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Started by Adrian Bamforth, 06 September, 2007, 04:55:10 PM

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Adrian Bamforth

"Moore's Invisible Man is one "Hawley" Griffin (first name invented by Moore, named after Dr. Crippen), while Wells' man is just Griffin, and the original movie version is "Jack" Griffin."

I don't get it - why does everyone who steals the formular call themselves Griffin, or is it just a massive coincidence?

Adrian Bamforth

'The problem with "elected government" is their total lack of accountability to the people once elected.'

Taking away the Iraq prism for a moment, any government is accountable to the population at the next election. What doesn't happen is the government doing whatever people say they want in opinion polls or protests. Sometimes they pick another party, sometimes they pick the same, if anyone doesn't like it they can stand themselves. Getting rid of a government is far simpler than sacking an employee. Why the speech marks round "elected government"?

Peter Wolf

  Yes thats quite right. "At" the next election you say.Only in the sense that they may make promises,make fake promises,lie,sometimes they dont but not often.Theres no mention of what happens afterwards.

 What happens after is they do what they like for the next 4 or 5 years.Then theres another election,someone gets elected,then they do what they like for the next 4 or 5 years.Then .......

  I think it might be kinder to leave this subject alone for now really.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Adrian Bamforth

That doesn't explain why most governments stay in power for more than one term.

Dark Jimbo

I don't get it - why does everyone who steals the formula call themselves Griffin, or is it just a massive coincidence?

Answer - it's the same person. It's just that Wells never gave him a first name, so in the different later interpretations (the films of the book, LOEG) people have seen fit to give him different first names. The first film called him Jack, Moore called him Hawley - but it's still the same Griffin that Wells wrote about.

Peter Wolf

  In  our own time frame it has been like this so far in the uk.

   First of all there was the Wilson labour party in power.What a sham they were.Wilson was a traitor who in the end had to stay on the isles of Scilly otherwise he would more than likely have been assasinated.After Wilson you had Callaghan.Not really any better.I just about remember the Winter of Discontent.

 Then we have Thatcher in 79 .We all know about that so there is no need to expand upon it.Then Major.More of the same only more sort of grey.

 By that time everyone was fed up and along comes New Labour and Tony Blair mp.[i am tory plan b ].
The Blair government was a sham .No need to expand upon that either.
 How do they get re-elected ? Someone votes for them and first past the post gets in.Then its do what you like time again.

  For example: You or i dont want to replace Trident missiles? Tough shit.You are having them wether you like it or not.

 Who voted for a government that was going to collect and store 5 million dna samples on a database ?  No one as far as i know.

 Who voted for war in Iraq ? no one. The government goes to war.There is nothing you can do about it.[except protest of course !! ]

Who had a say in all the legislation passed since Sept 11th ? No one did except the government.

   I think i am making my point clearly.


Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Charlie Brooker review in today's Grauniad. I didn't know he did stuff for Oink.

Link:,,2163506,00.html" target="_blank">Screen Burn

Funt Solo

From Heroes & Monsters (the unofficial companion to LOEG):

"Moore has stated in interviews that he gave Griffin the first name of Hawley as a reference to the murderer Dr. Hawley Crippen, who poisoned his wife in 1910..."

(And, as stated by DJ - it is THE Griffin from Wells' The Invisible Man.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Adrian Bamforth

"How do they get re-elected ? Someone votes for them and first past the post gets in."

Which is undemocratic because...?

Adrian Bamforth


"The filmmakers were unable to obtain the rights to H. G. Wells' original Invisible Man character so they created a new version of him known as Rodney Skinner, a thief blessed with the lightest of fingers, the most cunning of minds and a talent for trouble, who has stolen the invisibility formula from the original Invisible Man, Griffin (in the graphic novel, it is explained that the Invisible Man killed at the end of The Invisible Man was actually a half-wit albino that Griffin made invisible as a guinea pig)."

...suggesting that the Moore's Invisible Man named his guniea pig after him, or named himself after him for some reason.

Peter Wolf

We are fine up to this point but its afterwards that the problems start.The way i see it is like this.Low turnouts at elections are NOT because of voter apathy.Or maybe they are partly but the fact is people dont feel that they have a say in what happens and certainly dont feel they are listened to.Because of this problem  the electorate dont see any point in voting anymore.People in this country are not that interested in politics at the best of times so to encourage them i would involve them in politics a lot more than simply crossing a bit of paper every 5 years.If they are not interested then fair enough.Its their choice,but there are an awful lot who are interested so we would like more of a say in things.This is common in more enlightened european countries for example.

  A first past the post winner in an election that is not  representative of the electorate as whole.Also i would like the option of a No Vote as well.If i dont want to vote for either conservatives or New or Old Labour or whatever they call themselves now then a no vote is a clear vote of No Confidence in either party.

 The winning party is voted in by the voters.This should mean that they should and will live up to the voters expectations and the promises that were made to them should be fulfilled to *the* letter.

 Its shouldnt be about voting for a party that is given Carte blanche to do exactly what the hell it likes once elected with no comebacks.

 Politicians should be much more closely monitored  while at work.Performance related pay might not be a bad idea plus less free drinks and lunches.Plus a timesheet or some sort of incentive to make them attend the house of commons a bit more often.

 By the way the practice of "paperclipping" legislation and then running it by the house of commons when it is mostly empty is not Democratic either.Were those articles of legislation properly debated by a full house of commons? No they werent. This is an abuse of the Democratic system in this country.

  I take it you have a career of some sort and work.I do.If i dont do what i say i am going to do or do a very bad job of it then i dont expect to be paid for it.I cant be sacked as i am freelance but it is just the same if you are employed.If you fuck up or dont show up for work constantly,or whatever then the rules of the workplace are usually 3 strikes then you are out.

 I dont see why politicians are any different.They work for and are paid for by the electorate.Its about time they started acting like it.

  The way i see it is at the moment the majority of the Labour cabinet are unfit to run this country.People who are obsessed with controlling what everyone else does are usually incapable of controlling themselves given the free rein they have at present.

  This is leaving out the debacle that is the House of LOrds or rather what the House of Lords has become in the last few years.They[labour werent exactly held accountable for that either.Everyone knows they were lying.A house of Lords that is full of Curry kings etc who have greased the palms of the labour party is not democracy.Enquiries that are conducted by the establishment that dont reach a satisfactory conclusion that being a guilty rather than a not guilty scenario are not good for democracy either.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


According to today's Daily Mirror TV Guide magazine, annoying titled "We Love Telly!", 2000ad is an "X-rated comic", "like Viz".

That speaks volumes about the current swearing policy I feel, and made me very, very sad.


Rio De Fideldo


First shows on tonight on BBC 4 9pm


If anyone *does* happen to miss it, it's repeated about 3 or 4 times during the week. Check your telly book.

Adrian Bamforth

"That speaks volumes about the current swearing policy I feel, and made me very, very sad."

...or it could just be lazy journalism. It's not as if it's on the top shelf (like Viz) or was an 'adults only' warning on the front (or even has many non-made-up expletives in it).