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Doctor Who - Season... Spring 2013

Started by Colin YNWA, 01 March, 2013, 11:07:09 AM

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Colin YNWA

Not sure quite what how we're meant to number the season any more with all these half seasons and years of specials etc etc. Oh it used to be so much easier back in the day.

Anyway thought I'd start a new thread as all the old ones seems quite specific to particular things. The reason, well Bleeding Cool have this promo for the first part of the new... seasonish

Original article

Have to say I'm not a fan of style of these new images. This one manages make Oswin... Clara, whomever (God there's another thing that used to be easier!) look terrible, which I have to say based on everything else I've seen of her must take quite some doing. Also when did The Doctor suddenly become Willy Wonker?


Reflection top left - new Cyberman (hopefully old Cyberman?).
Reflection bottom left - Ice Warrior!


I agree about these horribly over photoshopped psoters - they just look ... weird.


On one website; here the list of episodes, looking forward to Neil Gaiman's The Last Cyberman

While the first half of season seven only included five episodes and the Christmas special, this second half will feature eight episodes to air between the end of March and late May. According to all the latest rumors, the episodes we'll see are (MINOR SPOILERS ahead):

The Bells of St. John
We've seen two versions of Clara Oswald, but this introduces the modern day Clara who will accompany The Doctor. The story deals with a new nemesis, the Spoonheads, who will battle the Doctor as he discovers something sinister is lurking in the Wi-Fi in contemporary London.

The Rings of Akhaten
Perhaps the most mysterious episode of the season at this point, the story is set around an alien planet.

The Cold War
The Ice Warriors, the most significant alien race from the classic series that had yet to make an appearance in the modern-era, finally return to the Who-universe. Mark Gatiss penned this underwater siege episode, set around a Russian submarine and an ice base, with the Ice Warriors said to be shown without their battle armor at one point. Unlike the Silurians which got a complete redesign, the new Ice Warrior look is said to be remarkably faithful to the classic series. David Warner guest stars as the Ice Lord.

The Hider in the House (aka. Phantoms of the Hex)
A classic Victorian Gothic ghost story guest starring Dougray Scott as a professor also trying to find the truth behind the supernatural shenanigans.

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
A story that takes place within the TARDIS itself as characters have to run around within the multi-dimensional environment as they race towards its very heart - the Eye of Harmony (last seen in the 1996 telemovie) - to stop some sort of cataclysm from happening.

The Crimson Horror
Dame Diana Rigg and her daughter Rachael Stirling guest star in this "very camp" Victorian-era period episode in which Rigg's character has opened a factory in her hometown - a factory that produces no visible smoke or pollution, and those who step into it don't step out. Clara gets taken for 'processing' at one point. The top hatted, no-faced creatures with teeth glimpsed in the 'Coming Soon' trailer seem to be from this episode.

The Last Cyberman
The Neil Gaiman-penned episode is apparently set on what's described as a fantastical theme park world. The Cybermen return with a slight redesign, but it's unsure right now if this is the return of the original Mondasian Cybermen. Gaiman's brief was to make the Cybermen scary again - something not really seen since the colder, deadlier incarnations of the second Doctor era.

Title Unknown
The season finale. Alex Kingston's River Song makes her only appearance this season. Many of the characters from the Christmas special re-appear here including Richard E. Grant's Dr. Simeon, the Sontaran Strax, the Silurian Madame Vastra and her wife Jenny.

Title Unknown
Then there's the 50th Anniversary special episode to air in November, not to be confused with the already in production and separate telemovie "An Adventure in Space and Time" about the creation of the show. Filming on the 50th special begins in April, and it seems a certainty that at least one (if not several) of the earlier incarnations of The Doctor will be returning. The same goes for some of the previous companions. There's also talk of it being a feature-length episode.

von Boom

I agree about the season numbering. It's getting to the point where you expect to hear 'On this week's weekly finale...' in the previews now.

I am looking forward to the rest of the season though. I have high hopes leading up to the 50th anniversary.


High hopes for :

The Rings of Akhaten

The Cold War

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

The Last Cyberman

The rest sound a bit standard for new Who with 'The Crimson Horror' in particular sounding like something we've seen every series since its return.


Most of those episode descriptions have some promise in them.

That poster though reminds me of two things:
1) Homer riding the motorbike down the broken glass at the end of The Simpsons Movie
2) Paul McGann riding a motorbike in the 1996 television movie.

Neither of which are particular good reference points for Doctor Who.

I don't know how they managed to make Oswin look a bit off in that poster either. But they managed to make Jolene Blalock look terrible in Starship Troopers 3 so anything is possible.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Charlie boy

I looked at the poster and was first painfully reminded of how desperately I need a new computer cos my screen isn't so hot. Then I took to wondering if at first they toyed with the idea of having him in his old car for a chuckle.


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 01 March, 2013, 12:50:02 PM
That poster though reminds me of two things:
1) Homer riding the motorbike down the broken glass at the end of The Simpsons Movie
2) Paul McGann riding a motorbike in the 1996 television movie.

3) Hagrid bringing Harry Potter to Privit Drive on Sirius Black's flying motorbike.
4) Quadrophenia (stretching it).

But at least when juxtaposed with the London skyline the last two have an Anglophile vibe that might appeal to the US viewer.


One website got close-up pictures of the poster!

Ice Warriors



Professor Bear

Am I the only one who thinks the Journey to the Center of the Tardis synopsis sounds like someone taking the piss?  I like Who, but I laughed at that top image when I saw it, and thought of the Simpsons piss-take "Love, Indubitably" with Hitchcock breakdancing out of the Tardis.


I like that the Ice Warrior has old style 3-D glassess on.

I want to see the Sea Devils and the Zygons - original designs please - both great.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

von Boom

Spoonheads? No bowl of porridge is safe.

Professor Bear

I want to see that panto horse thing.  Not CGI, like, just a straight-up panto horse monster on the set and the actors going "whoa!" and reacting to it the same way they do the Angels or the Daleks.

I, Cosh

We never really die.