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Why Eniis should never write for 2k anymore. The poof er..I mean the proof inside

Started by Thread Zero, 20 March, 2002, 04:47:03 PM

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Thread Zero

Folowing on from the earlier thread, I think Garth the menace Ennis should never write for 2k again.

Why you ask?

Well there are probably hundreds, well a few anyway, aspiring writers (not me of course) who would love to write a Dredd tale for Tharg.

If they were given the opportunity, it's unlikely they'd write a piss take story such as Helter Skelter.

Garth abused his position by writing Helter Skelter  and for that he must pay the price.

So sod off!

And no, he ain't writing Curse Of The Diggler for DC. Steve Moore is.

scojo the fair

Thread Zero

As for this Eniis guy, never heard of him.



I wouldn't go that far. He's a damn good writer (Preacher is the best comic EVER as far as I'm concerned). I've noticed moans about his Dredd stuff for years, but as far as I could tell, he added a bit of much needed humour to a fading Dredd world. If nothing else it adds a bit of fun to it for a change. We can't all sit about depressed about the state of our fascist state(?) EVERY week surely?

I didn't think Helter Skelter was that great, sure, but it was a laugh! You can't dismiss one of the world's best comic writers like that!

Granted, it seemed a bit rushed and all over the place, but it seemed like a bit of nostalgia made into a story. Maybe it was a piss take on all the fans who yearn for old characters to return. Her you go, here's shitloads of old characters and what do you do? Moan about it!

You also remind me of Tim Bisley in the 2nd series of Spaced when he moans about The Phantom Menace 18 MONTHS after it was released.

Look at his history for Grud's sake:

Jonni Kiss
The Muzak Killer
Death Aid
Emerald Isle
Judgement Day

Nah, if you think you should have scripts printed before Ennis, then... (I promised myself I wouldn't abuse anyone here anymore)


Ah, I'll correct that, you said "not me". Glad I held off the abuse there now!!



I'm with Doug.

But then, no one listens to me anyway :)

Thread Zero

I think I can write better than Ennis any day.

scojo arrogant but honest

Thread Zero

Shooshi my cat, go pee on Garth.

scojo immature






And I think you'd be best served by keeping quiet about your supposed writing skills before all this kicks off into yet another argument which invariably ends with you stomping off from the board in the huff and promising that this time you're really leaving for good.


Preacher is one of the best things ever written. I have spent a significant amount of money buying the full collection as graphic novels.

Helter skelter was poking a bit of fun at Dredd's past expoits. So what? I can think of far worse Dredd stories by other writers.

You want a name whose last effort should have been chucked straight in the bin? What about that stupid "Shakhara" crap of Robbie Morrison? WHere was the story? If they'd wanted to showcase Flint's brilliant art it would have been better doing some starscans or something.

Garth is one of my all-time favourite writers, so lay off, eh?

2000AD Online

My! This interview Garth gave 'The Comics Journal' is rather interesting. . .


Now, now children.

Helter Skelter was a bit crap, there have been worse Dredd stories, but at least they weren't billed as epics.

I'm sure some of you liked Helter Skelter, but then I liked most of Shakara and Storming Heaven, so there.

2000AD Online

Granted, the interview I'm re-reading is a few years old but Garth makes a point of saying writing for 2000 AD was just something he had to get out of his system, much the same way many of his 2K AD contemporaries had a tendency to end up writing superhero titles.


Oh, I wasn't rushing to defend Garth Ennis or anything like that.  I liked Preacher and Hitman, but thought Helter Skelter was pretty poor.

No, longterm lurkers here are by now familiar with scojo's "I'm a better writer than..." claims.  See Wood's comments for the general concensus on said claims.

The Amstor Computer

>>>No, longterm lurkers here are by now familiar with scojo's "I'm a better writer than..." claims. See Wood's comments for the general concensus on said claims<<<

Has Scojo ever shown anyone one of his scripts, or even an extract from said masterpieces? If he's correct in his estimation of his talents, it would shut everyone else up, and if he's not, it might shut him up.