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New 2000AD artwork for Sale on Comic Artfans

Started by Sideshow Bob, 14 May, 2013, 01:01:32 AM

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Sideshow Bob

Hi Guys,
My brother has some new artwork for sale on ComicArtFans with 'reduced' prices...Several pieces that I've not seen before,  so definitely worth checking out...A couple of B/W pieces and a great Greg Staples 'bargain'...
Artists this time include..
Carl Critchlow..Prog 829 Page 5 from 1993 for £500.. ( featuring Tap Tax bandits on Dredds' birthday ).
Peter Doherty..Prog 793, Page 2 25th July 1992 for £600..( featuring Sadu, Johhny Alpha and Dredd ).
Greg Staples ( 2 pieces for £600 )..Programme 1004 Page 32 from August 1996...This is for 2 pieces..the original Pen and Ink piece and the photocopied piece which Grg Staples then painted...
Jim Baikie..Black and White Prog 546, Page 18 31st October 1987 for £500 ( featuring Chopper !! ).
Peter Doherty for £250...Dredd the Megazine Number 24, Page 6 1992 - 1993 ( Mechanismo ).

Go on have a look....If you don't want to buy, at least you've seen some classic artwork....Prices are on all pieces that are for sale !!

Please click onto the 'World' below my Mongrol avator and it'll take you to the Gallery. as I can't get the other link to work..
" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :

Sideshow Bob

OK...Will try this link again... ::)

If you see anything in the Gallery that you fancy, drop me a pm or reply here and I'll speak to my brother and get back to you ASAP..

" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :

Link Prime

Some nice pages Bob.
I'm unfortunately skint!

Sideshow Bob

Yeah, I can understand that Link Prime....

Unfortunately, so is my brother and thats' the reason he's selling some of his artwork.....If I had the cash, I'd be buying a couple of his pieces myself, ( I absolutely love his Ernie Colon B/W piece of Dredd with a certain Mrs Thatcher being 'judged' ), but I've spent some money on getting a 'commission' done from one of our forum members as well......He's not an 'official' 2000AD artist but he is a damm fine one, and am just waiting for this to arrive.....the 'Subject matter' is very difficult to get hold of, well I've never managed to get a piece of it anyway, thought I would go for an original just especially for myself.... :-X
Will stick it up on CAF and also on here when it does arrive..

" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :


Quote from: Sideshow Bob on 14 May, 2013, 01:07:44 PM
Yeah, I can understand that Link Prime....

Unfortunately, so is my brother and thats' the reason he's selling some of his artwork.....If I had the cash, I'd be buying a couple of his pieces myself, ( I absolutely love his Ernie Colon B/W piece of Dredd with a certain Mrs Thatcher being 'judged' ), but I've spent some money on getting a 'commission' done from one of our forum members as well......He's not an 'official' 2000AD artist but he is a damm fine one, and am just waiting for this to arrive.....the 'Subject matter' is very difficult to get hold of, well I've never managed to get a piece of it anyway, thought I would go for an original just especially for myself.... :-X
Will stick it up on CAF and also on here when it does arrive..




Quote from: Sideshow Bob on 14 May, 2013, 01:18:21 AM
OK...Will try this link again... ::)

If you see anything in the Gallery that you fancy, drop me a pm or reply here and I'll speak to my brother and get back to you ASAP..


I know what page id love...

Sideshow Bob

Yeah, I can probably guess what piece that is Judge Jack  .. :lol:
I suppose if you had a 'spare' £5,000 just kicking around you might be tempted ??...

Having said that if I had a 'spare' £5,000 kicking around to spend on artwork.....I wouldn't buy it, as I don't like it all that much....It's good...oh yeah, it's very very good, but not a favourite of mine..... :|

I suppose it's all about what means something to you....that's one of the reasons art collecting can be so frustrating sometimes...You end up with a piece that you've wanted for ages...and you love it...and other folk go.." it's ok I suppose"... :lol:
" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :


Quote from: Judge Jack on 14 May, 2013, 05:28:36 PM
Quote from: Sideshow Bob on 14 May, 2013, 01:18:21 AM
OK...Will try this link again... ::)

If you see anything in the Gallery that you fancy, drop me a pm or reply here and I'll speak to my brother and get back to you ASAP..


I know what page id love...

Yeah, we know too. :D

If I had that, I'd have to send it back to Mick and see if he'd paint the badge the proper colour, though. :lol:


Quote from: ming on 14 May, 2013, 06:43:17 PM
If I had that, I'd have to send it back to Mick and see if he'd paint the badge the proper colour, though. :lol:

Now there's an idea. (Along with my PinBoing pages that feature 'yellow' arm pads).

Just been looking at the additional photos again  Bob, and to see it close up, it almost has a 'pastel' vibe to its colouring. Slightly unusual, but i like it.
And i was hoping that 5K was a typo. So its not?  ;)

That Doherty Dredd/Alpha page is tops, i think. Like you im spent up due to art, but maybe in a Month (or two???)

Sideshow Bob

Judge Jack
Yeah, it has an almost a 'pastel' type vibe to it...But having said that it's in Watercolour,  and I always think thats' always got more of a 'mellowish' look to it....whereas I think that acrylic tends to be a 'sharper' colouring....It's great artwork though !!!

Unfortunately NO...As you well know, it's NOT a 'typo'   :D....and although steep, I'm afraid he'll keep it, before letting it go for much less than that....It's taken me a while to get him to reduce his other prices anyway, but  I know he won't reduce this one much more !!...

For me anyway, out of the recent lot,  I like the Greg Staples Pen and Ink and the painted piece together for £600,  and think thats' not too bad a deal for anyone......But things are tight all over so he'll just have to wait and see...
" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :


Is this really what people are paying for these type of pages these days?

I don't want to moan but some of those pages aren't the best.

Although I wish him all the best selling them!

Confused (but now worried about the insurance limit!) dot com
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]

Sideshow Bob

I'm afraid that's 'more or less' about what some pages are going for at the moment....Have a look on eBay or ComicArtFans or some other sites mentioned in this forum, and see the range of prices for Artwork.....
As for " some of them aren't the best"....well, you are entitled to your opinion...I'm sure others' may disagree, ( or agree ) and that's what makes this such a great place...

As so often has been said on this forum before......Artwork is incredibly subjective and prices are based on what the artwork is 'worth' to you and what you are prepared to pay for it......Some people are prepared to pay more for a piece that has some form of 'value' to it a memory, the first page that frightened them, the first comic they read,  'whatever'....Some people prefer Black and White artwork and some B/W pieces go for more than a relatively 'newer' colour piece would go for......Some people want Artwork by a certain artist and others don't.....It's all subjective I'm afraid.....

When asked, I usually try to put it into some form of perspective by the following.....My wife doesn't like my artwork, and considers it 'comic book nonsense'....That's OK as it's her opinion....BUT ...She happily paid £300 for a very nice picture from John Lewis to hang in our living room....This was a 'limited' edition print...( 1 of 2000 ) for £300......Seriously 1 of 2000 !!!
When you consider the artwork for sale here is totally original, ( ie a 'one off' and there will never be another one like it ), is about 20 years old, has been published in 2000AD or Megazine, and is by one of 2000AD finest artists ( and there have been many fine artists ) what value should you put on it by comparison ??...

As has been said's all relative.... :D
Ps : If you've got Artwork,  I would definitely check your Insurance to make sure you are properly covered !!
" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :


Quote from: Sideshow Bob on 15 May, 2013, 12:49:10 AM
Ps : If you've got Artwork,  I would definitely check your Insurance to make sure you are properly covered !!

Bugger!  :-\


Quote from: hippynumber1 on 15 May, 2013, 09:43:28 AM
Quote from: Sideshow Bob on 15 May, 2013, 12:49:10 AM
Ps : If you've got Artwork,  I would definitely check your Insurance to make sure you are properly covered !!

Bugger!  :-\

Insurance assessment fella: "It can't be worth that much, they printed it on bog paper!"


Sideshow Bob

Bugger ! ::)...Right enough Mark !!  :D,

With all the fabulous new artwork you've been showing us all recently, I reckon you will definitely need to have a look at your Insurance details..... :D
I mean, all that astonishing Nemesis artwork........hears the distant sound of Mark phoning Insurance Company.. :lol:

Seriously though, I contacted my Insurance Company regarding a 'Rory Gallagher Fender Custom Shop' guitar that I bought, and when he saw it said...." but it's an old 'beat up looking' guitar.  Wasted the next ten minututes explaining it was purposely 'aged / weathered' to look like it had years of 'wear and tear'....Don't think he was convinced until I showed him the receipt... :D
" This is absolutely NO PLACE for a lover of Food, Fine Wine and the Librettos of RODGERS and HAMMERSTEIN "......Devlin Waugh.

My Comic Art Fans Gallery :