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Prog 1340

Started by Tu-plang, 12 May, 2003, 05:53:09 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou


great cover

great Dredd, i didn't see that coming put i think some clever monkeus thought the rookie had a problem. correctamundo. s'well written too ain't it ?

cabbalistics great stuff, cracking pace & characterisation.

interceptor; great brill, art is great, real expressive faces.

snow- tiger, i am so loving it, okay so its action adventure? well it would be dull if the wifes stayed in office & talked about stuff.. er and we know who the boss is don't we?

ABC, enjoyed this one a bit more, but the dialogue is so clunky & the plot bounces back n forth like a parody of comix. Is Mills just taking the piss cos people diss him ?

The Monarch

coming soon: revenge of the chief torturers man...okay just wasting space as i haven't got it yet got the meg finally though necronaughts gn yesssssssss


I would have thought a top secret govenrment organisation could have somehow got hold of the original file in photoshop and clicked on 'undo' to remove the mosaic effect.  But not if the bad guy's had saved it first.

Nice art, it's odd, but nice.

Last of the V8's

Still not got it.
No what others feel like now without their regular subsciption dropping throgh the door. Lack of thrill-power.


I would have thought a top secret govenrment organisation could have somehow got hold of the original file in photoshop and clicked on 'undo' to remove the mosaic effect. But not if the bad guy's had saved it first.

"aiiie! No! They've 'flattened layers'"


"aiiie! No! They've 'flattened layers'"

Men, we're dealing with professionals here.


So are there more messageboarders in Dredd then?
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


Not that I spotted...
Better set your phaser to stun.


"ruin it by giving Dredd a two foot long chin!" lol! finally someone who sees what i see!!

i mean-look at this pic below. his chins like half the size of his whole head!">


Carlos gets away with it more than most due to a slightly cartoony stle where people have big noses etc.

But basically I'm keen on Dredd looking for the most part normal, with only a slightly bigger chin than most!


Tharg's on a roll at the moment isn't he? another top prog, great cover, great scripts, greast art, everything's great, basically. It's like prozac :)

ABC Warriors is camp as a row of tents at the moment, isn't it?

Queen Firey-Bou

yeah did you see that scene where the all trotted along in a line? classic panel that minimal robots & yet so them...expect them to break out into a musical chorus next.


ABC Warriors: The Musical!

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!

Slippery PD

Eeeeewwwwww we have a uni mind.....

Heres my run down.

Gibson cover yaaaaayy!

Dredd - had to be didnt it!!
Caballistics - Gordon yer a feckin genius, loved the end.  All the characters are quality and well the plot gets thicker and thicker.  Oh and the arts rather good too, Dom well done :-)
Interceptor - not bad too many panty shots though.  Can we get her some clothes on?  I cant belive I complained about that :-)
ABC Warriors - Its very Old Skool, not much else to complain about.  All in all rather fine.
Snow/Tiger - yep James bond territory here.  Not that that is a bad thing.  But its more Roger Moore than Sean Connery.

In summary its pretty damn fine!


The art on Dredd reminds me of Gary Leach. Really gettin to like this art team combo, and no, I didn't expect that to happen either. Had to read it a few times to see if I was missing something.

Talking of Gary Leach, any chanch of gettin him back in the comic?

For too long has he been punished inking over the shit that is John McCrea's pencils.