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What is taking so long with the site?

Started by NoAlias, 18 November, 2008, 08:03:54 AM

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The new 2000AD website was launched at the beginning of July, at least, I first noticed the new design back then.
It was announced that some sections would be filled later.

We're more than 5 months further, and still there is no 'characters' section, no 'creators' and no 'news'.
What is taking so long?
Are these sections ever going to get filled, or do I have to start looking elsewhere for the information?
It's not like the information has to be created from scratch, the old site used to have it too.



I am no longer webmaster for 2000AD Online but I have been allowed to make the information from the old site available to all on a new fan site called BARNEY.



W. R. Logan

So whose the new wed droid who pops up from time to time?

Maybe he can answer when the site is going to be fully operational or why bother having the links on the home page?

The Galaxies Greatest Comic, Maybe. The Galaxies Greatest Website, not any more.


Whoever did the PHPBB install could really do with adding some spam-blocking features and security updates, too.


I do find it a bit strange that all of the content to do with the actual comic is relegated back to a fan site, especially creator profiles, story indexes and cover story. Any particular reason that they're not part of the new site?


People would appear to be displeased with the current progress with this site and the splitting off of much loved old features to Wake's excellent Barney site. I think a comprehensive update from the powers that be would be in order.

Cheers, Kerrin.


Fantastic work on the Barney-site, Wake.
I love it, and I can find more information there than on the official site.
I will be updating my bookmarks, for sure.

Many thanks.



In fact the new website is so bad it only provides a phone number for subscriptions, no email, no subscription request facility, we are on the web adter all?

Either money's tight at Rebellion these days or they don't much care about their premier comic property anymore.

Without Wake 2000ADs presence on the web would be a message board and that's it.


I'm often unsure about what might or might not be covered by my NDA, but I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to say that Rebellion are planning to improve the main site.


I hope they are and I don't doubt you're telling the truth.

Dog Deever

That barney site is much better than this one- can the old message board be added back onto Barney and the 'old site' be run as the Barney fan site?
The new site is a bit of a waste of web space, and I'm not keen on the new board either. Topics continually change and you can't keep track of stuff properly.
The old board and site were far superior in every way to what we have now. That changeover fucked things up good and proper.

Apologies for negativity, but on the positive side- Barney is great- well done Wake. Has the Wednesday chat be re-instituted in the chat room?
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


You old fart Deever! I bet in the good old days poo smelled like candy and gum drops rained from the sky.

I do miss the old content however and the constant flood of spammers is a real pain as I never know if I'm missing a post of interest as it has been hidden behind a spam bastich.

And Wallace and Gromit was the same as the last one with the evil girlfriend/good pet swapping roles and that's it. Oh wait I'm moaning now.


Quote from: "Buttonman"I do miss the old content however and the constant flood of spammers is a real pain as I never know if I'm missing a post of interest as it has been hidden behind a spam bastich.

The spammers are a pain, but they don't last long -- even though it needs more administration this board is easier to administrate (i.e. delete posts/users as well as uploading user icons). I don't think there would be any point trying to reinstate the old board on BARNEY. This board has the content and the users, and with a link from the 2000AD Online home page it has ability to attract new users and carries the 'official' stamp.

Pete Wells

Hooray!!! I'm merrily Boxing Day pissed now having just endured the annual, torturous Boxing Day In-Laws party (it was a fucking belter this year, the mother in law was completely pissed and crying her eyes out cos she knows everyone hates her - whilst singing 'Hungry Like The Wolf' on Rock Band - surreal!) but I just want to say I really like the look of the 'new' site and am prepared to wait for the all singing, all dancing finished version. I'm chuffed I've got Barney to keep me going till this 'un is sorted out and have complete trust in Tharg and W3b-BOTv2 to come up with something special.

Have patience folks!

Roger Godpleton

Can we have a proper killfile and not this wussy "sub-literate moron is on your ignore list, click here to make your brains drip out your nose once you read their half-baked idea for the new Dredd film" BS? When someone irritates me, I want to kill them. I want them to not exist. Ta.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!