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The Black Dog Thread

Started by Grugz, 02 January, 2016, 09:54:32 PM

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Regarding online meetups, can't say I've heard of PalTalk before and from the website it looks like something has to be downloaded, which I'm loathe to do.

However, the Southern Contingent (which met four or so times a year outside of lockdown) has had semi-regular meetups online.  I won't post the meeting ID and passcode in a public forum, but the next meeting is on this Sunday at 16:00 UTC+01 - which I think means 16:00 BST?  It's on Zoom, but I think there's a browser version so you have to download anything to join a Zoom meeting (unless you already have Zoom installed, of course).

Message me (preferably on Saturday or on Sunday morning) and I can share the meeting details.  Spambots need not apply.


Now seems like a good time to remind people that this thread exists.


The Legendary Shark

Would it be a good idea to pin this thread? The last thing anyone needs when the world is piling on top of one is to go searching for it.


Funt Solo

Something on the BBC, today, that might be a help to people: Mental health: Can you tell if someone is struggling?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 10 May, 2021, 07:40:57 AM

Would it be a good idea to pin this thread? The last thing anyone needs when the world is piling on top of one is to go searching for it.

TBH considering that every once in a while it gets picked up again and everyone piles in, it might not be absolutely necessary.  Then again right now considering:

a) events of the sort discussed elsewhere can sometimes trigger;
b) the number of boarders with MH issues

that might not be the worst idea in the world.  It's scary at the moment, there's lots to fret over, it doesn't look like it's going to get any easier any time soon.

I think it's safe to say that this thread will be watched closely for a while, especially with the 'please talk first' admonition.  For anyone who is wondering, folks in these parts have probably about as much knowledge about managing mental health as your local GP's surgery combined, if not more.  Plus the added benefit of having walked the walk, so to speak.  Rebellion could make a fortune if they ever decided to market the forum as a counselling service.


I've not posted for a while but I have been lurking.
This felt important enough to make me want to come out of hiding for a moment and add another voice.

It may feel like you can't talk to anyone about your situation or feelings but please, please don't suffer in silence. I too will gladly offer an impartial ear.
If it wasn't for my group (talk) therapy which I have been attending for the last couple of years I don't know how far into my depression I would have lapsed.

There is no shame at all in reaching out for help. I have called the Samaritans during my lunch break several times just to be able to talk to someone I specifically don't know so that I could talk more openly about the difficulties and demons I have been facing, knowing that they will not be able to fix them for me, but they will listen to me without judgement.

If friends and family don't seem to understand or be there for you, people in this thread are 100% here for one another as we all know how difficult it can be when dealing with anxiety, depression, BPD and other mental health issues. We believe you and we care about you.

Hang in there and please don't feel like we won't listen.
You do matter.

I know it's a forum of people I barely know, but this thread has helped bouy me up through some dark patches in the last couple of years, and I can't thank you enough.


Glad we were able to offer a tiny bit of help, Rackle.  Also great to hear from you again!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Jade Falcon

Well had my PIP phone call yesterday and to be honest I'm not at all hopeful....

Also recently had a phone call from the DWP in which they suggested switching benefits.  I stated that I didn't want to as it takes 5 weeks.  They said due to the way its paid I would be without money for 'only' two weeks.  What planet do these people bloody live in....

Living day to day is hard enough.  I know someone said that I should stop my 2000ad book, but I hardly think a single fortnightly book is going to cause a major dent, also a friend suggested I sell a lot of the books I have that I have got over the years on Zippit.  I bet most of those I would be lucky to get pennies for, and essentially that means stripping the house down for a few days grace...

Another suggestion was to try and get a GP appointment and they might get me a pyschiatrist.  Considering I had to wait six months for a useless counsellor who had no interest, you'll excuse me if I'm sceptical.
When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid. That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes. Lies. - Valery Legasov


Unfortunately the DWP call centre drones are working from a script and cannot deviate.  It's the policymakers that are at fault.  IDS' fist pump during a commons budget announcement says it all.


I've found this book more helpful than most counsellors I've been to.  I listen to the writer's podcasts obsessively too, and have built up a small arsenal of anti-depression/anxiety techniques.

I did need an online CBT therapist to get me through the first couple of weeks of the Covid lockdown, though, I must admit - my anxiety levels were through the roof.  One session had me feeling a whole lot better, and I haven't felt a whole lot of anxiety since. 
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Jade Falcon

A prime example of the futility of switching benefits.  I have checked my bank and have about £5 to last an entire week after bills are paid.  The DWP suggests switching in which case I get the exact same pittance to live on, have to wait two weeks and the only suggestion they can come up with is a loan which puts you into debt right away.  The bank suggests an overdraft or credit card, none of which are solutions and just make the problem worse.

I've tried cutting absolutely everything, it got to the stage that throughout winter I wasn't even turning my heating on.  When I go for shopping I go to Aldi and buy own brand stuff from them, not that there's anything wrong with their own brand items.  I like fish, and I tried the packaged 'ready meal' style but to be frank a lot of the time it feels like absolute crap and buying fresh from a fishmongers or a counter from another supermarket is prohibitive.  I've cut everything I can, I'm on the cheapest energy plan I can think, my internet is about the cheapest, my phone plan is as well, I don't even have a TV licence now not any subscription service.  I've had my PIP assessment which to be honest I'm not hopeful about and I don't see how its possible to exist on £75 a week.  My thoughts are getting extremely black again and really.....there's no way forward.
When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid. That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes. Lies. - Valery Legasov


Quote from: Jade Falcon on 16 May, 2021, 10:14:50 PM
My thoughts are getting extremely black again and really.....there's no way forward.

That is something that a lot of us can relate to.  There is a way forward and with all due respect, you do matter.  We may not be able to do much but what we can do, we will.  [sorry, this from someone who has recently descended into the depths ... "stare into the abyss and the abyss will stare back into you..." and scared the living daylights out of a lot of folks around me]

Arguably you have taken a step forward, sharing here.  You're absolutely right to be frustrated and angry with DWP and your bank, neither of which are suggesting options that help.

Funt Solo

Yeah - sorry things are tough, JF.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Jade Falcon

I'm kinda pissed but not with the bank at the same time, they really can't do anything else.  They're just giving the only suggestions they can and also understand that I don't want an overdraft.  Really my only vice is my 2000ad book.  I dont drink, I don't smoke, I don't go out (well I didn't when Covid wasn't a thing), and the employment situation which is bad at the best of times in this area is obviously even worse due to the number of businesses that have gone under.  Sleep is another problem, with me often not able to have a proper sleep pattern and that's causing other effects, including an ever worsening migraine and just feelings of malaise.  I've been thinking in phoning the Samaritans but really I never found them to be much help in the long term, though I know they try their best.
When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid. That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes. Lies. - Valery Legasov

The Legendary Shark

I've been in that hole and it's bad. The route I took to get out was hard and frightening, but get out I did. I wouldn't recommended my route for everyone but there are others, and they're all scary. The first steps are the hardest and the most scary.

But you can do it because you are a being of infinite worth and potential. Start with that fact and rise up from there.
