's good

Update the Lettersentertainyou thread : Done! Well there have been no letters since Prog 2172. I know Tharg is in lock down but has his letterbox been sealed shut too?!

Average 12,500 steps a day : Naw. Getting about 5k in. Only beat 10k once in a month. Do go for a walk most days but probably 3-4 miles at best. Used to walk to this pub in Kilmacolm which was 10 miles away - hardly worth the effort now!

Get 105 Letters Printed : - In a previous (possibly drunken) post I was claiming 101. Sadly it's only 100. I have written in a couple but, as has been recorded, Tharg ain't printing nuffin.

Pass ACII : Hurrah! Passed Strategic Claims Management :

That sucker was budgeted for a year but I saw it off in a month. Good old lock down. Now on 'Marketing Insurance Products' for the prize. I've already completed the three assignments so hopefully this one will be crossed off next month.

Get on TV Again : Nothing happening although quite fancy this 'Beat the Chasers' show - £20k for 40 seconds looks a total gimmie!

Bag 50 Munros in total : No Munros within 1 mile of my house unfortunately.

Well a mixed and largely depressing bag. See you all on June 1st for hopefully the end of lock down, some meaningful progress and maybe even Buttonman ACII.

Stay safe!


I kept up my training and completed a half marathon even though the proper event was cancelled.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Another month goes by and another shameful post. Well it's not all bad and we can blame that pesky virus can't we?

Lose Weight : Does putting on weight count? Drinking most days and Takeaway Fridays' have meant that the battle is being lost. Fear not, drinking has been reduced to weekends only and the all day breakfast on Wednesdays is going to be muesli. OK, a bacon roll then,

Update the Lettersentertainyou thread : Done! This has been an easy one to maintain as there was only one Nerve Centre letters page in May and it produced this Lettersentertainyou offering. A big hit too! 500 reads! People will literally read anything in a lock down! hello?

Average 12,500 steps a day : Did about 13k yesterday but for the most part I walk an hour a day which gives me about 6000 in total. Must walk to a takeaway that's further away!

Get 105 Letters Printed : - Sent in a couple but losing the muse as most are going straight into Tharg's trash bucket.

Pass ACII : Success! One to cross off the list.  I passed 'Marketing insurance Products' and got the last credits I needed for my ACII. I am at last a professional! Only took me about 31 years. I am presently awaiting the certificate which takes ten weeks as it's hand inscribed. Hoping for a full gown affair at the end of the year. That'll show them!

Update the Blogs : Sadly I discovered 'Rick & Morty' and Youtube videos of people opening bags of coins looking for rare ones. I did manage to log Watermelon with the lovely Anna Friel and definite articles The Dirt and The Martian. Will try to hit double figures next month so you all have more not to read.

Get on TV Again : Nothing happening - will fashion some applications. Most now look for a video clip so that'll be embarrassing.

Bag 50 Munros in total : Sadly off limits unless you need an eye test.

See you next month for more dismal results.

Buttonman ACII.