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Necronaughts Gn

Started by petesbeats, 11 January, 2005, 04:34:55 PM

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Having missed the progs that this story originally appeared in i'm thinking of buying the Gn.  Would you guys recommend or steer clear?

cheers in advance!



What's the basic outline story?


Houdini +
Conan Doyle +
Fort +
Lovecraft +
Cthulu mythos +
cricket bats +
drugs +
ravens +
weird flying machines +
the shadow world beyond death +
one of Rennie's tightest scripts +
supreme Frazer Irving artwork +
nice glossy presentation =


were we meant to recognise the baddie in the plane? the characters seemed to, but i don't think they ever refered to him by name.


Byron Virgo

You mean 'The Aviator'? You can see his name on a poster early on (second episode), although you could work out his identity from the likeness...


Ah, cheers for that, I had wondered if it was the bloke in the poster, but wasn't sure.


Yeah, it's Charles Lindbergh.  A few subtle hints - , 'The Aviator', the quasi-nazism, the possibly crass but oblique reference to the Lindbergh Baby Kidnap case.

I never wanted to identify him by name, but editorial dictates said different, hence the one (I think) mention of his name in dialogue.


One reason i never made the connection is I wasn't aware he had any kind of dark side to his history. "Bloke flyes plane with cool name, go him!" is all I really know about him. what other dark secrets does he hide?

Byron Virgo

Is there? Can't say I noticed, anyway.


All-American hero and, by some accounts, a bit of a nazi-sympathiser in the 1930s. Spent a lot of time in Germany then, and was big mates with Herman Goering and enthusiastic about all the cool new things in aviation the Luftwaffe were doing.   Enough smoke without fire for the Feds to keep an eye on him after the US entered the war.

The Lindbergh Baby Kidnap case was a huge drama in its time.  Lindbergh's baby son was kidnapped - with the inside help of one of his staff.  Can't remember if the ransom was paid, but the baby was found dead.


Hmm...I MUST admit I enjoied this hugely when it was in the weekly but after getting the GN at Christmas was strangly quite disapointed. Found it abit too short and dull! Dunno why really.


Oh, and Agatha Christie fictionalised the Lindbergh Baby case and used it as the backstory for Murder On The Orient Express.


Wow, intriuging stuff. I need to reread Necornaughts me thinks.