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what illogical things scared you when you were a kid?

Started by Conexus, 02 November, 2005, 02:38:32 AM

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I was scared of Hartley Hare

That's quite a rational kids' telly-related fear, pretty much the same as being terrified of the permanently shit-faced Beryl Reid.


This is the funniest thread I've ever seen.

- Trout



I read too much about the middle ages and was paralysed with fear about people with bits dropping off them. In South Wales in the 1970s.


Before I'd ever read an issue, 2000AD always used to scare me. It seemed like a 'big boys' comic, full of bad, dark and evil - far removed from my weekly batch of footy-related fun in Roy of the Rovers.


Funt Solo

P & ~P

That still scares me.

True or false?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Queen Firey-Bou

"Jaysis Bou, are you fucked in the head? "

why thankyou james,
 what did no-one else get the spinning universe being too big crushing pulsing falling into a blackhole blackness problem as kids ?

the curtain patterns turning into demon foxes was pish compared.

Now i have many many more fears but they are all completely grown up & rational.

i have learnt to completely override fear, you just sortof channel the adrenalin. i suffer trauma instead.

except with the dark.

Bad Andy

This bastard used to give me the creeps.">

Carlsborg Expert

Everything amazed me when I was a kid.

I think i had an illogical fear of one person. That was all.

Steve Green

Actually we had some pretty nasty orange curtains, I seem to remember those combined with Bohemian Rhapsody giving me nightmares when I was a kid.

- Steve


The original Honey Monster.

The one with the hunchback and slack-jaw that used to smash up the house of that guy off of The Benny Hill show

"Trust we"

Funt Solo

Larry the Lamb was an irritating bastich - but he didn't scare me.

Ronald McDonald, on the other hand...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Mike Carroll


why do people create these big hulking mosters for 'kiddies' when their big hulking mossterness scares many of those selfsame 'kiddies' ?

Funt Solo

Aye - at the hotel I worked at they had these giant "cuddly animal suits" that the ents staff got dressed up in.  Some kids thought they were great and others thought that great lumbering monsters with huge teeth were running towards them waving their arms and their parents were pushing them towards the monsters saying "it's okay, dear!"

Much screaming, crying, wailing and gnashing of teeth ensued:  and that was just the irritated parents.  The managment recieved complaints about permanent mental scarring and nightmares weeks or months after the visit.

I'm not sure if that was due to the life-sized furry animals or the fact that, if you walked around the back of the hotel, you could find them with their heads torn off, and their skins being worn by fag-smoking and vodka-drinking 'dults.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


what did no-one else get the spinning universe being too big crushing pulsing falling into a blackhole blackness problem as kids ?

I had something similar thing but nothing to do with blackness, was more like an insurmountably huge rock that I had to eat or something, so similar in a kind of infinite way that it would take forever to get this thing down to size. I dunno, kind of weird. There was a book once that described the feeling perfectly (Shadow's End). The rock was connected with some kind of taste or something, weird metallic feeling. Was maybe related to the dentist or something. Recurred to some extent in later life when erm, partying.

But funnily enough, I wasn't scared of the gas thing at the dentist. I remember getting that and staring down the tube I was breathing it in through (which of course I wasn't, just some mind thing going on). Wish you could still get it now, far preferable to the usual torture.