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Prog 2004

Started by Matt, 13 September, 2003, 09:58:05 PM

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Well I'm assuming that the amount of funny threads on the board at the moment can be attributed to the fact that not much is going on in the 2000AD world for us to gossip about. So I wondered if anyone had any gossip or snippets of information as to what we're going to be seeing in the end of year bumper issues of 2k and the meg? I'm still holding out for the return of Ace Trucking Co (with Gibson an art duties this time round), do you reckon it's too late to start petioning Tharg?


um.. I think Slaine is due back in Prog 2004 ? That's all I can think of.
Remember - dry hair is for squids

The Monarch

Indigo prime or canon fodder!!!


Dante has been mentioned by Simon Fraser, and Slaine, ABC Warriors and Caballistics Inc are my safe bets.

And probably Judge Dredd in there somewhere, rumour has it.


The conclusion to Dan Dare Servant Of Evil?


I'd love to see Ace back, if it was in the tradition of the earlier stuff and not the overlong, unfunny crap it turned into.
Melvin Bragg? Er, okay.

You may be correct, however, that it's too late to start asking for things in it.
How long does such a bumper issue take to put together? Must be at least the three months we have left.

For my own part, I'd love to see Dante turn up in it, and I support any Gibson art at all.

It would be nice to see Lobster Random appear again, too.

- Trout


I'm doing a pin-up of SHAKO- killer polar bear!!  Gordon and I would have done a strip if circumstances were different.....


El Spurioso

"Circumstances" being that you're now a slave to the yankee dollah, or that Gordon's recent Meg bile-rant column thing was all about how naff monster stories are? ;)


What are these bumper issues you're talking about? I'm kinda new, so I don't really know much, if anything at all.


They do a big prog at Christmas so they can take three weeks off, the lazy sods.

My, you're full of questions, aren't you TC?
Happy to help out.

- Trout


I want to see the return of Robo Hunter, by Rennie and Langridge.

You know it makes sense.


Hmm. A valiant try, but I'm a "no" on that one, Pete.

It has to be Gibson.

- Trout


I like asking questions, and I'm proud of not knowing much about anything. Eventually, after much more questioning, I might never need to ask anything again...

Something Fishy

thing is there's loads going on:

prog has been hot.
so's the meg
extreme has arrived.
there will eventually be a must have game too.

Last of the V8's

What a bummer, I was really looking forward to the return of Shako.
Maybe after the contract is over?