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Space Spinner 2000AD

Started by Steve Green, 19 April, 2017, 09:18:18 AM

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Funt Solo

Leaping fearlessly over sharks:

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Dandontdare on 08 October, 2019, 12:33:59 PM
A vicar in Blackburn denounced D&D in the late 80s and I had a letter printed in the local paper calling him out for it - I'll see if I can find it!

I remember getting a talking to from my doctor when I was a kid because I said I liked D&D. Apparently it's a deadly gateway to satanism, fyi!

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 08 October, 2019, 05:03:46 PM
I think we'd just come out of the Beastie Boys will ruin your children phase at this time - I remember a lot of fuss around them in 1987/8.

Anyway just wanted to say the sentiment at the opening of the show was quite wonderful. The only downside to Fox getting married is that it breaks the dream that the pair of you would get it together... mind that might have been like when Maddie Hayes and David Addison (was it) got it together on Moonlighting - it'd be all downhill from there, so guess I should be grateful.

Luckily a true bromance can survive any trial or tribulation!
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!


Quote from: Dandontdare on 08 October, 2019, 12:33:59 PM
A vicar in Blackburn denounced D&D in the late 80s and I had a letter printed in the local paper calling him out for it - I'll see if I can find it!

Found 'em! These were from The Lancashire Evening Telegraph, November 1984 - I think the D&D hysteria had died down by 88, it was all 'video nasties' by then. The leader of the local RPG group was reacting to the original story about the pastor's speech, which I don't have - try to ignore the dodgy sexual politics.

And yes, with 35 years of hindsight, my letter makes me cringe - I can hear the self-righteous tone of my use of the term 'self-righteous'. They edited out the end of my 2nd sentence, totally ruining the flow; and at the end I think I was channeling my inner old geezer :lol:


Thanks for the shout out fellas! You fair made my day and the wife was impressed too.

I'm totally available for comment when you do Progs 835, 1118, 1211, 1229, 1232, 1277, 1364, 1381, 2005, 1439, 1441, 1444, 1448, 1529...Hello?


In our thrilling hundred and seventy-eighth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy's Greatest Comic with Progs 563-566 of 2000AD, covering February and March 1988. This episode The ABC Warriors meet the army, The Strontium Dogs meet the Rockmen, Nemesis might have met his match, we'll all meet Tyranny Rex, and we'll get to the meat of Oz, as Supersurf 10 begins!

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Please let me know what you think of the episode!

Quote from: Buttonman on 11 October, 2019, 02:40:49 PM
Thanks for the shout out fellas! You fair made my day and the wife was impressed too.

I'm totally available for comment when you do Progs 835, 1118, 1211, 1229, 1232, 1277, 1364, 1381, 2005, 1439, 1441, 1444, 1448, 1529...Hello?

The shoutout has been on my calendar for quite some time, happy to finally get to it! I'd love to get you on for a special or annual at some point!
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!


In our thrilling hundred and seventy-ninth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy's Greatest Comic with Progs 567-570 of 2000AD, covering March and April 1988. This episode Stones and Dogs showdown, Tyranny Rex is mixing genres, Rogue Trooper is back in action, and Supersurf 10 is burning to its conclusion so we'll finally crown a winner of Oz!

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Please let me know what you think of the episode!
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!


I assume you're joking about the "made-up alien language Kantanka" - I find it hard to believe someone who works in videogames doesn't have a passing familiarity with Japanese Katakana.

I love Oz and I'm glad Wagner had his way - the whole story seems to be building towards Chopper winning and dying, so having him lose and survive is a neat twist and a perfectly bittersweet ending*. And of course it leaves the door open for more stories, [spoiler]at least two of which are really good[/spoiler].

The Wagner/Grant split and that supremely un-enticing Simon Harrison Strontium Dog image do seem to signal the end of an era, but there's plenty of good stuff until at least Prog 700!

*Losing and dying would have been pretty goddamn bleak


Quote from: Echidna on 22 October, 2019, 01:04:03 PM
... at least two of which are really good

You used too many words, mate.


Quote from: Echidna on 22 October, 2019, 01:04:03 PM
I assume you're joking about the "made-up alien language Kantanka" - I find it hard to believe someone who works in videogames doesn't have a passing familiarity with Japanese Katakana.

I love Oz and I'm glad Wagner had his way - the whole story seems to be building towards Chopper winning and dying, so having him lose and survive is a neat twist and a perfectly bittersweet ending*. And of course it leaves the door open for more stories, [spoiler]at least two of which are really good[/spoiler].

The Wagner/Grant split and that supremely un-enticing Simon Harrison Strontium Dog image do seem to signal the end of an era, but there's plenty of good stuff until at least Prog 700!

*Losing and dying would have been pretty goddamn bleak

Woo boy that's an embarrassing moment for past Conrad, I'd hate to be that guy!

After the initial shock I'm hoping to take the new Strontium Dog art in stride and try to evaluate it as objectively as possible. We're in for an interesting road with ol' Johnny Alpha, and I'd rather not start down it with my arms crossed :D
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!

The Monarch

Welcome to the smithiverse Fox hope your stomach survives the experience  :lol:


In our thrilling hundred and eightieth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy's Greatest Comic with Progs 571-574 of 2000AD, covering April and May 1988. This episode Dredd gets hit, man, Johnny Alpha rides into the sunset, Rogue Trooper finishes one hit and starts another, the ABC Warriors are taking in the sights of Agartha, and Luke Kirby arrives in a small town in '62 for some Summer Magic.

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Please let me know what you think of the episode!

Also, please check Conrad out on this week's Mega-City Book Club, and stay tuned for a Meltdown Man Collection later this week!
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!


Great episode - hope you made it through the specials okay (if memory serves the specials and annuals were close to the end of their golden age - but never as bad as the first specials).


Thanks Conrad and Fox!

About Carlos leaving Strontium Dog. I am under the impression it was due to the direction Alan Grant had decided to take the strip after the Wagner/Grant split where Wagner got Dredd and Grant got SD. Grant wanted it to shake it and make it less Johnny Alpha based (I am being careful not to put any spoilers here) and do strips about other SD agents. Ezquerra did not agree with removing Johnny from things and chose not to be part of it. I think I got this perpsective from Thrill Poer Overload.


Quote from: WhizzBang on 28 October, 2019, 07:24:58 PM
Thanks Conrad and Fox!

About Carlos leaving Strontium Dog. I am under the impression it was due to the direction Alan Grant had decided to take the strip after the Wagner/Grant split where Wagner got Dredd and Grant got SD. Grant wanted it to shake it and make it less Johnny Alpha based (I am being careful not to put any spoilers here) and do strips about other SD agents. Ezquerra did not agree with removing Johnny from things and chose not to be part of it. I think I got this perpsective from Thrill Poer Overload.

It was new-Tharg Richard Burton who wanted to expand the focus of the strip beyond Alpha and, crucially, the Wagner/Grant/Ezquerra team. Hence Tales From The Doghouse and (later) Strontium Dogs.

Grant claims Wagner was bored with Stront and wanted to kill Alpha, with Wulf's murder a prelude to the final act. Wagner says he can't remember but must have okayed it. We all think Carlos quit because he refused to kill Johnny, but I've never heard that from the source and never will, now.

Leigh S

There is also the practicalities of Carlos going to do Third World War when Gibson drops out. 

I am sure IU read somewhere that Carlos, stung by his treatment on Dredd, had made it a condition of his designing Stront that he be (as near as practical) sole artist and that he had stipulated that this should be for 10 years, though I havent been able to find the source for that possibly entirely dreamt up bit of trivia!  For a while I thought it had been in the Titan Stront intro, but sadly not - it confirms he asked to be the only artist, but not any time limit