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New 2000AD Covers Blog

Started by Pete Wells, 06 July, 2009, 06:33:01 PM

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What a great Judge Dredd that is. Superb. :o
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

Pete Wells

At last, an update! Sorry the blog's been a little light on the update side, I couldn't get Siku (though I got his cover today) and Si Fraser is says all his forthcoming Dante covers are spoilertastic so he'll send 'em when this arc is done.

Look out for a Siku entry later in the week (no naughty comments Logan!) and an Ormstron one later still...

Today though, Zombo!

Dr Feeley Good

Great cover,i was tempted to get in contact with Henry and see if it was for sale,then i checked my bank balance !!! never mind !

Pete Wells

Crikey, after an excruciating couple of weeks, FOUR artists sent me their covers in two days this week! They're like buses these 2000AD droids!

So, I've done Siku today, I'll got some WONDERFUL Simon Fraser entries for tomorrow (hold onto your hat Gloady!) and some AMAZING Cliff Robinson treats lined up for Sunday!

Right, now to hassle Neil Roberts' for today's Savage cover...

Pete Wells

Courtesy of the wonderful Si Fraser, I've just put up a GREAT Nikolai Dante special featuring all FOUR of the two Dante covers from Heroes be Damned along with sketches, colour tests, inks and behind the scenes shenanigans.

It's posts like this that made me want to to the blog in the first place!

Mike Gloady

Brilliant blog as ever, great stuff from the obscenely talented Fraser Droid.  Thanks for that.   

And it's always saddened me that Fraser's not done enough covers for his creation (although it DOES usually mean we get to see an artist other than him and Burns draw the characters).
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Pete Wells

Catching up! I've done a bit of a Lawgiver special to celebrate Cliff's stunning cover of Prog 1684...


You have been a busy boy, haven't you Pete!  Nice stuff :D


These B/W scans are ideal for printing and getting the young one to colour in.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Another sweeet covers post. Consider me and my trusty RSS feeder SUBSCRIBED  :D
I don't draw so good and I don't know the artists off by heart. I eat more than I probably should and don't yet know the stories from the start. I like films and can't speak Spanish, but DAMMIT I can Twitter


Nice work! That Cliff Robinson Dredd is sexeh.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...

Pete Wells

Thanks for the kind words guys, you're onto something there vzzbux, there's loads of images on the blog that could be used for the colouring book we all so desperately want!

I've been super busy of late ( did anyone actually notice I've hardly had time to post on the board? Thought not!) but the blog has hit a few milestones of late.

Firstly, over 10,000 views of this thread (amittedly about 9,000 will have been me!)

Secondly, I actually got round to installing a really good hit counter ( and it shows the blog gets nearly 4000 hits a month. That's really impressive considering it was so light on updates last month. Of the hits it gets, Clint Langley is by far the most googled artist with searches from all over Europe and beyond.

Thirdly, and most excitingly for me, the holy grail of 2000AD blogs D'blog of D'Israeli had a feature about the site, woohoo!

Keep watching it fellas, it's just gonna get better!

Pete Wells

As if a new Cellar of Dredd post wasn't enough for you guys today, I've updated the covers blog with some Simon Davis goodness, hoorah!


Quote from: Pete Wells...a really good hit counter (

Great work!

Also, Statcounter is good, but you may want to give Google Analytics a try as it's much more thorough.
