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New Dr Who Trailer

Started by Tjm86, 20 September, 2018, 09:12:29 PM

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Quote from: TordelBack on 22 September, 2018, 05:26:48 PM
I mentioned Cullen to my 12 year-old son by way of a paternal cautionary tale about not listening to unsavoury nutters on You-Tube

The red-headed stepchild of YouTube Ireland.


Am I allowed to say I think it looks absolutely cringeworthy?

Funt Solo

Quote from: ABCwarBOT on 23 September, 2018, 02:35:19 AM
Am I allowed to say I think it looks absolutely cringeworthy?

No.  Wait, yes!  There is of course the potential that it would be more interesting if you added some meat of reason to your potatoes of cringe.  That is: what about the trailer makes you cringe? 

Was it the lens flare?

The quarry?

The goggles?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 September, 2018, 04:24:44 AMThere is of course the potential that it would be more interesting if you added some meat of reason to your potatoes of cringe.  That is: what about the trailer makes you cringe? 

You're being overly thoughtful (and generous) there, Funt: it was the dreaded Feeemale, and nothing else.

Leigh S

I'm wary of Chibnall (and basically anyone else within 100m of the Torchwood production office when they signed off "Cyberwoman"), but I stand to be pleasantly surprised.

The only problem I have wwith that trailer is the Moffatty "I'm the Doctor and I fix things/always help" odd self description - does any one do this in real life? Still, they are the sort of lines that get taken out of context for trailer and sound odder than they do in their proper place, so we shall see!


Quote from: Leigh S on 23 September, 2018, 07:05:56 PM
I'm wary of Chibnall (and basically anyone else within 100m of the Torchwood production office when they signed off "Cyberwoman"), but I stand to be pleasantly surprised.
To be fair, that WAS over a decade ago and Chibers has written some absolute gems since. 42 and The Power of Three are some of my favourite of the revived series.

Taryn Tailz

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 24 September, 2018, 03:09:41 PM
Quote from: Leigh S on 23 September, 2018, 07:05:56 PM
I'm wary of Chibnall (and basically anyone else within 100m of the Torchwood production office when they signed off "Cyberwoman"), but I stand to be pleasantly surprised.
To be fair, that WAS over a decade ago and Chibers has written some absolute gems since. 42 and The Power of Three are some of my favourite of the revived series.

This comment really just proves my earlier statement that one of the joys of Doctor Who is how every story is somebody's favourite, even the less successful ones. Both '42' and 'The Power of Three' were roundly panned by critics and fans alike - with 'The Power of Three' generally being considered to be one of the worst episodes of the revival - but they still have their champions.


Quote from: Taryn Tailz on 24 September, 2018, 03:28:59 PM
Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 24 September, 2018, 03:09:41 PM
Quote from: Leigh S on 23 September, 2018, 07:05:56 PM
I'm wary of Chibnall (and basically anyone else within 100m of the Torchwood production office when they signed off "Cyberwoman"), but I stand to be pleasantly surprised.
To be fair, that WAS over a decade ago and Chibers has written some absolute gems since. 42 and The Power of Three are some of my favourite of the revived series.

This comment really just proves my earlier statement that one of the joys of Doctor Who is how every story is somebody's favourite, even the less successful ones. Both '42' and 'The Power of Three' were roundly panned by critics and fans alike - with 'The Power of Three' generally being considered to be one of the worst episodes of the revival - but they still have their champions.
To extend this to Classic Who, The Dominators is glorious, and Paradise Towers needs reevaluating.

Taryn Tailz

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 24 September, 2018, 03:36:22 PM
Quote from: Taryn Tailz on 24 September, 2018, 03:28:59 PM
Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 24 September, 2018, 03:09:41 PM
Quote from: Leigh S on 23 September, 2018, 07:05:56 PM
I'm wary of Chibnall (and basically anyone else within 100m of the Torchwood production office when they signed off "Cyberwoman"), but I stand to be pleasantly surprised.
To be fair, that WAS over a decade ago and Chibers has written some absolute gems since. 42 and The Power of Three are some of my favourite of the revived series.

This comment really just proves my earlier statement that one of the joys of Doctor Who is how every story is somebody's favourite, even the less successful ones. Both '42' and 'The Power of Three' were roundly panned by critics and fans alike - with 'The Power of Three' generally being considered to be one of the worst episodes of the revival - but they still have their champions.
To extend this to Classic Who, The Dominators is glorious, and Paradise Towers needs reevaluating.

I certainly agree with you in regards to 'Paradise Towers'. That story is really rather good and deserves pretty much none of the derision it receives. 'The Dominators' on the other hand is such a complete betrayal of the ethos of the entire show that it was no wonder the production team at the time decided to cut it short by an episode. Fortunately, the very next story was 'The Mind Robber', which is just about the most Doctor Who-y story there is.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 September, 2018, 04:24:44 AM
Quote from: ABCwarBOT on 23 September, 2018, 02:35:19 AM
Am I allowed to say I think it looks absolutely cringeworthy?

No.  Wait, yes!  There is of course the potential that it would be more interesting if you added some meat of reason to your potatoes of cringe.  That is: what about the trailer makes you cringe? 

Was it the lens flare?

The quarry?

The goggles?

Well I think a female Doctor's a bad idea full stop anyway but I think this Youtube video sums most of it up (and the comments below)..............

Funt Solo

Quote from: ABCwarBOT on 25 September, 2018, 02:36:22 AM
Well I think a female Doctor's a bad idea full stop anyway but I think this Youtube video sums most of it up (and the comments below)..............

Interesting video, although I think it's apparent that the maker has pre-judged things based on the casting of a female doctor.  If one thinks a female doctor is a terrible idea driven by an out of control liberal agenda, then it probably doesn't matter which actress is chosen to play the part: the decision about whether or not you'll enjoy it has already been made.

The guy's main complaint seems to be (on the strength of a 4-minute trailer) that Jodie Whittaker is demonstrably a bad actor.  I don't understand how he concludes that from the evidence, but it makes complete sense if you factor in the pre-judgement.  Given that he's already decided to hate it, one wonders why he doesn't find something to do in life that he might like.

He complains about her accent as well, but that's just elitist, isn't it?  And he complains about her making a gurny face, but my favorite Doctor quite often pulled some amazing fizzogs.  We can compare:

Tom BakerJodie Whittaker

It can't be any worse than David Tennant, can it?  All that running around and shouting like he's hopped up on PCP.  Sorry: that's probably someone's favorite (Doctor, not drug).
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Funt Solo

I had so much fun tracking down pictures of gurning Doctors that I turned it into a sport.  Here are the first twelve, no doubt reacting on hearing the news that they were going to change genders when they regenerated the 13th time. 

A mixture of emotions.  I'm sure I can track down the angry fan videos people made about how none of these people could act.  I bet when Eccleston got the gig there were a few complaints from the upper class about how he was a Time Lord, not a Time Lout, and so on.

By the way: pretty difficult to find a picture of Peter Davison looking anything other than pretty smartly put together and a bit like a human Labrador.  Also, difficult to find any of Sylvester McCoy or David Tennant not making odd faces.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 25 September, 2018, 04:40:09 AMAnd he complains about her making a gurny face, but my favorite Doctor quite often pulled some amazing fizzogs.

Having facial expressions is just one step removed from talking out loud,  and nobody wants a woman to do that.  They should just sit quietly there with their tits out (unless they're feeding a baby,  which is disgusting), attending to domestic chores.  Anything else is just screechy SJW nonsense being rammed down our throats by,  I dunno,  George Soros?


QuoteI bet when Eccleston got the gig there were a few complaints from the upper class about how he was a Time Lord, not a Time Lout, and so on.

I remember listening to someone with a broad working class Geordie accent complaining on their Doctor Who podcast about the casting of Eccleston, because he looked and sounded too common and Northern.

Boy, did that guy have issues.  Not as many as ABCwarBOT, obviously.  But, still....issues.


It's only common sense that men have the innate ability to camp-it-up, but when women do it, it's just bad acting.