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Started by Matt Timson, 06 February, 2004, 05:19:33 PM

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Matt Timson

I apologise in advance for being a preachy twat...

I've never really agreed with killfiling- especially on this forum (where people are generally a lot more tolerant and a bit more courteous for some reason) as even a total wanker will say something worth listening to every now and then.  That said, I've got to tell you that the last couple of days have been sheer bliss compared to the few before it.

Everybody deserves a chance- but how many chances do you give somebody who is blatantly just being a prick?

I don't even think it's worth talking about any more- either killfile or ignore.  I can tell you from experience that arguing with somebody who's in a lot of killfiles will ensure that you end up in them as well.  People don't want to read shit- even if it's second hand.  He'll either get the message and stop acting like a nob or, if he's a genuine troll (which I think he is), will piss off soon enough anyway.

Apologies again for being one of the converted preachy types I often complain about- but I know it's pissing a lot of people off.  We were all having a good laugh this time two weeks ago.  Now we're not.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out why- no matter how much our new resident wanker protests...

I await a panning from all corners- but there's no need.  This thread doesn't really need any replies.



this forum (where people are generally a lot more tolerant and a bit more courteous for some reason)

It's Devon's Daddy and the welcome wagon that makes this the nicest board in Christendom.

(Even though Devon's Daddy never actually welcomed me, sob!)

judge dreddd

"even a total wanker will say something worth listening to every now "...narr..if someone is a twat then avoid em... just stay away is my motto..

i have never killfiled anyone but as your in bliss and rc is annoying..i think its HIM..i going to go do it now


That said, I've got to tell you that the last couple of days have been sheer bliss compared to the few before it.

Personally, I think you're being a bit harsh on Molcher in his absence. ;p


Jared Katooie

Why killfile when you can ignore?

Devons Daddy

thats a terrible oversight on my part

welcome to the board. late but none the less.
it has been up till now the finest place on the entire www.
and hopefully will be again very soon.

BOU mentioned she found the board clean and fun again, after she took the no panning from my view.
correct action in view of the circumstances.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Queen Firey-Bou

because, Jared, its very hard to ignore someone jumping up & down in front of you waving a middle finger.

I never believd in kill file, cos as someone said, its good to see the whole picture, But when the whole picture is shite encrusted, forget it.

if this was a pub, the bouncers would have inteviened & bloodied noses by now, I know i would have gone martial arts on someones arse. But its the bloody internet a new playground for the guttless & tragic, We are very lucky here that we don't get much of this. . But at the mo' we have, & i have to say as soon as i pressed the kill button it was as refreshing as ...having someone else clean up that cat Puke in the corner.

aahhhhhh relax, tho i say he should be banned, imagine how it all looks to any newbies ?

aye bann him & whatever stupid new names he comes up with.

Slippery PD

I think DD makes an excellent point here, we do what we need to do.  Killfile, ignore, whatever.

As does Boo, if i were a pub.  I suspect that a number of fights would have broken out already.

MAss barney!!!

Yer Slips


Except it's not, because everyone is still winging about it.
Better set your phaser to stun.


There are 6 people on this site who I actively dislike, and 147 I actively like.  

Even though one of the people I dislike posts many threads that provoke a lot of discussion, I simply try to ignore that person.  

On occasion good points are made on threads that they started, and then I will get involved in the discussion, always trying to be careful not to respond to reply directly to any of the 6 people I dislike.

What helps me in this newfound serenity is the knowledge that a lot of people who put messages up on this board feel exactly the same way about me.


Thanks DD!

I feel all tingly now.

Jared Katooie

This may sound a bit mad but... ehhh... is there really any problem? Killfile or ignore the end result is the same.

I get peoples reasons for killfiling this mysterious person whoever he may be, so... fine.

End of story, okay?

J Kat.




Without replying to anyone in particular, this all aches of cliquey, snotty, intellectual-geek-ism, peppered with chronically insecure egos and over-authoritative attitudes simply unable to handle a forthright view from an "outsider", and descending into personal abuse when their comfortably smug opinions are questioned or challenged.

Correct so far?

I supppose given the medium and the subject involved here one should not be too surprised:-

I mean, the internet is the specialist weapon of the geek, isn't it? The world is at your burning fingertips where you can type like a God and form secure, "knowing" relationships with other similarly withdrawn fellows many miles away, all from the comfort of your own imaginary castle.

And Sci-Fi has to be the most uptight, snobby fictional subject there is; many over-zealous followers seem to encase themselves in a brittle bubble of knowledge and allow in only those able to pass their tests of superior pontification and who follow their thought-trains with little dissent.

There are those in here I have disagreed with or who have disagreed with me who do not need to descend into ridiculous episodes of exaspirated name-calling and lynch-mobbing, but for the handful of unhappy souls who are sobbing into their keyboards at every word I type I say this:-

I am here to talk about my favourite comic and anything else relevant warranting a discussion, and this board seems like a top place to do that in spite of the silliness that has emerged. I'll post on your threads, you post on mine, and we'll see if we can get back on track discussing subjects like adults instead of children.