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dreams wtf?

Started by mogzilla, 07 August, 2012, 10:58:09 AM

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Quote from: Dandontdare on 14 January, 2014, 05:29:13 PM
best thing for detailed vivid dreams are nicotine replacement patches - I've noticed this and so have a couple of friends (though I can't be responsible for the content - I had surreal but long and detailed narrative adventures; another friend had nightmares and another said she had the best sex dreams she'd ever had!)

I've been off sleeping tablets for the last couple of weeks and I've also been having similarly vivid and detailed dreams (though alas without any sex in them).

To cite but two examples: In one dream, I am Conan the Barbarian and my best mate is Gannicus, the cool dual-sword-wielding gladiator from the Spartacus TV series. We're both eager to face each other at a gladiatorial competition but when I turn up - as Conan - I remember that I've left my Broadsword at a guy's city centre lock-up garage. So I drive out to his house to ask him to go with me and open up the garage. But because it's a Sunday he refuses - despite my increasingly desperate pleas - and tells me to bugger off. Rather than tear off his head with my bare hands and take his keys, I just sit down and cry.

In the second dream, my best female friend turns up at my flat, completely starkers and all smiling and happy. On the street outside are all these really old men and women, wearing hats and bonnets and they're just staring in through my windows. I bring my friend into the flat and to my bedroom to put some clothes on her. But when we get there, sitting on the bed are two old women with HMV vouchers that they want to redeem.

I'm now also on the nicotine patches, so God only knows what's going to happen to my brain in future!


I dreamt last night that I was at a large 2000AD forum gathering. I was taking a group photo as Commando Forces was opening a massive packet of the newly released 2000AD crisps. Colin_YNWA refused to stand with everyone else for the photo which turned out crap as people kept on walking in front of me.


I dreamt I bought a new Wallet last night. Thats it. Subliminal messaging or what? :lol:


I wonder why colin had the hump!  :lol:

I'm always having weird dreams. A few nights ago I dreamt I was trying to rescue Adrienne Barbeau from a tall tower. She was in danger from some hitmen and I made it to her room. But then some mean looking fellow with a gun burst in and I woke up. The weird part of the dream was the fact I didn't fully recognise her in the dream, I kept telling myself that I knew her from somewhere (one of the John Carpenter films no doubt). She wrote her name on a piece of paper - ADRIENNE BARBEAU - after I woke first thing I did was google the name from memory and of course, there it was. Weird.
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I had a brilliant one last night. Just before 03:11 I dreamt I was asleep, in a different bedroom and I was facing the door. I was fading in and out of sleep and could see the door was open. All of a sudden the door slammed shut and I woke up fully and saw a ghostly figure glide towards me. I tried to get up and grab the figure and shout at the same time and then I woke up for real. Bollocks :'(

Sadly it wasn't sleep paralysis (which I've had twice before and thoroughly enjoyed) but this was bloody right up there for fun. Once I was awake I went downstairs and watched a few episodes of Supernatural, just to keep in the right mood.

Steve Green


I've had sleep paralysis loads of times, it can be bloody scary though. In every instance I find it hard to shout or move and there's a feeling of pure unbridled terror as it feels like there's someone else in the room - a presence. I'm lucky in that I've had the fortune of not seeing anything, but I've heard of cases where people see dark figures or the 'hag' sitting or standing near the end of the bed - or sometimes putting pressure on the chest. I know it could be seen as hallucination, or lucid dreaming. Unless of course some bastard flings the cover off your bed too! I knew a bloke who was shit scared to go to sleep at night because he would get sleep paralysis and see these 'entities' nearly all the time....

I tell you what, CF has some guts!
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Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 18 January, 2014, 09:57:38 PM
Sadly it wasn't sleep paralysis (which I've had twice before and thoroughly enjoyed

Nutter. My most vivid recollection of sleep paralysis was a childhood dream where a semi-naked George Cole was lying on top of me - it was fucking terrifying.

It seems highly unlikely, but is there the slightest chance that anyone else here has had a similar dream to this: I'm at the newsagents where I used to do my paper round. The shop owner tells me there's a box full of old comics a customer forgot to collect and that I can have them if I like. I take a look through the contents, and there's about a hundred bog paper era 2000ads, featuring stories which don't actually exist in real life.

There are McMahon colour centrespreads, what look like strip adaptations of books I've read, and an epic Cursed Earth Dredd story drawn entirely by Ron Smith where what looks like an army of hotdog run cadets do battle with mutie marauders over page after page of insanely detailed art. I ask the newsagent how much he wants for them and he replies "you can have the lot for a quid".


Quote from: sauchie on 18 January, 2014, 10:40:57 PM
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 18 January, 2014, 09:57:38 PM
Sadly it wasn't sleep paralysis (which I've had twice before and thoroughly enjoyed

Nutter. My most vivid recollection of sleep paralysis was a childhood dream where a semi-naked George Cole was lying on top of me - it was fucking terrifying.

Blimey.  :o

I sympathise with you, sauchie!  by the way, that's an awesome dream you had about those progs!
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Steve Green

I see Scott has exhausted his Dredd photoshops, judging by your new avatar, Sauchie.

Is that a subtle way to influence boarders dreams?


Quote from: Steve Green on 19 January, 2014, 10:02:05 PM
I see Scott has exhausted his Dredd photoshops, judging by your new avatar, Sauchie. Is that a subtle way to influence boarders dreams?

Nightmares, maybe. [spoiler]Nestel[/spoiler] can't be the only one of us to have looked at Hasselhoff's perm and complete inability to even deliver his lines - let alone actually act - and thought he'd be the perfect choice to convey the conflict within the tortured soul of the son of a racist dictator from Wiltshire.

Steve Green

I await the bearded Pamela 'Wulf' Anderson photoshop with interest.


I had a Dredd Movie Sequel dream the other night.  With Judge Death in it.  I was a citizen, not Dredd, trying to get away from a block where Death was sighted.  He looked very different from the comic version; he had a white cloak for one thing - I only caught very fleeting glimpses of him, but that made it even scarier.  Evidently my dream-director was inspired by the first Alien film.

Also in abundance was evidence of his work. Most terrifying scene:  A barbed wire fence around a scraggy-looking balcony allotment, upon which were hung dozens of dead babies.  Cheers for that one, subconscious.  Real classy.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Link Prime


I dreamt last night that I was at a book signing with Grant Morrison! He seemed like a nice chap, wrote a nice little message in the book I gave him to sign and then he asked me "what was the most defining moment of your life?"  and I answered " I can't remember, I've got brain-freeze! Can I let you know later?" He smiled and seemed fine about it. But then I started to wonder, what was the most defining moment in my life?

Some dream!  :D, And Morrison was the last person I thought I'd encounter in my dream seeing as I'm not a big fan! I hope next time I meet the great Magus and he goes on one of his long (and yet intriguing) rants/ lectures!  :lol:
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