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Watchmen Trailer now...

Started by Goaty, 17 July, 2008, 07:57:46 PM

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thought it should be up 5am tomorrow, but i found it here at empireonline,

and it fucking good! :)


after see it 5 times, still good... it does got all the pieces of key scenes and moments from the novel... that director Snyder does it again!

Matt Timson

That looks pretty good.  I'm almost prepared to eat my words.


I won't deny it looks nice (and that song's pretty good, too). In fact, I'll say it looks bloody nice. Perhaps there's a glimmer of hope.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


here youtube version of trailer if anyone cant see first link...

still good trailer, I was like it when first watch Dark Knight trailer. hehe...


Looking good. My only nipick would be Rorschach's voice - I'd always imagined it as a really strangulated and schreechy - like Cobra Commanders' or something.



Quote from: "radiator"Looking good. My only nipick would be Rorschach's voice - I'd always imagined it as a really strangulated and schreechy - like Cobra Commanders' or something.

I'm glad it's not, it makes him sound more human which some people forget he is and will help engage the audience a lot more empathy wise. A more affected voice, which would always have been the temptation, would have been over the top like Christian Bale's Batman. It's tonally perfect and done by the actor who plays him which is more important for character continuity.

The only thing bad about the trailer is the unfinished Doc Manhattan CGI which they obviously rushed to get it out in front of Dark Knight, a bad decision I think as it under sells it a bit.


Trailers gone now from Youtube...


yeah same from empireonline, I guess they realise the mistake it online too early!!! so sorry for anyone who hadnt see it, have to wait till 5am tomorrow!!! brilliant trailer! why does it feelings like 300 trailer???????


Plenty of versions still appearing on U-Tube if you search recent uploads.  Sigh.  I want to hate this, I really really do, but it just looks so earnest and eager to please that I can't manage it.  I still don't believe there's any point (other than money) in a movie adaptation, but... Jon's Martian city is just so bloody cool to see in action, and as for the Owlship...  

So I'll content myself with noting that Dan looks far too much the traditional movie superhero, and less the middle-aged geek gussied along by his psychotic ex-partner.  Off for another look now...


There are loads of Watchmen official trailers up on You Tube.

Looks awesome. Sat in bed crying 'cos it looks so good, better not let Mrs LARF see she'll call me a big baby, but it really does capture the comic book - fantastic!!!!!!!!


Looks awesome - so many shots were reminiscent of the comic. Guess it's time for another re-read to whet the appetite :-)
