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Last year's Resolutions: How did you do?

Started by House of Usher, 28 December, 2009, 05:15:54 PM

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Same here. Must try to do more artwork and get a working portfolio up and ready. Pitching too must send more stuff to publishers.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Well so far this year I massacred my first resolution which is not to be late for karate lessons. Failed with my first lesson of the year.

Last year's resolutions:
1. Move flat. SUCCESS
2. Get new flat decoration/building work finished. SUCCESS
3. Do more comic art, enter the board art comps. SUCCESS in terms of entering the art comps but not in terms of doing more comic art especially the all important sequential stuff.
4. Produce graphics portfolio and website. FAIL
5. Get more better paid work in to earn at least a semi decent income. EPIC FAIL
6. Go to the gym. FAIL, though I do go to karate three times a week.

In addition to fails above I add to this years resolutions to start a comic art blog.

(Stacey – Last year I sorted out a new contract with Virgin and saved myself tons of money. I delayed it as we were due to move and I was losing bucket loads of dosh with the old contracts I had. As my mobile is on Virgin as well they gave me a great deal on that (crap phone, mind you). Not sure if it is a permanent offer. If it is, they don't exactly broadcast it too much as I found out about it almost by chance. )


Quote from: SuperSurfer on 04 January, 2010, 10:58:35 AM

(Stacey – Last year I sorted out a new contract with Virgin and saved myself tons of money. I delayed it as we were due to move and I was losing bucket loads of dosh with the old contracts I had. As my mobile is on Virgin as well they gave me a great deal on that (crap phone, mind you). Not sure if it is a permanent offer. If it is, they don't exactly broadcast it too much as I found out about it almost by chance. )

Thanks for that, I am defintely going to phone them THIS week! I will I will! :-)

The Monarch

I fulfilled last years resolutions thye being

1 lose at least six stone of weight (completed)

2 get canon fodder II reprinted (completed!)

this year will be so much harder but I like a challenge


Quote from: The monarch on 04 January, 2010, 05:44:21 PM
1 lose at least six stone of weight (completed)

Mother of Jovus!  I once dropped 3 and a half, but 6 stone in a year!  That's dedication.  No wonder Tharg was powerless to resist your Canon Fodder demands!


Blimey, that's very nearly another whole person! Well done that (smaller) man. I need to lose several inches - I own a very nice silver-grey tailored 3 piece suit that I can barely fasten these days - tried to wear the waistcoat for new year, but it was more like a corset! If I can get comfortably into that by the end of the year, I'll be happy.


Wow Monarch that's some achievement.

Any before and after photos? I had a shock a few years ago when I had a roll of film developed with pics of two summer holidays with a year's gap in between. I shifted some serious weight in that year and was pretty surprised at the difference in the snaps.

The Monarch


Nicely done that man.  I like that the manual you selected from the Health & Diet section was the Complete Ro-Busters.  Can't go wrong with Dr. Feeley Good method!


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

uncle fester

Without intentionally (mis)quoting Mr Adams, my resolution last year was "not to panic", as I went freelance at the start of the year. So far so good. I'll keep the same resolution for this year as it can still be a good mantra to recite when the walls start closing in.


Quote from: uncle fester on 05 January, 2010, 03:27:41 PM can still be a good mantra to recite when the walls start closing in.

In those circumstances I prefer: "No, shut them all down, hurry!"


Quote from: stacey on 04 January, 2010, 12:42:50 PM
Quote from: SuperSurfer on 04 January, 2010, 10:58:35 AM

(Stacey – Last year I sorted out a new contract with Virgin and saved myself tons of money. I delayed it as we were due to move and I was losing bucket loads of dosh with the old contracts I had. As my mobile is on Virgin as well they gave me a great deal on that (crap phone, mind you). Not sure if it is a permanent offer. If it is, they don't exactly broadcast it too much as I found out about it almost by chance. )

Thanks for that, I am defintely going to phone them THIS week! I will I will! :-)

Seriously, make sure you do - I'd been putting off switching to digital but it was not only cheaper but they spotted I was still paying for an extra line I no longer use (ah the joy of dialup internet) so overall it saved a real bundle - no wonder Virgin weren't chasing me to upgrade.

They must love me there as I got involved with their messing my auntie around (my best guess is someone was signing her, and presumably a lot of old folks, up to a bigger deal when all she wants is the phone, and then banking a nice bonus) and got everything refund nice and quickly. I also came out of that deal with what seems like half a mile of USB cable.

So it is always important to not let the sneaky bastards get away with anything - perhaps less a resolution for the new year and more a motto for life. You can guarantee they are all squeezing extra cash out of you they shouldn't be - which remind me, time to get onto the energy people about taking the piss with direct debits.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


Thanks so much Supersurfer and Emperor, I just phoned Sky, For £20 LESS a month than I pay now, I am getting a +box free evening calls and a ton more channels and faster Broadband, For signing up on the spot they waived a load of the installation fees as well. I am sooo chuffed with myself! Thanks guys!

Also Monarch! You look fabulous bonny lad, well done!


Quote from: The monarch on 05 January, 2010, 01:51:02 PM
funnily enough I do!

Wow, that's impressive, monarch! You look much, much less like Keith from The Office now - keep it up.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"