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Podcast : Glenn Fabry & John McCrea

Started by Marbles, 13 August, 2007, 07:15:47 PM

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Funt Solo

Jebus, Claym00re, climb down off that fence and have an opinion, for Grud's sake.  

Bloody wishy-washy liberals etc.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


It's Captain fucking MAIN - WEARING">



I agree Johhnny Stress that suddenly speaking on of Gaelic in a English sentence appaers strange.

 I'm of the opinion that words from any ancient language are filled with magic and you may have to be careful of who's listening when using correct pronouciation.

 With my repeated English or Anglisised use of the word Slaine I do too connect the meaning of this word with Death. I'm not terribly concerned with wether it's noun or adjective. I take the name and I look at the comic. The 'Killing Field' is good example. With Slaine standing in a field of many, many corpses. I take the English meaning of the word Slaine in context with what happen on pages.

Funt Solo

Maybe that's WHY he killed all those people:

All those people: "Slain - funny name for a breathing bloke!"

Slaine: "It's fecking Slahnweigh, you c*nts!  WAAAARGH!"

[10 minutes later]

Voice of Grud/Danu: "He didn't think it too many."
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Richmond Clements

It's Captain fucking MAIN - WEARING

Thank fuck he wasn't a Lieutenant.


If you all really want to know how to pronounce
Sláine, it is Slawnyeh. And nothing else.

To a 9 year old in 1983 it isn't.

So, in closing: when you see Slane, say 'slain'. When you see Slaney, say 'slain-y'. When you see Sláine, say

Whatever the fuck I want, thank you. Who the hell are you to order us how to pronounce things? I suggest pulling your tongue out of your own ringpiece, then you might not be so full of your own shit.


Sorry, I meant only pronouciation instead of corrrect pronouciation.


"I agree Johhnny Stress that suddenly speaking on of Gaelic in a English sentence appaers strange"

That's fine, but you were the one who started this debate by wondering how it's actually pronounced.
I've given you the correct pronunciation and have also tried to show why I think it is unsuitable to call a character like that Slain.

To be honest, I'm not really quite sure why there is such resistance to pronouncing it Slawnyeh.

Why, for example, do we all pronounce Sean as Shawn, and not Seen as in mean?  It is a Gaelic name which is generally pronounced correctly.  Why?  Probably because it is well-known; people know how to say it.  If you heard somebody mispronouncing it I'm sure 99% of you would -- hopefully with good intentions -- try and help the person say it correctly.

The same with Sláine: the name has a correct pronunciation; I'm sure you can understand why somebody would go to the effort to try and answer your initial question.

Mills may well have been initially attracted to the name because it did read to him as slain but there has been an effort in the comic to try and show the correct pronunciation.

As I said before, it's up to you how you want to say it. Gotta say, I really don't understand the attitude of "I don't care how it's pronounced," though.

Leigh S

I'm on the fence as to this, but I cant remember the strip ever trying to tell us how its pronounced - can you point out an example?  I did find it funny that Pat says "Slain" in that podcast, but only because the interviewers had gone to the effort of trying to do it 'right'!

Funt Solo

Doesn't the strip tell us how to pronounce it in the very first episode?

Maybe it's later - but do you remember, along with one of the earliest episodes, there's a map of Tir Nan Og, and some text info. about the research that went into creating the Slaine strip.  

My memory may be all kinds of wrong (although just one will do), but doesn't it have the correct pronunciation there?  I can check when I get home from work.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Funt Solo

In here, somewhere, I'm thinking:" />
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"I cant remember the strip ever trying to tell us how its pronounced - can you point out an example?"

Sadly I can't.  I have a vague recollection of a two-page spread and if it wasn't mentioned there I am pretty sure it was specified in an answer to a letter.  I live in Japan and my progs are a million miles away so there's no chance of me being able to dig it up, but somebody else might.

Funt Solo

::"I suggest pulling your tongue out of your own ringpiece"

That, combined with my semi-blocked right ear causing a permanent feeling of car sickness, is getting me far too close to boking for comfort.  Yuck! Bad Wils!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Well in fairness 'Slawnyeh' IS the correct pronunciation- but if you've grown up reading it as Slane then, so what?

Gila Munja-  Heela Munya?