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original art

Started by the3rdman, 17 April, 2006, 04:31:00 AM

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test 4 echo

Is that the same as suggesting they are too high then Wake?


but what about the ezquerra's, bisley, bolland, jock, gibbons, kennedy, flint, talbot, ewins etc. should they come under the same price list??  i think the point that is trying to be made is that you can't classify the cost of art so simply, while the pieces on your website might be there for ?40 (for dredd), other saught after pages will go for a lot more, regardless of what character is in it.


Is that the same as suggesting they are too high then Wake?

Some of the prices are above what the same pages would achieve if sold on eBay with no reserve. However, all of the above artwork is sold on behalf of the original artists and so pricing the pages 'to sell' would mean less money going to them. I'm happy to have so many great pages 'in stock', so I don't mind that I haven't sold many recently.

Like Rufus I don't think it's appropriate to haggle when buying direct from an artist.




what about the ezquerra's, bisley, bolland, jock, gibbons, kennedy, flint, talbot, ewins etc. should they come under the same price list??

Coming up with a price for something has to start somewhere. Obviously artwork by fan favourite artists is going to be worth more and I am not suggesting otherwise.




I agree with that. I mean I've not met any artists in person but I have bought direct from a few and that makes those pieces even more special in my mind. And the money goes direct to them not someone buying in bulk only to resell and seemingly not carrying about their artistic worth. That's why I'm really happy there is artwork to buy on this site and from people like Rufus.

I think your pricing structure is right for the artists you've mentioned above but the ones that mastersan, and others would be sizably higher, some obviously even more so, so it's hard to generalise like that. I can't imagine that Rufus's collection would only go for ?40 a page ;)

for the OP I'd say the Anthony Williams pages are very nice but not really worth the amount that Ebay seller is selling them for. The Dead Man page especially as I got a better page for about ?25 from Ebay in the past and the Bisley Sam Slade pages were half the price when I bought one from somewhere else. I don't see them selling that quickly.

Talking of original artwork if you look on Ebay atm you can see that fatboydale has put up over 300 pages of artwork for a range of various prices that might interest you.

test 4 echo

Bloody typical, it's 15p listing day. There are hundreds of pages up for sale.

I'm having a clear out of pretty much all my artwork. Although may leave it a couple of weeks so it doesn't get buried somewhere in the pages of listings. Since having a bit of a reorg at home it is no longer displayed, and I only bought pages or pieces to put on the wall, having a pile in a case under the bed never appealed.

Anyone looking for a Halo Jones page...

Link:" target="_blank">...can find one here

Devons Daddy

i like wake's idea of pricing stuff. i've emailed bisley to get some money back for my abc page

that made me laugh so hard i almost pulled a muscle.
i love this place for just such brillant posts.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Dog Deever

Art is worth however much someone will pay for it, if you think ?200 is too much, and someone else buys it.... then it's worth ?200 quid. Simple as. Artists overheads are absolutely minimal, but fine art in galleries or sold through dealers, lose 50-70% to the dealer/gallery as commission. I doubt comics dealers would be as harsh though. Guys like Rufus seem to me to do it for love of comic art, and i can understand that.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


3rd, a mate of mine from Warington might be selling some pages soon, and he's usually lethally decent about prices. Critchlow Mean Machine, Smith Dredd, things like that. Interested?


DXB, if he's got any art for sale I'm always interested in seeing what is available, etc. Make sure he gives me a chance to have a  look etc. Cheers
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


I'd guess you wouldn't be the only interested person, always nice to see new stuff come on the market!


Well he's just bought 44 pages of Adlard Superman art, as well as all the art for the Walking Dead contribution to the Christmas special.

I believe he's been mailing Wake about putting some of his original artwork on the net. Amongst his finest pieces is a page of Macniel art of Johnny Alpha, Wulf, and Durham that as far as we can tell was never published...


Ron Smith Dredd? Thats gotta be expensive?


I recently bought this Ron Smith page on eBay for ?91 including postage. I wouldn't normally want a Ron Smith Dredd page quite so much, but I believe this page is the only appearance of Fargo (modelled on John Wagner) in 2000AD so far. It also has a baby Judge Rico.



Carlsborg Expert

Goodman, Rubins Hansar and Mandela.

What exactly are their stories?