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Bristol Expo 2006 debriefing!

Started by House of Usher, 15 May, 2006, 03:05:58 AM

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Edgington and D'Isreali are teaming up to continue the time machine building nutter who keeps trying to escape back to a time anywhere far from Judge Dredd

that's good news!

I agree with Carlsborg; Ace and Co by Spurrier would be great


:: I can certainly see the logic in a 3-volume Complete Nemesis,
:: and doing it that way instead of the mooted five books saves
:: us from having to buy a "Book One" which would most likely
:: just be a reprint of "Death to All Aliens" in favor of
:: something with a larger page count.

There are probably two other good reasons for it, too, I suspect: 1) the Dredd case files are selling well, so it makes sense to do some other series in the same manner, and; 2) Nemesis is kind of a niche character, to some extent?better to get all of the fans to rapidly buy three books than to hope they'll still be picking them up several more volumes later.

:: What other trades? Do we have a schedule beyond August
:: (Bec & Kawl + Rogue Trooper: Realpolitik)?

Once I get the various bits and bobs from Jon, there'll be a "coming soon" section on the TPS micro-site, outlining what's on its way. With a little luck and a following wind, this'll be online for the June update.


"There are probably two other good reasons for it, too-"

Nemesis wasn't always a niche character, but his story is over and his glory days were all in the 80's.  One good reason is that there are a lot of books, and a lot of people who want them, may already have many of them.  

I certainly do, and would end up buying one or two volumes from the set, or perhaps none at all.  As it is, I don't mind buying 3 volumes in the style of the case files if they are as packed with extras as poisible, and cover every last damn bit of nemesis there is.

Rob Spalding

Bec & Kawl will be coming out, Bloody Students will be a paperback with every B&K story in.  Plus an interview by Jon with the Spurious One.

Steve Green

I'd love a Nemesis collection - I've got the the first couple of books, but nothing past that.

I wonder if the Deadlock story that preceded Book X should be included, it seemed to tie in more than the ABC Warriors strip.

Oh God, I've just remembered the Nemesis photo strip...

- Steve


:: Nemesis wasn't always a niche character

Well, no, but I was thinking in terms of sales. I suspect these days that the character has somewhat limited appeal, unlike Dredd or Sl?ine, hence Case Study-style books being a good option.

Like you, I hope they have all of the relevant extras, such as the pre-book 1 stories, the Blitzspear one-off, and so on. Also, even though it's in colour and won't reprint well in this kind of volume, the story from the winter special where Nemesis "heals" Candida is, for me, essential to the Nemesis story, so it'd be great if that was included, even if only in black and white.

The more I think about it, the more I reckon this format could work well for many stories. Strontium Dog Case Study-style books would be a good option, what with the length of later arcs (although if The Final Solution was printed, that could cause a problem when it got to MacNeil's portion).


"Well, no, but I was thinking in terms of sales"

Yeah, old 200AD fans have the books and new 2000D fans haven't really been exposed to it, so I agree with you there.  This seems to be the best option to tempt everyone with.

I agree on the healing Candida story, this simple story of wandering jongleur is a vital part of the story, as is the poster prog issue.  I'd like it all, every last damn thing including the photostory - reason tells me it won't happen, but I hope so.

For more B/W stuff from 2000AD, maybe this is the way to go, I dunno?


Is there enough colour material to justify a fourth book? The second honeymoon, the healing, the poster prog, the trilogy from around 900, The Enigmass varients. Nemesis - Colour Prejudice?


PVS, mcwild,

I appologise before hand for dredging up what are obviously traumatic memories, but weren't there Two Nemesis photostrips?


:: Is there enough colour material to justify a fourth book?

Yes, but Nemesis falls apart if you print stuff out of order. Frankly, I'd rather the colour stuff was just presented in the correct place, even if that means greyscale reproduction. (And I'd also be quite happy for the Nemesis/Deadlock series to be conveniently forgotten, too.)


Again, Indigo hits the nail on the head.  It needs to be in order.  Some very important plotlines were in the specials and one offs, and they need to be shown in order.

The amount of material that is in colour, is negligable and it would be much better to print it B/W that leave it out or print it in a seperate volume.

Does anyone think the post nemeis Deadlock Strip should be in?  Because it is a prologue to temright I'd say yes.  I'm not fussed about the Nemesis/Dreddlock colour series from the 90's though.

Dan Kelly

Molcher's made it into the Lying in the Gutters' report

Link:" target="_blank">tart

House of Usher

I love that magazine he does, 'End of the Earth is Nigh'. I heard it steals the show!



The prequel - "Beginning of the End of the Earth is Nigh" - also got rave reviews.

Funt Solo

Revenge of the Return of the Beginning of the End of the Earth is Nigh.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.