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Prog 2011 - Bringing the Galaxy the Gift of Thrill-Power!

Started by John Caliber, 13 December, 2010, 10:44:29 AM

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It finally arrived!

To sum up: Ewing writes a cracking xmas Dredd, Kingdom is ace, Shakara looks great as always, but Staz Johnson's art on Rogue has nearly moved me to tears. The classic feel of it coupled with Finley-Day's script has made me feel like a wide-eyed ten year old all over again. Glorious.

Oh, and some stuff happened in Slaine.

Haven't read the other stories yet.


Still waiting... bloody bloody bloody snow.

To make matters worse I switched gas and electricity suppliers a few months back. Been waiting for the letter to tell me that I should expect my first direct debit to come out ten days before payment. No letter but had a £400 quarterly bill come out today without warning. Last week my mobile was cut off without warning, apparently they had sent me a letter to tell me.

Maybe it's just me but if the Post Office are trying to clear their backlog maybe they should be doing more deliveries. I've had nothing for a week, can't see how that will help.

Yours, pissed off, needing to do Christmas shopping and starved of thrill power,

Fear leads to doubt which leads to the worst case scenario.


Quote from: Rhodoferax on 19 December, 2010, 01:35:24 PM
...ridiculous things like spending several progs getting Neboron into prison in Heaven, then using one of his boons to break the guy out and send Cythea there, but then Cythea breaks out and is set to establish a treaty with Neoboron, whom she helped frame, which is all part of Uriel's plan somehow...

She doesn't break out. As seen at the end of the last series, her 'arrest' was a ploy, and Raziel takes her to the Blizzard Kingdoms. She simply lied to the demons.

Sorry if this is all too confusing. :-)



Quote from: Tony_Lee on 20 December, 2010, 12:45:52 PM

She doesn't break out. As seen at the end of the last series, her 'arrest' was a ploy, and Raziel takes her to the Blizzard Kingdoms. She simply lied to the demons.

Sorry if this is all too confusing. :-)

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. When it ends, I'll try rereading the whole run in one go to see if it makes more sense.


Got the prog a few days ago, and rationing, so still have a good way to go.

However, I just want to say ROOOOOOGGGGGUUUEEE! ahem, great to see Gerry back, and hopefully he will be contributing more to future progs, hopefully for Rogue, but really, anything would be great, but the best would be for Gerry to create a new strip, as we know he can write, and is good for way more than nostalgia...however you never know how he feels about 2000ad owning anything he creates.

Dredd: Average, but a nice summing up of the year in Dredd

Slaine: Needs a momentum and some direction, murderball is progress, but far be it from me to criticize Mr. Mills, a great bad influence on my life.

Shakara: Since I started buying 200ad again (break from the 90's to about three years ago, it is and continues to be one of my fave strips.

Nothing else read yet.....the cold and the snow have some ways to go, and I need to keep rationing my supplies of everthing, including thrill power.

Peace and Hope




Just beeen to two trustworthy sellers in Kings Heath in Birmingham, one being WHSmith. Nothing. Still progless. Bollocks.
Fear leads to doubt which leads to the worst case scenario.


Quote from: Rhodoferax on 20 December, 2010, 01:31:01 PM
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. When it ends, I'll try rereading the whole run in one go to see if it makes more sense.

Doubtful! I wrote it and even I have to keep checking back! :)


Quote from: Ochs on 20 December, 2010, 04:01:42 PM
Just beeen to two trustworthy sellers in Kings Heath in Birmingham, one being WHSmith. Nothing. Still progless. Bollocks.

The Kings Heath WHSmiths is notorious for being shite for 2000ad. The tobacconist across the road or the one opposite the post office were always better alternatives for me.

Batman's Superior Cousin

Waits for the postie to deliver the festive THRILL POWER!!!!
I can't help but feel that Godpleton's avatar/icon gets more appropriate everyday... - TordelBack
Texts from Last Night


If by some chance my subs copy arrives then I'll have a spare issue going for free - just paypal the postage and it's yours.
...because I hate you.

Darren Stephens

Quote from: mygrimmbrother on 20 December, 2010, 10:09:32 AM
....but Staz Johnson's art on Rogue has nearly moved me to tears. The classic feel of it coupled with Finley-Day's script has made me feel like a wide-eyed ten year old all over again. Glorious.



Still no prog 2011, I suppose the good thing is I wont have such a long wait till prog 1715 after I've read it!.