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Messages - Al_Ewing

General / Re: Re:
24 December, 2002, 01:33:34 AM
Fair point. I just thought it was an acknowledgement of how much Nick Fury is so obviously Samuel L Jackson. I don't see any of the other resemblances...

And that icon's ace.
General / Re: Re:
23 December, 2002, 05:22:38 AM
I wouldn't call it 'sick-making'... that's maybe going a bit far... you're not a big Ultimates fan then?
General / "Vin Diesel IS... Rogue Trooper!!!"
21 December, 2002, 08:56:17 AM
Screamed Lenny in the pub. Well, why not? Rogue Trooper the movie. What devilment is this?

There'd be voice acting galore. Robert De Niro IS Gunnar. John Cusack IS Helm. Steve Buscemi IS Bagman. Roger Moore IS the Traitor General, only he'd use his face as well and not just his voice, assuming his face hasn't fallen off by now.

Martin Kemp IS Friday. Ron Perlman IS Tor Cyan. You ARE the Dice Man.

Go on! Pick your dream cast! It's within your drunken power!
General / Re: it said tharg salutes you eart...
21 December, 2002, 08:40:43 AM
"My wife didn't even open it..."

I understand it's now Razzle policy to print 'Tharg salutes you earthlet' on all deliveries...
General / Re: just wondering> again!...
20 December, 2002, 06:43:36 AM
It'd be the theme from Space: 1999.
General / Re: Helm is NOT useless: the proof...
20 December, 2002, 06:30:23 AM
Yes damn you I did it all. I regret nothing... I apologise for nothing... anyway, Johnny Alpha beats Rogue for juvenile fun what with him being Wulf's 'old cucumber'. Wulf meanwhile has the happy stick. I'm currently writing a fanfic called 'Log Cabin Lust' in which Wulf finds a new use for the Sternhammer Silencer. Watch for it.

If Rogue were to have a torried affair with a biochip, which one would it be? I say Gunnar cos he can automatically clean himself after a kinky session of hot man-on-gun thrills in the Quartz Zone...

Apologies to everyone I repulsed with my prescence and especially to poor Arthur who exchanged a useful pad of blank paper for something that could easily get him arrested.
General / Re: fiends of the eastern front......
20 December, 2002, 06:36:30 AM
If it's the Slaine I think it is, it's got the all-time top Slaine cliffhanger ever -  "The type two killed six gladiators just getting it back in its cage... and you're fighting the type three."

That was what got me reading 2000AD...
General / Re: Olde Summer Offensive - Classi...
21 December, 2002, 01:42:23 AM
Silo looked terrific to me. First time I'd ever seen his particular style, and it struck a big chord. And the bleeding feet thing was fairly refreshing in that it seemed to actually hurt in Silo... but he did stuff later that knocked spots off that.
General / Re: Olde Summer Offensive - Classi...
20 December, 2002, 06:18:21 AM
Whew... teach me to check messages only once a day...

Millar has too done good stuff! Maniacs 5 and 6 were fun, both Canon Fodders were excellent and things of beauty, and Silo was magnificent. I also liked the first Robo Hunter serial he did, but I knew it would always be second to Wagner. Didn't despise it, though. And what about Tales From Beyond Science? That radio one chilled my bones.

I'd totally forgotten Ryan Hughes' Robohunter was around this time, and yes, it sucked turds out of a dead dog.

Everyone's already said all my views for me on Big Dave - hit and miss, done better in Viz, more suited to The Face or something - so I won't bother going 'me too', and the Bulger thing sounds like something that's been made up for the interview in an attempt to squeeze a little more juice out of Dave's corpse. Forget burning the progs, they'd have burnt Kings Reach Tower and everybody inside.

(Sorry about this immense post of crap late at night - seems I'm doomed to be a background prescence if I want to get work done...)
General / Olde Summer Offensive - Classic Or Dud?
19 December, 2002, 05:51:13 AM
Way back in the day before every season had an offensive or an attack or an assault, this one belted me around the head and face. Maniac 5 in particular made me forget pretentious big caption bollocks and remember a childhood time when 'thrill-power' was a real force that you felt charging through your blood while you read a prog. Gun-dinosaurs ruled and Ryan Hughes was the man. Now everyone seems to hate it...

Were those mad times classic or dud?
General / Re: Where is everybody?
19 December, 2002, 05:43:57 AM
"the finer points of the ridiculous and silly..."

It's some kind of duty here to direct you all to I Love Everything, which has something for literally everyone, especially 2000AD folk as that's the only comic anyone talks about. Find it at - I think - or go through which I also have a blood duty to plug and promote as my brother runs it. And I do the odd cartoon. Yay yay! Plug over. If you think you've got time for a second message board in your life, this might be the one. Or not. Who knows? Life is mysterious.


Prog / Re: prog 2003
19 December, 2002, 02:05:08 AM
I kind of dig drawn lettering... especially when the title is weaved into the artwork. Glad it's back with us.
Prog / Re: prog 2003
18 December, 2002, 05:42:39 AM
"More GIs roaming around Nu Earth dilutes the impact..."

Rogue was always finding alluring GI women though. There was Venus, then Azure... the only question is whether it's going to be Gunnar or Bagman who falls IN LURVE with her. Then Rogue would step in and say something like "If only he knew - it's ME she loves!! Because I have a face. I MUST NOT TELL HIM it will BREAK HIS HEART, instead I shall merely mutter it during one of my episodes of unfortunate sleep-talking."

Drama would certainly ensue.
General / Re: Loose ends
21 December, 2002, 01:31:19 AM
It was huge! Plus it was pretty recent compared to the Dead Man. It took off both his nipples as I remember (badly).

Rogue Trooper has no nads. Judge Dredd has no nipples. What is Johnny Alpha missing?
General / Re: Loose ends
20 December, 2002, 06:57:02 AM
If the Angel Gang fell in the lava and came out alive... then so did the Mutant. I was expecting him in that full length story 'In the Year 20thingy'(I don't own it curses so I only read it the once... isn't it his death scream or something?) Similarly, does Dredd still have a huge eagle burned into his chest or did he do an Alpha and mystically untattoo himself?

And what about Judge Albert Sherman? He's surely a frightening bastard by now. He should get together with PJ Maybe for an attack of the evil geniuses...

Hammerstein's knocking around somewhere too and he's the only person who could fight Dredd repeatedly and live.

Hmmm... who wants the Judge Dredd Revenge Squad?