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New Rebellion AvP game

Started by Satanist, 11 February, 2009, 04:34:16 PM

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Keef Monkey

Sorry for the double-post (edit has expired), but just read elsewhere that the demo is apparently the code they showed at E3 '09, in which case visually it'll have had a whole load of polish since then so I wouldn't imagine even that will be an issue in the final product.


Just re-installed AvP2 on my pc

Not payed it in years so looking forwards to having a go with the graphics turned waaaay up as to run it on my pc I had at the time I had to have it about as low as it would go


Quote from: Keef Monkey on 06 February, 2010, 11:59:42 AM
Sorry for the double-post (edit has expired), but just read elsewhere that the demo is apparently the code they showed at E3 '09, in which case visually it'll have had a whole load of polish since then so I wouldn't imagine even that will be an issue in the final product.

I heard that too, which is a pretty stupid thing to release now if it is a lot different to the final game. After all, the whole point of a demo is to demonstrate the game you are trying to sell, not to show us what it looked like months ago ::).

Darren Stephens

Keef Monkey

Ach, I'm not gonna panic yet. Plenty of games I've loved have been slated, half the time I wonder if these reviewers even like games. Plus, if they're using the 10 scale properly then almost a 6 means it's an above average game if not mindblowing. The demo got me well excited, still can't wait (please don't let my confidence be misplaced Rebellion)!

Darren Stephens

I know Keef, I'm looking forward to it still, too. The demo was a little undrwhelming to me, though. I fear its done more harm than good, that demo. Should be an enjoyable enough single player, though I've never really understood why anyone would want to be the monster in the game??!


Official XBox mag given it an 8/10

still debating whether or not I'm too big a pussy to play this. I suck at scary 1st person shooters, get way too into them.


Quotestill debating whether or not I'm too big a pussy to play this. I suck at scary 1st person shooters, get way too into them.

Ha! Must admit, that while I'm pretty much immune to most horror games and films, the first AvP on PC did shit me up a bit. The solution - just play as the Alien!


Well, it's currently number one in the 360 pre-order chart on - that's got to be a good sign...

Pete Wells

It got a really positive review in PC Zone and 82%


Ahh, the cool kids'll bash anything!

(How long before somebody here sees the double-entendre potential in THAT, I wonder? ;) )
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!

Nap Normal

I'm a shot fighter. My nerves can't handle these type of games any more. The last couple I played (Bio shock and Call Of Duty on the PS3)left me a nervous wreck. I think I'll stick to Raving Rabbits from now on.


Falling in love makes you fat.

Devons Daddy

on the must buy list,

despite the wealth of AAA titles this month,
the three faction fight appeals.

plus its a nod to rebellion, for  being there for us with 2000ad.
if  live is the truly frag fest,nightmare,scream out loud moments i am HOPING FOR  :P it worth its weight in groats.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Darren Stephens

Quote from: Darren Stephens on 07 February, 2010, 05:13:49 PM
Oh ....dear.  :'(
Sorry to quote myself, but in the interests of balance and fair play...
IGN usually get it about right in my eyes. Can't wait for payday. ;-P S'pose I'd better finish borderlands, GTA episodes, COD6, Uncharted 2 ect ect? Nah, fug it, I'll play this instead!  :D



I'll probably get the PC version as my XBOX thumbs can't twiddle fast enough to take on the galaxies worst killing machines.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla