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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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Mrs IP took mini-IP to gymnastics today. Because the younglings are under eight, parents must stay on-site and are directed to a viewing area—a smallish room with probably 40 seats. Natch, several did not wear a mask.


Quote from: Dandontdare on 19 September, 2020, 06:11:23 PM
Too many people confusing inconvenience and restricted choice with oppression

Bit like the argument that denying a few print papers that most people are happy to read digitally is abhorrent but allowing a handful of individuals to control the media output of the nation is acceptable.  Or that closing down a road for a few hours to highlight the perils of unstable climate change is more deserving of action than roads, bridges or homes that are still closed 8 months after catastrophic flooding brought on by extreme weather events.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 19 September, 2020, 07:46:25 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 19 September, 2020, 06:11:23 PM
Too many people confusing inconvenience and restricted choice with oppression

I'm concerned about reactionary right-wing governments, like our own, using this whole Covid mess as a pretext for seizing more power, but at the same time we have to recognise that inconvenience is a small price to pay for keeping a potentially horrific death toll down.

I wage a constant war between my principles and my inner Judge Dredd. Yesterday, for the first time since the trams reopened, I saw police come on and chuck off anyone who wasn't wearing a mask couldn't suddenly find the mask in their pocket they'd 'forgotten' to put on - four big guys in stab vests and a dog. That always makes me uneasy, but my Little Mo was saying cube 'em all!


I think liberal people have internal battles about state actions, but fuck it. I'd happily see a Green government in the UK, but at the same time we must protect lives. Masks are one way of doing that. If people won't comply with a simple rule to help stop the spread of a pandemic, fuck them. There was a great story recently about one of France's super-speedy cross-country trains. Some twat wouldn't wear a mask, so they apologised to everyone on board, made an unscheduled stop in the middle of nowhere, and booted him off, hours from his destination. More of that, please.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 19 September, 2020, 09:16:16 PM
There was a great story recently about one of France's super-speedy cross-country trains. Some twat wouldn't wear a mask, so they apologised to everyone on board, made an unscheduled stop in the middle of nowhere, and booted him off, hours from his destination. More of that, please.

I hope 'in the middle of nowhere' also means 'between stations' :)


They set him down at a tiny rural station.

Elsewhere, the BIL now has COVID. I hope he'll be OK. But his experience showcases the ineptitude of the UK govt and Rees-Mogg's recent appalling response. He's in Iceland. They had two outbreaks, one aligning with one of his workplaces. He immediately quarantined because of this and applies for a test. He gets the test around noon and Is told he'll get the results within 24–48h but he actually gets them six hours later. He didn't have to drive several hundred miles. He didn't have to wait a week or take a second test because swabs were destroyed. And the country he lives in is taking this seriously, more or less delegating policy to the science panel, and I've no doubt will get on top of what they're referring to as their third wave.

Here, Rees-Mogg lashes out at people "carping" about not being able to get tested, and saying they aren't patriotic because they have the audacity to criticise our "great British achievement". It's no wonder Mrs IP increasingly wants us to up sticks.

The Legendary Shark

Not having a bank account (because ad nauseam), I can no longer use public transport in the rural area where I live.



That's unbelievable, and so wrong. No pre-paid card option at all?

I found it bad enough not being able to hire a car without owning a credit card, but at least some outfits will take cash or debit cards long as you can pay the whole deposit & excess up front.

Funt Solo

Not a "conspiracy theory", but an actual conspiracy, laid bare by Channel 4 News over the past couple of days, about the Republican party's data-driven method of suppressing undesirable (usually black) voters, with the assistance of Cambridge Analytica, which means with the assistance of Facebook's (highly secretive) targeted advertising model.

If only we could gather up all the energy being spent on hoaxes like "Bill Gates is a Lizard" and "Radio Signals give you Covid" and "Covid is a lie" and redirect them into some ire about the fact that there is a real conspiracy where those in charge got there by deliberately brainwashing the populace and enacting policies that make it difficult for them to vote.

Revealed: Trump campaign strategy to deter millions of Black Americans from voting in 2016

How Trump campaign targets millions of white voters – and activates fears over rioting


Meanwhile, in Britain, the government adopts special powers during an emergency without parliamentary oversight, and makes plans to ship undesirables to a remote island half way around the world.

Well, that doesn't remind me of anything. (Like the Reichstag Fire or the Madagascar Plan.) The only thing I can't figure out is who the players are - seems like Boris is more Hermann Goring to Dominic Cummings' Himmler. I suppose these days you don't really need a Hitler. Although, there's always Rees-Mogg. He has a suitable streak of psychopathy.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


It's all in plain sight, too, with enough of the masses cheering these arseholes on. If nothing else, it showcases how horribly broken majoritarian democracy is, where a party can secure about a third of the vote and yet have fully working majorities to do as it sees fit.


Farage now says the UK should never have signed the Brexit deal.
Now, more than ever:

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Is it true? Has Christmas come early? It has! The Orange Ogre has COVID-19! This world may not have much justice in it, but it sure has a sense of humour.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 02 October, 2020, 09:01:15 AM
Is it true? Has Christmas come early? It has! The Orange Ogre has COVID-19! This world may not have much justice in it, but it sure has a sense of humour.


The early reports indicate that on Wednesday, his aide tested positive, and that they had been on Air Force 1 together. Rather than isolate, he flew off on a campaign rally and, by all accounts, the only reason his diagnosis was made public was because it was leaked to the press.

What an utter, utter piece of human shite.


Seems to be true alright.  Johnson, Bolsonaro and now Trump.  My only worry is that the man with access to the best healthcare money can buy will use it as a political gambit to show how easy it to beat.

EDIT - Also, I really hope that he hasn't shouted his filthy germs all over Joe 'not perfect but not Trump' Biden.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"