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Grant Morrison to write a "Rogue Trooper" script...?

Started by El Spurioso, 03 October, 2011, 01:35:33 PM

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El Spurioso

Quoth Rich Johnston, over at Bleedingcool:

QuoteHidden in a piece for the Daily Record, comes the news that after Grant Morrison has finished writing the DinoGsaurs Vs Aliens movie for Barry Sonnenfied, he'll be writing a movie based on the 2000AD comic character created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons in 1982, Rogue Trooper.

The lead character, Rogue, is a futuristic gentically modified soldier grown as much as he is trained into the role, acccompanied by three sentient computers, each with the personality of a different, deceased soldier. These are manifest as his gun, backpack and helmet.

After Judge Dredd, Rogue is probably 2000AD's most popular character. I can hear Simon Pegg screaming at this moment, desperare for a part.

However the odds are that Sam Wothington wll be up for the role, as it his his company that is working on the project – Full Clip Production, who were previously attached to comics-to-film project, Damaged and Last Days Of American Crime. Will he go back in the blue?


Ooooh, bloody hell! This might be good. I can see Sam Worthington as Rogue as well. And Grant Morrison on script duties? Is this all too good to be true?

Who wants to bet that Helm, Gunnar and Bagman will be renamed something less silly.

A nice, self contained 'hunt the traitor General' story would work a treat.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...



Who wants to bet that Helm, Gunnar and Bagman will be renamed something less silly.

These names have always worked if you imagine that they got them AFTER they died.

Did you know Christ was a werewolf?

James Stacey


I'll file this under 'believe it when its at the multiplex' i reckon, but i'd love it to happen. Sam worthington would be perfect for rogue (as long as they make him blue in post, not paint him so he has pink bits around his eyes and in his mouth). It's been a long time since harley cockliss was apparently on the marks to make this. Woo, good news.



Hells yeah! Would love to see this done as a sort of Mad Max meets Saving Private Ryan job. Worthington? Yup, he'll do thank you.


Quote from: Misanthrope on 03 October, 2011, 02:10:34 PM

Who wants to bet that Helm, Gunnar and Bagman will be renamed something less silly.

These names have always worked if you imagine that they got them AFTER they died.

I always thought that was the case - was surprised to see how seriously attempts were made to explain them in the Rogue Trooper game tie-in novel!

Would make a great movie, though - and surely a Strontium Dog one couldn't be to far behind if this made it to the screen?


I'm guessing Bleeding cool meant Strontium Dog when the referenced Simon Pegg for a role.

A Rogue Trooper movie would be cool-let's hope Duncan Jones gets a look-in as director.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


DDT did a job on me

Leigh S

The names arent that daft if you consider it as a sensible way of assigning each potential dead GI his preferred slot.  They are trained to specialise in using the features of each bit of kit.  They probably operate in 4 man teams, with a spare or "rogue" 4th member who can fit into any role for flexibility.

You can see the genies now giving out the names half jokingly, half practically as each new clone popped.


I can see Rogue Trooper making a brilliant movie!

Have to confess, I'm pretty lukewarm to it as a comic. My lst encounter with Rogue was (deep gasp) in hos Playstation 2 game, which was an insane amount of fun.

If they could put THAT on screen, I'd give 'em my money.
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!

I, Cosh

Quote from: BleedingcoolAfter Judge Dredd, Rogue is probably 2000AD's most popular character.
Eh? I know we all have different tastes here but, seriously? He wouldn't make my top ten.

In the interests of pointless speculation I'll add that I can't really see a Rogue film being any better than Universal Soldier.
We never really die.


Quote from: The Cosh on 03 October, 2011, 10:41:02 PMIn the interests of pointless speculation I'll add that I can't really see a Rogue film being any better than Universal Soldier.

Why not?


Quote from: The Cosh on 03 October, 2011, 10:41:02 PM
Quote from: BleedingcoolAfter Judge Dredd, Rogue is probably 2000AD's most popular character.
Eh? I know we all have different tastes here but, seriously? He wouldn't make my top ten.

In the interests of pointless speculation I'll add that I can't really see a Rogue film being any better than Universal Soldier.

Or any worse for that matter and probably a hell of a lot better considering the writing talent.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"