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Started by Something Fishy, 20 August, 2003, 08:25:03 PM

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Something Fishy

Thanks everyone for the advice on this one.

Mr slips has kindly offered to loan me some, so i look forward to seeing what sounds like a great strip.


"Zombie Night at the Gotham Aquarium",

Heh Heh Heh!!!




preacher ending rant on! but wot the fuck happened to the half angel devil thing! it just vanished! And ... And...! i think i had better calm down a bit and....

spoiler alert..

the irish vampire 'Behgorrah I'm dead, making the ultimate sacrifice!" "oh no I'm not!" was just a cheat


"Zombie Night at the Gotham Aquarium"

Not recommended for Troutman, Something Fishy....


Pete Wells

Just to add my tuppence worth. Preacher is my favourite strip ever ('cept for Dredd, naturally). I cared about the characters throughout the tale and it's the set of books I give people who want to give comics a try.

Very highly recommended.

Something Fishy

That would make the pond stink that would.

Something Fishy

I am rather enthused about this now.  Cheers.

It makes all the more great that the fabulous Mr Slipsy is trusting me with his copies.

I am also about to try Y The Last Man.

Oo..  i'm getting all experimental.

Queen Firey-Bou

oh yeah & i totally loved it & went to great  obbsessive lengths to get the whole lot. pretty ikky in parts but the characters were ...erm you really cared? i cried n that.

Something Fishy

well well well  Venen Bousey, this must be something quite special to make a warrior queen cry.

my enthusedness is reaching an even higher level.  



a late enthuse here

Preacher is brilliant, check it out.  I`ve read the lot.
  You can quibble with it; I got tired of the PC but not PC writing sometimes and I wasn`t sure about the ending (although I`m damned if I can think of a better one) but it is fantastic and you should read it.

yours hotly,



Y is great.

Other recommendations:
FABLES - if you like fairytales
STORMWATCH: TEAM ACHILLES - if you like politics / military fiction
WILDC.A.T.S. - if you like superheroes, but not when they look bloody silly
LOSERS - if you like the A-Team (and who doesn't?)
SLEEPER - if you like the movie DEEP COVER



I'm really surprised that so many people critisise the ending. What were they expecting? For a long running series with so much going on, it was a joy to see all of the loose ends tied up (unlike Sandman and others).








Perhaps the quiet and emotive ending caught people off guard after the rest of the story. Probably they were expecting a big battle?

Queen Firey-Bou

well i cried a lot lemmi tell you. mush conquers all.


Re: PREACHER, I don't think that the ending is at all problematic - Cassidy's situation is telegraphed in the plot so shouldn't be a "surprise" at all, and Jesse/Tulip's ending is a sensible note to finish on, as is the Saint's.

The problem for a lot of people seems to be the length of time it takes to get there, especially the SALVATION arc. Me, I loved SALVATION, so...


Something Fishy

Thanks for the tips.